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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Apparently these tunnels are built from isis. The first picture is ridiculous that's like an subway.
This is the attitude that condemns ourselves. We need to always criticize ourselves so we can improve. We can't just have one opinion mindset on this forum then it's not a discussion. You can't just say I don't agree with that so I don't want to see it. He isn't anti Turk brainwashed, if he was he wouldn't care enough come here to try and help us improve and share his opinion. Ataturk challenged the normal views too, that's how we achieved our republic today. He thinks there a problem and he wants to fix it we can't condemn him for that.

Criticising ourselves about real mistakes that actually happened is very important, criticising ourselves about lies and twisted propaganda is self-defeating stupidity.
Criticising ourselves about real mistakes that actually happened is very important, criticising ourselves about lies and twisted propaganda is self-defeating stupidity.

Point out whats wrong, instead of accusing other people of being pathetic or brainwashed. The only pathetic was your child-like response.
ES Forces are now in ZAMZAM area of Al-Bab, east of Silos. During clashes last night we had 2 martyred soldiers. Rest in Peace.
Second wave is still going on and will be followed by night operations. SAA advances to TADIF. Russia and ES coalition coordinates actions to avoid conflict between ES and SAA. USA accepted 5000 square km safe zone. Turkey will join Raqqa with Spec Ops. USA will stop arming YPG.
Fidan makes comeback in Astana thanks to Syrian rebels

The Astana summit that brought together the warring sides in the Syrian conflict and their respective supporters on January 23-24 put Hakan Fidan, the head of Turkey’s intelligence service MIT, back at the centre of the action. Fidan had been somewhat sidelined in the wake of the abortive coup in July 2016.

In the minutes of the talks, which Intelligence Online has had access to, Fidan seems to have played a central role on the rebels’ side. Before the summit, he met various opposition groups separately and together in Damascus between January 6 and 12 to ensure they presented a united from to Moscow and Tehran. He also maintained permanent contact with Stanislav Haji Magomedov, the negotiator of the Russian defence ministry, and with Mohammad Reza Zadeh, his Iranian counterpart.

According to the minutes, Fidan tried to favour Jaish Al Islam, which is close to Riyadh, and the Turkmen faction piloted by Ankara, the Sultan Mourad Division, for future talks in Astana. The Free Syrian Army’s Muslim Brotherhood was also brought into the talks not to upset Doha. In order to take part, all of them had to pledge to break their contact with Fatah Al Sham, the former Al Nusra Front (IOL 772).

The Turks took part in the conference on condition that the other factions would seriously reduce their support to the Syrian Kurds of the YPG.

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