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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

you can say just by the photo that older generations were much tougher...no fancy haircuts and glasses and everybody wearing helmets
It has nothing to do with generation.
Different times, different alliances, different strategies.
Turks lost close to 500 soldiers kia, a warship some fighter jets. Do you want 1st commando brigade airdrop on afrin hills and lose same number of men and material in 2018?
Your strategy in afrin works however slow it is.
Erdogan gave KRG everything and then Barzani turned around and took a large sh!t on erdogan by declaring a referendum for independance and erdogan could do nothing.
That is one way of looking at it, but here's another way:
As long as barzani was on the good side of Turkey they were prospering. They were almost like another gulf oil-rich state, right in the middle of a mess. Iraq couldn't do anything, absolutely anything despite barking 24/7. Neither could Iran or anyone else. The day they crossed Turkey and bit the hand that fed them Turkey stopped protecting Barzani, Iraq retook kirkuk, all international flights to KRG are banned, oil exports of the regional government have stopped. KRG turned from Dubai to zimbabwe overnight. And last but not least, Barzani stepped down.

In Syria, Erdogan told the Ypg/pkk to not cross the river but they did and took Manjib right under Turkey's nose. Now that ypg/pkk control most of the border and Turkey cant do anything because of US protection
Yes, Turkey did say that. But Turkey is a reasonable country. It doesn't incessantly insist on things when there are more important things. Manbij was under ISIS control and US gave solid promises that once Manbij is captured YPG would retreat. And since at least until that time we were allies with the US we trusted them. Our only fault there was trusting an unreliable ally. Now that we see the real face of the US that won't be happening any time soon unless US shows some solid steps towards fulfilling their promises.

It wont make much of a difference since they will continue to control most of the border and those in Afrin will just move their base to areas that are under US protection
Afrin is a huge swathe of strategic land through which YPG has launched more than 700 attacks into Turkey since they captured the territory. It may not make a difference to you, but for us it makes all the difference.
Yes, Turkey did say that. But Turkey is a reasonable country. It doesn't incessantly insist on things when there are more important things. Manbij was under ISIS control and US gave solid promises that once Manbij is captured YPG would retreat. And since at least until that time we were allies with the US we trusted them. Our only fault there was trusting an unreliable ally. Now that we see the real face of the US that won't be happening any time soon unless US shows some solid steps towards fulfilling their promises.

Correction: the only person who promised you manbij was joe biden. No one else. Now you have to deal with a different administration. That’s the beauty of democracy. Presidents come and go unlike dictators who usurp power or play silly creative game president first term premier minister second term
It is not just conducting an operation, what makes us proud about our army is way more than that. Turkish army is the only army with dignity and humanity in the Syrian theater atm. Let me explain why with some examples:
  1. US & It's militants: YPG, the ground force of the US in Syria employs child soldiers, bombs civilians in Turkey and elsewhere, performs suicide attacks, cuts deals with IS to let them out with no strings attached just to grab some more land, pushes entire ethnic groups out of their habitats in a deliberate act of ethnic cleansing.
  2. Russia: Bombs civilian houses and city centers with barrel bombs, when other people come there to help the injured, russia bombs them again for maximum effect. Helps a ruthless dictator stay in power just to ensure an ally in ME.
  3. Assad: Regime forces literally throw chemical weapons at their own people, what more could I say about this?
  4. Iran: Helps a ruthless dictator stay in power just to ensure an ally in ME, Uses the name of religion and a little survival money to make poor afghan shias fight against sunnis and calls it jihad. Not only this is a cowardly act, but it also destabilizes the whole region in the name of shia-sunni fights.
  5. Australia, France, Germany and others: Literally sucking american ba**s 24/7
But what does Turkey do? Turkey is so careful about loss of civilian lives that it allows for some losses of soldier life so that more civilians won't be harmed. And mind you, these are not any civilians but Kurdish people. All the while people like you claim that "Turkey is against Kurds" or "Turkey claims Kurds are terrorists".
So again, it is not the just the outstanding pace and success of this mission, but the way it is carried out that makes us proud.

Russia doesn't use barel bombs nor does it even have any in inventory, nor do they purposely "bomb civilians". Russian and Syrian soldiers were actually bombed with chlorine gas in Aleppo by those wounderful "rebels", those "rebels" also shelled civilians areas controlled by the government for years while the western media ignored those inconvenient facts.

Watch the Saudi Coalition casualities in Yemen, and enjoy it!
9 Aircrafts
20 M1A2 Abrams
12 Helicopters
And over 1200 Soldiers lost their life

And the Houthis ~300

Pity that i can't Punch someone through my Display...

He is not even Saudi and the Saudi coalition actually lost over 900 pieces of military equipment in Yemen.

The guy just expressed his opinion, I don't know why Turks in this forum are so touchy. He is right, Turkey has suffered a fair amount of casualties considering they have thousands of "rebels" as well as artillery and aircraft spearheading the operation.
Trend Line for Neutralised (Killed, Wounded & Captured) terrorists in Afrin
Russia doesn't use barel bombs nor does it even have any in inventory, nor do they purposely "bomb civilians". Russian and Syrian soldiers were actually bombed with chlorine gas in Aleppo by those wounderful "rebels", those "rebels" also shelled civilians areas controlled by the government for years while the western media ignored those inconvenient facts.

He is not even Saudi and the Saudi coalition actually lost over 900 pieces of military equipment in Yemen.

The guy just expressed his opinion, I don't know why Turks in this forum are so touchy. He is right, Turkey has suffered a fair amount of casualties considering they have thousands of "rebels" as well as artillery and aircraft spearheading the operation.

One word... LOL
One word... LOL

Show me 1 video where Russian Air Force pilots use "barel bombs".

You should be laughing at your stupidity.

The rest of what I said is 100% varifiable, even a few western journalists reported it. Syrian forces must just be gassing Syrian controlled areas and killing their own soldiers for fun.

Government held Allepo was shelled for years and after Allepo was recaptured entire warehouses of the famous 'Hell canons' and many other weapons were filmed and photographed.
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Why dont they strike this hospital? Us, russia doing the same
Does behaving like Ibliss will make you different than Ibliss?

"Whatever you may do... Allah will give you back a 100 Times more..."

Show me 1 video where Russian Air Force pilots use "barel bombs".

You should be laughing at your stupidity.

The rest of what I said is 100% varifiable, even a few western journalists reported it. Syrian forces must just be gassing Syrian controlled areas and killing their own soldiers for fun.

Government held Allepo was shelled for years and after Allepo was recaptured entire warehouses of the famous 'Hell canons' and many other weapons were filmed and photographed.

I can give a hundred...but it doesn't matter... you were, is and will still be blind to it...

That's what we call Ignorance.
Can someone describe to us the difference between JOH and POH? It appears as though they have different uniforms, is one part of the Army and the other Police?
Can someone describe to us the difference between JOH and POH? It appears as though they have different uniforms, is one part of the Army and the other Police?

POH is police sperical forces and JOH is of the Gendarmie. They are both skilled with urban warfare, ther is no better in the world, for 40 years they are active with urban warfare, JOH is part of the army.
Russia doesn't use barel bombs nor does it even have any in inventory, nor do they purposely "bomb civilians". Russian and Syrian soldiers were actually bombed with chlorine gas in Aleppo by those wounderful "rebels", those "rebels" also shelled civilians areas controlled by the government for years while the western media ignored those inconvenient facts.
He is not even Saudi and the Saudi coalition actually lost over 900 pieces of military equipment in Yemen.

The guy just expressed his opinion, I don't know why Turks in this forum are so touchy. He is right, Turkey has suffered a fair amount of casualties considering they have thousands of "rebels" as well as artillery and aircraft spearheading the operation.

You have high probably not informed well about Russian ''war doctrine'' along with propaganda ways and tools like Ruptly in Syria.

It is in my list to open a thread about it, which will put you in a shock-denial mood for sure.

In short, to not go off-topic please.
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