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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Well then, are any gains being made in this operation? It's plain to me Turkey is making the same mistake which Saudis made in Yemen. I advise to pull out before you get entangled in an unnecessary mess.
Over 2000 terrorists neautralised.
Well then, are any gains being made in this operation? It's plain to me Turkey is making the same mistake which Saudis made in Yemen. I advise to pull out before you get entangled in an unnecessary mess.
There is a saying in Turkish that goes:
"He has an opinion but not a brain"
You are a classical example of this saying. You have absolutely no idea what is going on in Syria or Yemen, otherwise you wouldn't make that comparison. Go educate yourself before expressing opinions.
We do not stop when our brothers fall. This is not a reaso to stop, this is a reason to go forward!

This is not about kurds, we are not fighting against kurds. This is a turkish-american war.

Kurds are not relevent here. If US did not use kurds we would be fighting against another party. This is about jeostrategic moves of west at west-asia. US is trying to control the energy sources because this is their only card against china.

usa play as an agitator here




Turkish snipers.




Why are some Turks here acting so tough suddenly because of one tiny operation against Afrin? Anyone can bomb Syria, the whole world is bombing Syria, the fact that Turkey is bombing only Afrin shows that Erdogan is only doing this to help is fragile broken ego due to his many embarrassing failures as a president. Pkk/Ypg control majority of the border of Syria and Turkey (Hasaka,Manbij,Kobane ect) and there is nothing Turkey can do about it. Turkey couldnt even stop ypg/pkk terrorists from crossing the river and going to Manbij because they got scared by the US. Other than Tiny Afrin, Turkey doesnt have the guts to clear its border from ypg/pkk because the US is protecting them.
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Pkk/Ypg control majority of the border of Syria and Turkey (Hasaka,Manbij,Kobane ect) and there is nothing Turkey can do about it.

We entered everywhere we said that we will. And lots of acting expert users here like you ate their own sh1t. Why doesn't Papa America protect their dogs in Afrin ?
Why is he allowed to spew crap about our soldiers and nation? @cabatli_53
Where did I say anything about Turkish soldiers???, im talking about some Turkish members on pdf and I dont mean Turkey, I mean Erdogans government

We entered everywhere we said that we will. And lots of acting expert users here like you ate their own sh1t. Why doesn't Papa America protect their dogs in Afrin ?
Did Turkey enter Manbij?? no, so you didnt enter everywhere you said you were, and to your second part, America has no influence over Afrin, its Russia, Infact you are doing Papa America's job decreasing Russian influence in the Region. Ill eat my own shit if you actually attack the ypg/pkk terrorists that are not in Afrin but under US protection but you wont
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Why are some Turks here acting so tough suddenly because of one tiny operation against Afrin? Anyone can bomb Syria, the whole world is bombing Syria, the fact that Turkey is bombing only Afrin shows that Erdogan is only doing this to help is fragile broken ego due to his many embarrassing failures as a president. Pkk/Ypg control majority of the border of Syria and Turkey (Hasaka,Manbij,Kobane ect) and there is nothing Turkey can do about it. Turkey couldnt even stop ypg/pkk terrorists from crossing the river and going to Manbij because they got scared by the US. Other than Tiny Afrin, Turkey doesnt have the guts to clear its border from ypg/pkk because the US is protecting them.

l like how every one of these foreign comments neglects the Kurdish aggression against Turkey...

Beside the point, Afrin is the birthplace of PKK's Syrian wing and the place where they recruited and attacked Turkish border towns for nearly 30 years. This is one of many goals of Afrin operation and its importance.

Kurds still control Manbij yeah but that's because of FSA incompetence, if they had enough manpower last year during Euphrates Shield OP we would've overrun the city. But don't worry though Manbij will fall into FSA hands until this year ends.

East of the Euphrates will also eventually be taken back especially towns like Tel-Abyad where Arabs hold the majority.

Turkish bureaucracy is slow, nonetheless, it solves its problems even under bad conditions.

Cyprus operation was supposed to happen in 1964 but because of the Americans and lack of self-defense products the operation was delayed for 10 years.

But in 1974, that's how it ended:




Happy end ;)

What would happen if Turkey sealed off the Bosporus Strait to Russian vessels? If Turkey did that then I would acknowledge it as a true superpower
Why are some Turks here acting so tough suddenly because of one tiny operation against Afrin? Anyone can bomb Syria, the whole world is bombing Syria, the fact that Turkey is bombing only Afrin shows that Erdogan is only doing this to help is fragile broken ego due to his many embarrassing failures as a president. Pkk/Ypg control majority of the border of Syria and Turkey (Hasaka,Manbij,Kobane ect) and there is nothing Turkey can do about it. Turkey couldnt even stop ypg/pkk terrorists from crossing the river and going to Manbij because they got scared by the US. Other than Tiny Afrin, Turkey doesnt have the guts to clear its border from ypg/pkk because the US is protecting them.
It is not just conducting an operation, what makes us proud about our army is way more than that. Turkish army is the only army with dignity and humanity in the Syrian theater atm. Let me explain why with some examples:
  1. US & It's militants: YPG, the ground force of the US in Syria employs child soldiers, bombs civilians in Turkey and elsewhere, performs suicide attacks, cuts deals with IS to let them out with no strings attached just to grab some more land, pushes entire ethnic groups out of their habitats in a deliberate act of ethnic cleansing.
  2. Russia: Bombs civilian houses and city centers with barrel bombs, when other people come there to help the injured, russia bombs them again for maximum effect. Helps a ruthless dictator stay in power just to ensure an ally in ME.
  3. Assad: Regime forces literally throw chemical weapons at their own people, what more could I say about this?
  4. Iran: Helps a ruthless dictator stay in power just to ensure an ally in ME, Uses the name of religion and a little survival money to make poor afghan shias fight against sunnis and calls it jihad. Not only this is a cowardly act, but it also destabilizes the whole region in the name of shia-sunni fights.
  5. Australia, France, Germany and others: Literally sucking american ba**s 24/7
But what does Turkey do? Turkey is so careful about loss of civilian lives that it allows for some losses of soldier life so that more civilians won't be harmed. And mind you, these are not any civilians but Kurdish people. All the while people like you claim that "Turkey is against Kurds" or "Turkey claims Kurds are terrorists".
So again, it is not the just the outstanding pace and success of this mission, but the way it is carried out that makes us proud.
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