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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

I told you guys..

Syrian rebels indicate the start of an assault on the SDF/YPG-held Tall Rifat after demanding that the YPG withdraw from Tall Rifat within 48 hours.

Thats was pretty obvious to be honest. They not only kept advancing east but also kept blocking the FSA from taking areas that border SAA held territory near Aleppo. Taking Tal Rifat is a must in completely crushing the Afrin canton.

According to PKK sources, Turkey can't use airforce in this region because of an agreement between Putin and Erdoğan. This could be true. Only USAF supported the FSA rebels against DAESH positions in the south of Dabiq. But this story could be fake though. I'm not sure.
That SDF/PKK account is full of BS and trolling, it makes them so funny since they are official SDF/PKK account. I give grain of salt to claim of so called "airforce regions"
That SDF/PKK account is full of BS and trolling, it makes them so funny since they are official SDF/PKK account. I give grain of salt to claim of so called "airforce regions"
You're right but on the other hand: This is Syria. Everything is possible.
According to PKK sources, Turkey can't use airforce in this region because of an agreement between Putin and Erdoğan. This could be true. Only USAF supported the FSA rebels against DAESH positions in the south of Dabiq. But this story could be fake though. I'm not sure.
I haven't seen what you wrote, the "thanks" for the map :P It isn't true, I bet on it.
I haven't seen what you wrote, the "thanks" for the map :P It isn't true, I bet on it.
Yeah, the same account predicts that Russia would intervene to stop Turkey's fight against YPG. Wè all know, this ain't gonna happen. I guess, I was wrong.
Yeah, the same account predicts that Russia would intervene to stop Turkey's fight against YPG. Wè all know, this ain't gonna happen. I guess, I was wrong.
They fear and spread these things but they forget that we are a state, not some militias on ground. I think their time hasn't come yet, they'd be surprised :D
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YPG basicly sield its fate in TAl Rifaat earlier this year. Remeber it was the first phase of encircliment of rebel held Aleppo. Cutting rebel Estern Aleppo from the norther countryside and turskih border living just a small pocket. Then they proudly displayed dozens of bodies of rebel fighters in Afrin. In second phase, they also along shia militia played significant role.

Rebels will show no mercy to them. Revenge for Tal Rifaat will come.
That Syrian Rebel obs guy used to be pro-FSA then later on he switched and went full on ypg/sdf supporter. He's been annoyed (to say the least) ever since our operation started :)
That Syrian Rebel obs guy used to be pro-FSA then later on he switched and went full on ypg/sdf supporter. He's been annoyed (to say the least) ever since our operation started :)

Isn't that guy terminally ill ?
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