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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Please answer my questions if I am brainwashed with propaganda ?

1) So my case is founded on the accusation that MIT armed FSA in Euphrates Shield. So are you stating the MIT has never armed the FSA in Euphrates Shield.

2) Who gave the FSA in ES operations the M240s. The FN Minimis ? The M16s ? The M2 Browning .50cals? The MKEK 6 Shot Grenade launchers?

3) Who gave the FSA Otokar ZPTs?

4) Who gave the FSA Cobras in Cerablus? And who organized the establishment of that police force ?

6) We have seen ISIS capture and use Turkish Army Otokar Cobras in Al Bab. If Our best units can lose equipment to ISIS. What makes you think the FSA cannot? Please explain why you have a belief that the FSA are a better more competent fighting force than the OKK and cannot lose the equipment they were given.

If you can answer those questions with credibility that prove it was another country or prove the FSA cannot lose their equipment then I will accept that I am wrong and I will no longer believe my friends who returned from Syria to tell to me they cannot trust the FSA as MIT has no control over them and they lose their equipment to ISIS resulting in more TR military casualties.

Yeah thats what I will do, I will tell Ufuk that he suffered a brain swelling and almost died because he was brainwashed and pathetic. Or maybe I will tell Nuri that he is blind in one eye and had his ear melted off because he was also brainwashed for telling me MITs incompetence in controlling the FSA and their donated weapons is the primary reason for our casualties in Syria. Maybe I will tell him he was wrong to tell me he had to spend 90% of his focus on babysitting the FSA to make up for MITs incompetence rather than covering his team mates backs. Yep sounds like I need to get the brainwash out of their heads so their thinking aligns with a fanboy who cant handle raw facts from the ground.

Supposedly I am the pathetic one.

When was the last time anyone saw me posting emotionally on this issue ? When did I ever blame the MIT or FSA ? To this day I have argued against blaming the FSA go back over my posts. I always said the soldiers are responsible to protect eachother. Just because the FSA are there the soldiers should not stop protecting eachother.

Get the clue. Someone told me something that pissed me off. You are sitting at your desk telling me soldiers in hospital and rehab are brainwashed, pathetic, and sad.

Pack you bags, join up, as civilians are accepted and go to Al bab and tell us yourself how my brothers lied to me.
If you make a statement then stick to it,dont change it because of objections.
If you cant handle the pressure then dont make such statements.
What i dislike more then these blind fanboys is people who change opinions when the going gets tough.
I'm no enemy of the republic, but I always search for the truth and try to spread it. You said you agreed that we have to criticize ourselves. Well that applies no matter what we have done, whether it's shipping weapons to Isis or something less serious. You can't just say that since the allegation is serious that it's propaganda. That's absolutely ridiculous, you have to pursue every fact or allegation with unbiased attitude to get the truth. Don't just start spitting nationalistic statements and saying everyone is a düşmanı. This is actually un-nationalistic because it does not help our cause.

Now I don't necessarily Believe the following article, but I'm going to post it anyways because this is a discussion. With this new evidence please approach the situation again. :)


If anyone is brainwashed it's you people, as soon as something challenges your expectations it's propaganda. Now I'm not saying that it isn't propaganda. But you have to approach EVERY SITUATION with a fresh mind.
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If you make a statement then stick to it,dont change it because of objections.
If you cant handle the pressure then dont make such statements.
What i dislike more then these blind fanboys is people who change opinions when the going gets tough.

Experience and character counts :tup:

I'm no enemy of the republic, but I always search for the truth and try to spread it.

Do you know that we live in a time period where "traces of horses and dogs" are totally mixed up ?
Truth is that from what you are finally convinced after checking different sources. The truth finding process is deeply connected to your individual development, social environment , education and position.

Sometimes people are severe travmatized and emotional and tend to extreme statements, if they see no way more out. That's a possible reason for Jackal's statements. I believe that he regrets it now.

Let's concentrate on ES - Operation. We had at least 5 martyred Turkish soldiers and more tha a dozen wounded within 24 hours. Official KIA is now 59 soldiers and some hundred wounded.

Let's pray for them. It is easy to write from our own warm rooms .
@T-123456 @era_shield

I see what caused the confusion now, my fault on the wording and I apologise I should have made it clear that by saying MIT were giving weapons to ISIS I meant it from the perspective of not controlling their usage by the FSA ! Honestly, after I got off the phone and came here to discuss some of what I heard I was in a rage and it is clear now I was not paying much attention to my typing. If I was afraid of pressure I would edit my old comments. But there is no need for that, If I made a mistake I apologise and clarify.

And yes from the perspective of not controlling arms, those nations have also given ISIS weapons, everyone of them has. But what bothers me is when we have members here who live in bubble and act like we are the only ones who have not.

However, seeing as both of you failed to answer any of my questions, I assume you have no way of disproving what I have been told by soldiers who took part. And in that case I will continue believing our professional warriors over an unaccredited internet former. Who seems to believe Syrian FSA fighters are better warriors than our own special forces ?

Unless you intend to answer my questions and prove the soldiers wrong?


As for the buying oil topic. You are an idiot if you think there are no criminals in Turkey. There are worse criminals in our jails than oil smugglers, there are pedophiles, rapists, murders, smuggling oil is a simple crime, and criminals have no morality, they dont care who they buy from. That applies to every country. Do not victimize yourselves or degrade good citizens by defending regular criminal smugglers as if it was everyday normal Turks doing the smuggling. The whole of Europe was using the smuggled oil out of Syria and Iraq. You could watch the ships leave Turkey and unload all over Europe on vesselfinder.com. It only takes one criminal to mix a smuggled load of oil into the clean network.

Next thing I will be called brainwashed for saying there are smugglers in Turkey.
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Questions 1-4

Our Gov. gave it to them. As the US and anti IS colaition gave the same and more to YPG in Syria and Iraq.
Russia and Syria to YPG and Syrian DHKP-C in Afrin and Iran to Shii Forces and mercenaries.

Question 5

Nobody wrote that FSA are better fighters than our OKK.
But there was a possible lack of training and experience of our armored troops.

Oil issue. You are mixing some facts.
Turkey sold oil from Kirkuk. Iraq Gov. protested at the UN and international courts.
Some oil tankers weren't allowed to enter harbours. You know it for sure.
Turkey sold for Barzani and transferred via Halkbank. Is this oil smuggle for ISIS ?

Oh if you claim that criminals bought ISIS FUEL, that is credible. That happened also from Fuel Smugglers from Iran or Chechen Fuel smugglers in the black sea outside of the 12 nm zone .

Your flag is Irish. Aren't there criminals in Europe ?
The most brutal pedophiles were arrested in Belgium years ago, connection up to the Royals.
What was the NSU in Germany killing 11 innocent foreigners, bombing Jewish institutions.
Thousands rapists and many serial killers in Europe , one of them killed 45 women and men for his satifaction .

That is the peak of the ICEBERG, believe it Turkey is unfortunatley too stupid to cover corruption and even crime, as it is perfectly done in Europe.

I hate that in our public media every day videos of crying mums at funerals and the pictures from poor villages are again and again published.

The same videos you could find in Ukraine and Georgia or even Serbia. But they hide it.
We are masochistic and publish them and ruin sometime our reputation.
Yes we have a unfortunatley a low educated society and a complete different mentality.
That's the reason that we will never be a member of EU or get VISA free travel.
I bet my last penny 10 Million people would emigrate within some weeks to Europe if Visa free travel would be allowed.

But that is not the topic , topic is ES. Have a good night.


If you are looking for a real professional in his branch then read "strongarm" "s analysis. He is a real weapon specialist guru and not a universal genius we all Turks claim to be .

You can bring the chief consultant of GCHQ to Turkey, he would travel back resigning and in typical British manner politely saying :

" Oh you are the greatest, I learned so much from you, there is nothing I can teach you"!
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How exactly does he do this?

I'm no enemy of the republic, but I always search for the truth and try to spread it. You said you agreed that we have to criticize ourselves. Well that applies no matter what we have done, whether it's shipping weapons to Isis or something less serious. You can't just say that since the allegation is serious that it's propaganda. That's absolutely ridiculous, you have to pursue every fact or allegation with unbiased attitude to get the truth. Don't just start spitting nationalistic statements and saying everyone is a düşmanı. This is actually un-nationalistic because it does not help our cause.

The fact that he replied to the person with "Islamists" after someone else called someone else "idiot" shows he used it as an insult. That's arrogance at its finest. When you say that you insult 99% of Turkey. Just cause you're a secularist doesn't make you any better than someone who's religious.

Those "Islamists" are your Turkish soldiers fighting in Syria right now.
3) Who gave the FSA Otokar ZPTs?
So your accusation wasn't that MIT is arming FSA (nobody would argue they aren't), it was that MIT was shipping weapons to ISIS.

He is very amateur at propoganda. Next time he will say "FSA and IS are the same thing" :D Claiming that Turkey supports IS is utter stupid. We always wanted to get in northern syria, US was the one who blocks us. US wanted to connect PKK/KCK terror state along our southern borders, that is why they didnt want our troops fighting IS. ES operation could start few years ago, but it actually started when we stop listenning US and do what we want.
Apparently these tunnels are built from isis. The first picture is ridiculous that's like an subway.
View attachment 375446 View attachment 375447


These are from Tel Aviv -Jerusalem Railway

@JustHappened The Pick-up truck pics are supposedly from Tel Aviv -Jerusalem railway construction.
I Found them here
@T-123456 @era_shield

I see what caused the confusion now, my fault on the wording and I apologise I should have made it clear that by saying MIT were giving weapons to ISIS I meant it from the perspective of not controlling their usage by the FSA ! Honestly, after I got off the phone and came here to discuss some of what I heard I was in a rage and it is clear now I was not paying much attention to my typing. If I was afraid of pressure I would edit my old comments. But there is no need for that, If I made a mistake I apologise and clarify.

And yes from the perspective of not controlling arms, those nations have also given ISIS weapons, everyone of them has. But what bothers me is when we have members here who live in bubble and act like we are the only ones who have not.

However, seeing as both of you failed to answer any of my questions, I assume you have no way of disproving what I have been told by soldiers who took part. And in that case I will continue believing our professional warriors over an unaccredited internet former. Who seems to believe Syrian FSA fighters are better warriors than our own special forces ?

Unless you intend to answer my questions and prove the soldiers wrong?


As for the buying oil topic. You are an idiot if you think there are no criminals in Turkey. There are worse criminals in our jails than oil smugglers, there are pedophiles, rapists, murders, smuggling oil is a simple crime, and criminals have no morality, they dont care who they buy from. That applies to every country. Do not victimize yourselves or degrade good citizens by defending regular criminal smugglers as if it was everyday normal Turks doing the smuggling. The whole of Europe was using the smuggled oil out of Syria and Iraq. You could watch the ships leave Turkey and unload all over Europe on vesselfinder.com. It only takes one criminal to mix a smuggled load of oil into the clean network.

Next thing I will be called brainwashed for saying there are smugglers in Turkey.
Where have i questioned your professionalism or your statements?
Read my posts again and quote that particular post.
My problem is that you post something and change it after,some fanboys objecting to it and throwing insults at you,if you are who you are and make such a statement,stick to it or dont claim it.
Soon they will force the TSK out of the region appearently. And all that blood would be spilled for nothing.
TSK General Staff confirmed that a Russian plane bombed accidentially Turkish troops.
Source Habertürk

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