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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Why is it a big issue? You let 3 million completely alien people to enter your country and you say what is the big issue? Look how well middle eastern refugees incorporate into Europe. They adopt so well that they stick to their own communities all the time. They definietly don't produce, thugs, thieves and terrorists at all. And they are definietly patriotic of the country they live in! Yep, I'm sure Syrians will Turkify so well.

Thank god this is something most people agree on. We don't want Syrians. That has been clearly seen after the statement about giving citizenship to Syrians. Even the hardcore akp voters like my father got pissed.
You say we send women and children to a war zone?
And how exactly are women and children terrorists and thugs? :lol:
And I don't care about your father, uncle, cousin or aunt . lol

I repeat , because I think you have difficulty in reading. I AM ALL FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN to settle in Turkey. and for the men to be sent back to Syria.
You say we send women and children to a war zone?
And how exactly are women and children terrorists and thugs? :lol:
And I don't care about your father, uncle, cousin or aunt . lol

I repeat , because I think you have difficulty in reading. I AM ALL FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN to settle in Turkey. and for the men to be sent back to Syria.

Go back and read my post about resettlement in the "safe zone" that we have been trying to create. So you want to keep the women and send their men to war? Sounds suspicious :) I dont give a poop about what you think. This is a democracy and majority doesnt wants to them. Cry if you want.
I agree with you on that. I went to Turkey this summer and witnessed countless young Syrian men living "the life" at the beaches in Izmir and Antalya, while their country goes down to shit (and our soldiers have to fight their war in Syria [Euphrates Shield]). Women, children, and elderly are completely fine with me but the one's who are fit to fight should do so. However, as a democratic country, we can't just send them if they don't want to go.
Considering the fact that the fsa members used for the Euphrates Shield operation were relocated from other parts of Syria, i wonder whether our govt even seriously tried to set up a project to attract able bodied Syrian men from among the 3 million refugees for the fsa. How long have these Syrians been in Turkey? For years training programs could have been given and instead of the current ~2.000 fsa, maybe there would have been way more for the Euphrates shield operation, just a couple thousand out of 3 million would have been great imo.
Go back and read my post about resettlement in the "safe zone" that we have been trying to create. So you want to keep the women and send their men to war? Sounds suspicious :) I dont give a poop about what you think. This is a democracy and majority doesnt wants to them. Cry if you want.
You clearly do care about what I think, otherwise you'd not be here responding to me. If my opinions bother you so much, there's a ignore button, use it.

I think ottoman123 isnt even a turk.
You are right, I am not a turk. I am a Turk.
They are no foreigners for us. Sorry to say that but you guys from Western Anatolia are more 'different' to us than a regular Sunni Syrian. Language isn't everything. Traditions, religion and culture are playing a vital role for our people.

90 percent of the citizens in East and South Anatolia regardless of their ethnic background would have more problems to live with a person from İzmir, Eskişehir or Trakya. Sunni Syrians are fine people and we hope they will stay here forever. They are our natural coalition partners against PKK in the E and SE regions. They are happy and ready to adopt the Turkish identity. Comparing Arabs to PKK-Kurds is simply silly. You guys don't know anything about Syrians. Talk with them, live with them and you'll understand why we in Eastern Anatolia have a different opinion about Syrians.
Well Im sure you would feel at home in the safe zone. I hope you join your real brethren there.
I am from Western Anatolia, and not really religious at all.
Most of the trouble is not even caused by Sunni Syrian Arabs, but , by Shias, Kurds, Zoroastrians, Armenians and god knows what else. But people like Tardgoon, refuse to mention this, i wonder why?
Syrian Arabs like Turks, and cause no problems to us.

Well Im sure you would feel at home in the safe zone. I hope you join your real brethren there.
You don't even like Turkmens, what kinda "Turk" are you? :lol:
Please get out of our country, and go back where your poor family fled from lol
Oh tell please me what troubles caused by shias, zoroastrians and armenians? Combining sectarianism with racism I see.
Oh tell please me what troubles caused by shias, zoroastrians and armenians? Combining sectarianism with racism I see.
I know your type, that is all I am going to say.
And you were racist first towards Syrians by calling them terrorists, thieves and thugs. :lol:
I did not made a single racist remark about them. I did not said Syrians are terrorists. What I'm saying is, 3 million, mostly uneducated and mass migrated people are BOUND to produce thugs, thieves, rapists, terrorists and dissidents. Its only natural. Streets are filled with Syrian beggars, what do you think is gonna happen to their children?
I did not made a single racist remark about them. I did not said Syrians are terrorists. What I'm saying is, 3 million, mostly uneducated and mass migrated people are BOUND to produce thugs, thieves, rapists, terrorists and dissidents. Its only natural. Streets are filled with Syrian beggars, what do you think is gonna happen to their children?
Their children will become doctors, lawyers and architects ??
Their children will become doctors, lawyers and architects ??

Did you made all of your own citizens doctors, lawyers, architects? Why are streets filled with beggars? Why is there thousands of unemployed or minimum wage thugs at every corner? Why do middle eastern refugees couldnt all become doctors, lawyers and architects in europe even though the life standarts, social supports and education is better there?
They will be Turkified. If they want to live in Turkey, and respect our laws, culture etc, what is the problem?
I am all for more Syrians to move to Istanbul, and other cities in Turkey, Izmir, Ankara, Bursa, Konya.

They should be moved to southern eastern turkey , most of these people were farmers and would be better to have them there atleast also to balance demographics with kurds . If not then they should be sent to the safe zone in syria .
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