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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

My Post about CAS was regarding the Airforce, not the Army ! The T-129 B1 Model does lack some self Protection and EW Capabillity which will be Standard by the B2 Model. Here is the Threat of risking our brand new T-129 and their Crews getting shot down by Manpads from ISIS.

I understand your concerns, but you know that T-129 can fly above of the manpad range. If T-129 just hovers above manpad range and use it's cirit missiles, it could be game changer.
I really feel like we won't take over Al-Bab at all and it's going to come to a stalemate when SAA reaches Al-bab in a few weeks. It will probably be handed over to SAA.

Who knows though, unless we can fix some issues and attack with proper commanding then we might have a chance of taking it before SAA gets there.
I really feel like we won't take over Al-Bab at all and it's going to come to a stalemate when SAA reaches Al-bab in a few weeks. It will probably be handed over to SAA.

Who knows though, unless we can fix some issues and attack with proper commanding then we might have a chance of taking it before SAA gets there.

Taking and than what? United nations will call Turkey as Invader. This was the plan from the beginning of Zionists to Lure into Syrian trap.

The lust for Power of Erdogan is enourmos. Westerners playing him like a dumb fool which he is.

Obama and Trump both are Illuminati Agentur Agents. They follow the commands of the elders of Zion to dismantle Turkey. First they destroyed your Unity, Armed Forces Command structure and economy, now they will Lure Turkey into a huge war like they did with Saddam.

Your dumbnut Erdogan gives 4 Million syrian terrorists turkish nationality. So they can better hide in Turkey with their Daesh, YPG Terror cells.
Syrian army took several towns and high grounds south of Al-Bab and now control the Isis supply lines into Al-Bab.
Syrian army took several towns and high grounds south of Al-Bab and now control the Isis supply lines into Al-Bab.

Good news. As Erdoğan said before, Turkey won't push deeper inside Syria after capturing Al Bab otherwise Russia wouldn't support Turkey around Al Bab in the first place. It's also suspicious that the Turkish government isn't mentioning Assad's territorial gains south to Al Bab at all.

I do believe that this rational and more realistic approach is the right path for Turkey in Syria. After Al Bab is liberated our fight against ISIS will be finished to a great extent.

Another thing is that the Syrian Army headed towards the main supply routs of ISIS first instead of rushing towards Al Bab to capture it before the Turkish backed FSA units enter the town. In other words: the Syrian Army is effectively supporting the ongoing Turkish operation around Al Bab. Crazy how things suddenly change.

Without any interference of DAESH there is no chance that PKK/PYD forces can withstand a Turkish & FSA coordinated attack. It seems that finally Mr. Erdogan gets his act together.

I understand your concerns, but you know that T-129 can fly above of the manpad range. If T-129 just hovers above manpad range and use it's cirit missiles, it could be game changer.

For this Role AC-130 or Reaper like Drones are more suitable than T-129, even F-16 fullfill this Role better. Attack Helicopters can provide direct close Support which could also include Gunfire Support, especialy in an Urban Envirement is Situational Awareness the Key. You have no situational awarenees when you fly with an Attack Helicopter in 3000 Meter above the Ground or in a Distance of 5 - 8 km Away from the Insurgent to launch APKWS.
You have no situational awarenees when you fly with an Attack Helicopter in 3000 Meter above the Ground

Come on, just dont go with that. Aselflir 300T is far way enough to give you enough situational awareness you need at 3km altitute, than one F16 that flies mach3 speed above 10+km, hit the target, and go back to it's airbase.

At least you can detect any moving target that is bigger than toyota pickup, including IS SVBIEDS. 3 T-129 could be easily game changer with their Cirit missiles.
Key Daesh bastion in northern Syria, al-Bab effectively under siege
Published 7 hours ago

Free Syrian Army fighters wait at a checkpoint near the town of Azaz as refugees from al-Bab are fleeing from the town, on Feb. 06, 2017. (AA Photo)
With the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army's (FSA) forces pushing from the east and the north, and Assad regime forces' advancing from the southeast, the key northern Syrian town of al-Bab has effectively been put under siege.

Advancing Assad regime forces took control of a village and a few positions overlooking the only road connecting al-Bab with Daesh-controlled territory in the southeast on Sunday. The regime forces edged closer to the town itself, which is the last remaining Daesh bastion in Aleppo province. They are approximately five kilometers away from the town's southern edges.

"Regime forces have advanced and seized Owaisheh, a village east of al-Bab," reported the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitor.

"They are hundreds of meters away from the only route that Daesh uses to access the territory further east," Rami Abdel Rahman, head of the observatory, said.


Source: syria.liveuamap.com

The regime forces were backed by fighters from the Lebanese Shiite movement Hezbollah and by Russian artillery, he added.
Meanwhile, the Turkish-backed FSA has been fighting on the northern and western outskirts of the town since late December, but Daesh's control over the nearby towns of Qabasin and Bzagah has hindered their advancement.

Located some 25 kilometers (15.5 miles) to the south of Turkey's southern border, al-Bab is seen as a prize by nearly all sides in Syria's multifaceted war.
ISIS news agency is reporting that 10 Turkish soldiers have been killed in a SVBIED attack. Lets hope its not true.
ISIS news agency is reporting that 10 Turkish soldiers have been killed in a SVBIED attack. Lets hope its not true.

I can't find anything, although there are claims that FSA fighters are fleeing east of Bzaah.
Come on, just dont go with that. Aselflir 300T is far way enough to give you enough situational awareness you need at 3km altitute, than one F16 that flies mach3 speed above 10+km, hit the target, and go back to it's airbase.

At least you can detect any moving target that is bigger than toyota pickup, including IS SVBIEDS. 3 T-129 could be easily game changer with their Cirit missiles.

These Gun Camera Videos from Apaches show how effective the Gun will be against Pick Ups and groups of Insurgents.

Funny how ISIS only attacks "Assads troops" lightly while attacking FSA and our troops with everything they have.

Funny how they say they fight against iran and shiites but have killed only sunnites and never attack iran directly.

Funny how they start attacking rebels from one front the moment "assads troops" attack them from one front but never attack each other.

Funny how assad call rebels terrorists but lets ISIS take airbases.

Funny indeed isn't it?
Funny how ISIS only attacks "Assads troops" lightly while attacking FSA and our troops with everything they have.

Funny how they say they fight against iran and shiites but have killed only sunnites and never attack iran directly.

Funny how they start attacking rebels from one front the moment "assads troops" attack them from one front but never attack each other.

Funny how assad call rebels terrorists but lets ISIS take airbases.

Funny indeed isn't it?

Your full of sh*t, i'm not defending Assad or the Iraqi's, but these Daesh fucks do know how to fight, and they do use plenty of weapons not just against ES fighters, but also against the Assad regime and Iraqi forces.

Assad regime sees both the FSA rebels and Daesh scum as terrorist (understandable). Furthermore you claim that Assad lets Daesh take airbases, what?. Ever seen the amount of ATGM's and SVBIED's used by these Daesh scums to take those airbases. IDK about you guys, but we should stop pointing the finger towards the Assad regime, we have 2 common enemy, Daesh and the Kurds (YPG/PKK, fucking subhuman shits).
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