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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Plenty of nonsense in here. If TR military killed as many ISIS fighters as Assad or his allies, we would be setting up a police force in Al bab and reopening schools already. Stop talking shit. SAA has fought ISIS far more than our military has end of story.

On top of that, isnt it a bit ironic to accuse the SAA or Iran of helping ISIS when our very own MIT was shipping them weapons and our countries businessmen were buying oil from them. Our very own tanks are getting blown up by TOWs in ISIS hands that the scumbags in MIT shipped into Syria for years without caring who gets them.

Cut the shit lads, the most idiotic thing we can do is sit here, as Turks, and accuse the SAA of being pro ISIS. Our nation has plenty of shit on its boot in the name of being a US ally.
I have no love for Syria. ISIS was born yesterday, Kurdish-terrorists weren't. Syria is the birthplace of Kurdish-terrorists. I think you've ignored the Kurdish element when criticizing Turkeys actions...
On top of that, isnt it a bit ironic to accuse the SAA or Iran of helping ISIS when our very own MIT was shipping them weapons and our countries businessmen were buying oil from them. Our very own tanks are getting blown up by TOWs in ISIS hands that the scumbags in MIT shipped into Syria for years without caring who gets them.
Orayi karistirmazsak daha iyi olur,millete rest cektik ama aramizdan birisi itiraf ederse,neye yarar o rest?
Adamlara malzeme vermis oluyoruz.
Plenty of nonsense in here. If TR military killed as many ISIS fighters as Assad or his allies, we would be setting up a police force in Al bab and reopening schools already. Stop talking shit. SAA has fought ISIS far more than our military has end of story.

On top of that, isnt it a bit ironic to accuse the SAA or Iran of helping ISIS when our very own MIT was shipping them weapons and our countries businessmen were buying oil from them. Our very own tanks are getting blown up by TOWs in ISIS hands that the scumbags in MIT shipped into Syria for years without caring who gets them.

Cut the shit lads, the most idiotic thing we can do is sit here, as Turks, and accuse the SAA of being pro ISIS. Our nation has plenty of shit on its boot in the name of being a US ally.
yup some people in here think we are angels our goverment can do no wrong, when we are one of the biggest culprit in this fight...
The justification of Russia/Iran/Assad moves over Turkish involement in Syria needs more than hysterics in your stance.

The ISIS has relation with Iran/Syria.

Russia has link with ISIS.

True, Russia has links with Isis. Russia has dropped a lot of bombs on Isis and put a lot of them in the ground. Stop posting nonsense propaganda, you and a few other are posting nonsense that has zero evidence and can be rebuffed with counter evidence.

Russia has footage of spetsnaz killing Isis, Russia has for a year in a half has dropped bombs on Isis held territory and they have footage of that too.

Russia has even bombed Isis in Al-Bab :lol: fool.
Lately commen themes in this thread are: Masochism, ignorance, treachery, none fact base commenting, distrust, sapience, intention of trolling, etc.
Lately commen themes in this thread are: Masochism, ignorance, treachery, none fact base commenting, distrust, sapience, intention of trolling, etc.
What could be the cause of all this?
M60T with ASELSAN Sarp Remote controlled weapon station and LWR at frontal side @el Bab.
Side tracks armor - Remote weapon station and possibly automatic sensor controlled smoke curtain launchers against some type missiles. Good test bed. But we are 15 years late.
Good to see it appear so soon after RFI..

Side tracks armor - Remote weapon station and possibly automatic sensor controlled smoke curtain launchers against some type missiles. Good test bed. But we are 15 years late.

Better late than never.
How could you write this accuses ? Aren't you a retired Turkish special Forces ?

No I am not.

And they are not accusations. Do you know how many soldiers in our military were imprisoned from stopping MIT trucks loaded with ammunition and launchers going to Syria. There were even documented cases in Turkish media, as a matter of fact there is even a video of Jandarma stopping and seizing an MIT truck trying to hide weapons inside. It is not uncommon information.

MIT pumped weapons into Syria to please the US with no security of supply. They gave them to every group designated "moderate" regardless of the fact that they regularly sold them to ISIS.

MIT is responsible for Euphrates Shield FSA forces - who have been caught selling Turkish weapons and ammunition to ISIS (probably maps and tactical information too) only a couple of weeks ago around Al bab. That is not the "FSA fault" as they were not responsible. MIT is directly responsible for vetting, tracking, and monitoring. Who else can we blame ? Assad ? Russia ?

Again like I said, our national intelligence pumped arms and ammunition into Syria with no way guaranteeing where they would en up. Now they are ending up killing my brothers. And you think its Assad or Russia helps ISIS.

Get MIT and their proxies they have no control over out of this conflict, remove their jurisdiction over military intelligence and we would sweep al bab in 4 weeks.

I have no love for Syria. ISIS was born yesterday, Kurdish-terrorists weren't. Syria is the birthplace of Kurdish-terrorists. I think you've ignored the Kurdish element when criticizing Turkeys actions...

Are we fighting ISIS in Al Bab or PKK ?

There is a thread for the PKK and that is where my opinions on that lie.

The PKK have done far worse to Turkey than ISIS that is no argument. But the fact that we have been fighting PKK terror for decades does not mean I automatically have to ignore that our national intelligence service has a hand in our military losses in Euphrates Shield.

MIT has blood on its hands for what is happening to our lads in Syria deny it on the internet if you like, but you know its true.

The justification of Russia/Iran/Assad moves over Turkish involement in Syria needs more than hysterics in your stance.

The ISIS has relation with Iran/Syria.

Russia has link with ISIS.

And Turkey does not ?

You can call them hysterics. But they are facts. There are tonnes of MIT supplied equipment out of control there
No I am not.

And they are not accusations. Do you know how many soldiers in our military were imprisoned from stopping MIT trucks loaded with ammunition and launchers going to Syria. There were even documented cases in Turkish media, as a matter of fact there is even a video of Jandarma stopping and seizing an MIT truck trying to hide weapons inside. It is not uncommon information.

MIT pumped weapons into Syria to please the US with no security of supply. They gave them to every group designated "moderate" regardless of the fact that they regularly sold them to ISIS.

MIT is responsible for Euphrates Shield FSA forces - who have been caught selling Turkish weapons and ammunition to ISIS (probably maps and tactical information too) only a couple of weeks ago around Al bab. That is not the "FSA fault" as they were not responsible. MIT is directly responsible for vetting, tracking, and monitoring. Who else can we blame ? Assad ? Russia ?

Again like I said, our national intelligence pumped arms and ammunition into Syria with no way guaranteeing where they would en up. Now they are ending up killing my brothers. And you think its Assad or Russia helps ISIS.

Get MIT and their proxies they have no control over out of this conflict, remove their jurisdiction over military intelligence and we would sweep al bab in 4 weeks.

Are we fighting ISIS in Al Bab or PKK ?

There is a thread for the PKK and that is where my opinions on that lie.

The PKK have done far worse to Turkey than ISIS that is no argument. But the fact that we have been fighting PKK terror for decades does not mean I automatically have to ignore that our national intelligence service has a hand in our military losses in Euphrates Shield.

MIT has blood on its hands for what is happening to our lads in Syria deny it on the internet if you like, but you know its true.

And Turkey does not ?

You can call them hysterics. But they are facts. There are tonnes of MIT supplied equipment out of control there

The hysteria in your stance could make it a fact in your eyes, but A simple mind needs more than that to jump on a very sharp conclusion. That is what makes the difference between animals and humans, isn't it?

The theoretical and practical reference points between ISIS and Iran are nearly identical.

The Russian interests inside/outside the country make ISIS an opportunity.

I have no interests in some practices of Russia/Iran on the ground. You cannot figure out a puzzle with a single piece(a single puzzle piece) among many that make the whole picture.
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