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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

2 martyred Türk askeri in todays evening hours. RIP. Heavy clashes , intense and only suicide type resistance of DAESH left is reported. Coordination and supply stopped. They only want to join " satans brides in hell".
First picture is a salt mine or something similar.

Yes credible. The pickup is Toyota ? ( photoshopped). Could be salt mine in Bosnia or Iran.
Genuine photo of a modern salt mine in Europe.


@T-123456 @Mucahit

Sorry, I scanned and couldn't find a credible new link. Maybe Mücahit remember the source.
I heard it in Radio after statement of Mr. Kalin .
IMHO , if Trump Gov. wants us to join Rakka op., Manbij to be included is sure.

But I believe AFRIN is too strategic for Syria, Russia and the USA and they will keep it as a JOKER against Turkey for future blackmailings .

Tomorrow after CIA directors visit we'll be better informed.
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Yes credible. The pickup is Toyota ? ( photoshopped). Could be salt mine in Bosnia or Iran.
Genuine photo of a modern salt mine in Europe.


@T-123456 @Mucahit

Sorry, I scanned and couldn't find a credible new link. Maybe Mücahit remember the source.
I heard it in Radio after statement of Mr. Kalin .
IMHO , if Trump Gov. wants us to join Rakka op., Manbij to be included is sure.

But I believe AFRIN is too strategic for Syria, Russia and the USA and they will keep it as a JOKER against Turkey for future blackmailings .

Tomorrow after CIA directors visit we'll be better informed.
No Mercedes Benz
Link Twitter

Can be found at https://twitter.com/MercedesBenz around 2016/05/07
No Mercedes Benz
Link Twitter

Can be found at https://twitter.com/MercedesBenz around 2016/05/07

No you misunderstood, the pickup in before posted message was Toyota.
I got the pic also from Mercedes WEb, reffering to salt mines Thanks

east is important dont let let them fool u

we are lucky that regime still holds qamişli and airports. Otherwise we were screwed !

Afrin is the source for Infiltration to HATAY. That's a huge problem.
Yes , SAA will for sure screw them in East Euphrat ; it's Arab soil.
Please answer my questions if I am brainwashed with propaganda ?

1) So my case is founded on the accusation that MIT armed FSA in Euphrates Shield. So are you stating the MIT has never armed the FSA in Euphrates Shield.

2) Who gave the FSA in ES operations the M240s. The FN Minimis ? The M16s ? The M2 Browning .50cals? The MKEK 6 Shot Grenade launchers?

3) Who gave the FSA Otokar ZPTs?

4) Who gave the FSA Cobras in Cerablus? And who organized the establishment of that police force ?

6) We have seen ISIS capture and use Turkish Army Otokar Cobras in Al Bab. If Our best units can lose equipment to ISIS. What makes you think the FSA cannot? Please explain why you have a belief that the FSA are a better more competent fighting force than the OKK and cannot lose the equipment they were given.

If you can answer those questions with credibility that prove it was another country or prove the FSA cannot lose their equipment then I will accept that I am wrong and I will no longer believe my friends who returned from Syria to tell to me they cannot trust the FSA as MIT has no control over them and they lose their equipment to ISIS resulting in more TR military casualties.

Yeah thats what I will do, I will tell Ufuk that he suffered a brain swelling and almost died because he was brainwashed and pathetic. Or maybe I will tell Nuri that he is blind in one eye and had his ear melted off because he was also brainwashed for telling me MITs incompetence in controlling the FSA and their donated weapons is the primary reason for our casualties in Syria. Maybe I will tell him he was wrong to tell me he had to spend 90% of his focus on babysitting the FSA to make up for MITs incompetence rather than covering his team mates backs. Yep sounds like I need to get the brainwash out of their heads so their thinking aligns with a fanboy who cant handle raw facts from the ground.

Supposedly I am the pathetic one.

When was the last time anyone saw me posting emotionally on this issue ? When did I ever blame the MIT or FSA ? To this day I have argued against blaming the FSA go back over my posts. I always said the soldiers are responsible to protect eachother. Just because the FSA are there the soldiers should not stop protecting eachother.

Get the clue. Someone told me something that pissed me off. You are sitting at your desk telling me soldiers in hospital and rehab are brainwashed, pathetic, and sad.

Pack you bags, join up, as civilians are accepted and go to Al bab and tell us yourself how my brothers lied to me.
Please answer my questions if I am brainwashed with propaganda ?

1) So my case is founded on the accusation that MIT armed FSA in Euphrates Shield. So are you stating the MIT has never armed the FSA in Euphrates Shield.

2) Who gave the FSA in ES operations the M240s. The FN Minimis ? The M16s ? The M2 Browning .50cals? The MKEK 6 Shot Grenade launchers?

3) Who gave the FSA Otokar ZPTs?

4) Who gave the FSA Cobras in Cerablus? And who organized the establishment of that police force ?

6) We have seen ISIS capture and use Turkish Army Otokar Cobras in Al Bab. If Our best units can lose equipment to ISIS. What makes you think the FSA cannot? Please explain why you have a belief that the FSA are a better more competent fighting force than the OKK and cannot lose the equipment they were given.

If you can answer those questions with credibility that prove it was another country or prove the FSA cannot lose their equipment then I will accept that I am wrong and I will no longer believe my friends who returned from Syria to tell to me they cannot trust the FSA as MIT has no control over them and they lose their equipment to ISIS resulting in more TR military casualties.

Yeah thats what I will do, I will tell Ufuk that he suffered a brain swelling and almost died because he was brainwashed and pathetic. Or maybe I will tell Nuri that he is blind in one eye and had his ear melted off because he was also brainwashed for telling me MITs incompetence in controlling the FSA and their donated weapons is the primary reason for our casualties in Syria. Maybe I will tell him he was wrong to tell me he had to spend 90% of his focus on babysitting the FSA to make up for MITs incompetence rather than covering his team mates backs. Yep sounds like I need to get the brainwash out of their heads so their thinking aligns with a fanboy who cant handle raw facts from the ground.

Supposedly I am the pathetic one.

When was the last time anyone saw me posting emotionally on this issue ? When did I ever blame the MIT or FSA ? To this day I have argued against blaming the FSA go back over my posts. I always said the soldiers are responsible to protect eachother. Just because the FSA are there the soldiers should not stop protecting eachother.

Get the clue. Someone told me something that pissed me off. You are sitting at your desk telling me soldiers in hospital and rehab are brainwashed, pathetic, and sad.

Pack you bags, join up, as civilians are accepted and go to Al bab and tell us yourself how my brothers lied to me.
you are actualy one of the smartest people in here
Please answer my questions if I am brainwashed with propaganda ?

Don't feel offended. If I follow your argumentation and would be total unexperienced,

I would come to the result :

1. FSA is total scrap compared to YPG, which got all those listed comparable weapons and vehicles from USA and anti IS alliance.

2. Turkish Secret Service is the command staff of ES.

3. We deployed our best units, they failed and left weapons to DAESH

You made expected/ or unexpected propaganda against Türkiye Cumhuriyeti. That means you are too emotional and perhaps manipulated ( to say brainwashed would underestimating your IQ)

That is not a real soldiers character doing politics.
You should know better than others, that the job of a soldier is to die, if you don't accept it leave the Forces and stop contact with them.

TÜRKIYE is staying solid like a rock !

In our geography we will never be left untouched as in Europe where you pretend to live.
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1) So my case is founded on the accusation that MIT armed FSA in Euphrates Shield. So are you stating the MIT has never armed the FSA in Euphrates Shield.

No it isn't - what you said was:
isnt it a bit ironic to accuse the SAA or Iran of helping ISIS when our very own MIT was shipping them weapons
So your accusation wasn't that MIT is arming FSA (nobody would argue they aren't), it was that MIT was shipping weapons to ISIS.

If you're going to change your argument now and claim that FSA losing weapons to ISIS = "MIT shipping weapons to ISIS", then by the same reasoning you must believe the intelligence apparatus of the SAA, the YPG, the Iranian militias, the Iraqi military, and the US via NSyA/YPG were all "shipping weapons to ISIS", as they have all lost plenty of weapons to ISIS in the same way the FSA has.

Your other points about SAA fighting ISIS and Turkey buying ISIS oil are both also easily refuted propaganda, but the way you changed your argument from "MIT was shipping weapons to ISIS" to "FSA lost weapons to ISIS" shows you are clearly either arguing disingenuously or just incapable of following a straight line of reasoning.

In the unlikely case that you aren't false flagging, I suggest you stop damaging your own country of origin by believing and regurgitating every piece of foreign propaganda you see.
you just proved your idiocy and arrogance.

How exactly does he do this?

I'm no enemy of the republic, but I always search for the truth and try to spread it. You said you agreed that we have to criticize ourselves. Well that applies no matter what we have done, whether it's shipping weapons to Isis or something less serious. You can't just say that since the allegation is serious that it's propaganda. That's absolutely ridiculous, you have to pursue every fact or allegation with unbiased attitude to get the truth. Don't just start spitting nationalistic statements and saying everyone is a düşmanı. This is actually un-nationalistic because it does not help our cause.
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