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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

JÖH and PÖH members in Jarabulus (JÖH member with the new camouflage patterned BDU pants)
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Truck loads of weapons deliveries towards Syria have been intercepted by Gendarmerie. They were probably going to FSA but ended up in ISIS hands too (indirectly/involuntary) but they eventually did. As did American weapons or Russians.

There were reports too about FSA selling their equipment given to them by Turkey to ISIS and others too.
Truck loads of weapons deliveries towards Syria have been intercepted by Gendarmerie. They were probably going to FSA but ended up in ISIS hands too (indirectly/involuntary) but they eventually did. As did American weapons or Russians.

There were reports too about FSA selling their equipment given to them by Turkey to ISIS and others too.

Ok. That sounds credible.

Hurşit, sustum, sustum bir şey demedim ama yemin ederim üstün zekâlısın. :D

Tabii ki Çakal'ın yazdıkları saçma sapan. O silahlar genel olarak Suriyeli Türkmenler'e gönderildi. Diyelim ki o silahlar ve mühimmat gerçekten İşid'e gönderiliyordu. Hangi hak, hangi cüret ile demokratik seçilmiş bir hükümetin dış politikasına kendini bilmez asker müdahale edebilir? Beğenmiyorsan çıkar üniformayı ve siyasete atıl. Bu ne rahatlık, bu ne vurdumduymazlık? Müdahale etmiş de iyi ××k mu yemiş? Ülkenin itibari zedelenmiş kimin umrunda. . . yeter ki hükümet zarar görsün. PKK'nın mı askerisiniz siz?
#Turkish special forces get Close Air Support from F-16 fighter jets and armed drones against "Islamic State" terrorists in al-#Bab. #Syria
Truck loads of weapons deliveries towards Syria have been intercepted by Gendarmerie. They were probably going to FSA but ended up in ISIS hands too (indirectly/involuntary) but they eventually did. As did American weapons or Russians.

There were reports too about FSA selling their equipment given to them by Turkey to ISIS and others too.

I heard that most of the MIT personnel were arrested during the coup.
Plenty of nonsense in here. If TR military killed as many ISIS fighters as Assad or his allies, we would be setting up a police force in Al bab and reopening schools already. Stop talking shit. SAA has fought ISIS far more than our military has end of story.

On top of that, isnt it a bit ironic to accuse the SAA or Iran of helping ISIS when our very own MIT was shipping them weapons and our countries businessmen were buying oil from them. Our very own tanks are getting blown up by TOWs in ISIS hands that the scumbags in MIT shipped into Syria for years without caring who gets them.

Cut the shit lads, the most idiotic thing we can do is sit here, as Turks, and accuse the SAA of being pro ISIS. Our nation has plenty of shit on its boot in the name of being a US ally.

It's one thing for a Russian or some other anti-Turk to be so brainwashed, but it's quite another to see it in a supposed Turk. How sad and pathetic.
MIT is responsible for Euphrates Shield FSA forces - who have been caught selling Turkish weapons and ammunition to ISIS (probably maps and tactical information too) only a couple of weeks ago around Al bab. That is not the "FSA fault" as they were not responsible. MIT is directly responsible for vetting, tracking, and monitoring. Who else can we blame ? Assad ? Russia ?

Again like I said, our national intelligence pumped arms and ammunition into Syria with no way guaranteeing where they would en up. Now they are ending up killing my brothers. And you think its Assad or Russia helps ISIS.

Get MIT and their proxies they have no control over out of this conflict, remove their jurisdiction over military intelligence and we would sweep al bab in 4 weeks.
Who controls MIT or is MIT doing this all by itself(unrealistic)?
It's one thing for a Russian or some other anti-Turk to be so brainwashed, but it's quite another to see it in a supposed Turk. How sad and pathetic.

This is the attitude that condemns ourselves. We need to always criticize ourselves so we can improve. We can't just have one opinion mindset on this forum then it's not a discussion. You can't just say I don't agree with that so I don't want to see it. He isn't anti Turk brainwashed, if he was he wouldn't care enough come here to try and help us improve and share his opinion. Ataturk challenged the normal views too, that's how we achieved our republic today. He thinks there a problem and he wants to fix it we can't condemn him for that.
What doesnt kill you makes u stronger , isis is not going to stay forever and turks will come out as victorous and even stronger because they will be battle hardened and isis cant alone finish all turkish army there will be casualties and lessons learned from it and hence improvement for future battles

Turks learnt from.euphrate that their tanks are vulnerable to atmg hence they will make improvements and once isis is defeated pkk ypg qill be a piece of cake they cant fight like daesh
Short summary: Updated

Euphrates Shield Forces Start large escalation on isis-held Al-Bab City
Euphrates Shield forces mobilized significant resources for ongoing operations against ISIS, deploying up to 1,500 troops, F-16s and drones.
Street fighting raging inside Al-Bab between Euphrates Shield and ISIS opposing stiff resistance, after fall of West defenses (except silos).
A big Euphrates Shield operation is ongoing against IS tonight on al-Bab, Qabasin, and Bza'a fronts. Intense fighting and shelling are reported.
TSK captured the youth houses district of al-Bab. Syria
Strategic Hill of Sheikh Aqil overlooking Al-Bab tonight. Reportedly seized from ISIS by EuphratesShield forces.



Current advances of Euphrates Shield Forces


In an unusual change of tactics, reports emerge that Euphrates Shield forces have started a night operation against IS on al-Bab front, Aleppo Governorate, Syria.

Intense airstrikes

Last picture series of REUTERS

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