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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Dont touch assad, stop fucking with euprathes shield. Let him get his aleppo.
No, I think its saying YPG, the military wing has retrated from Tel Rifat, after it was taken for the first time. They are trying to say there are no YPG militants and FSA has been threatening civilians, thats what I understood.

SDF should not be allowed to advance to Bab. Rain hell on them.
No, I think its saying YPG, the military wing has retrated from Tel Rifat, after it was taken for the first time. They are trying to say there are no YPG militants and FSA has been threatening civilians, thats what I understood.

SDF should not be allowed to advance to Bab. Rain hell on them.

But if Tel Rifaat is under FSA control, who cares about their progress towards al Bab? From a strategic perspective, this doesn't make sense to me. If they cut off their supply routes, all YPG forces in the east area of Tal Rifaat will be defeated one by one afterwards. Is this the reason why the FSA forces are fighting on the Tal Rifaat front mainly?
But if Tel Rifaat is under FSA control, who cares about their progress towards al Bab? From a strategic perspective, this doesn't make sense to me. If they cut off their supply routes, all YPG forces in the east area of Tal Rifaat will be defeated one by one afterwards. Is this the reason why the FSA forces are fighting on the Tal Rifaat front mainly?

If SDF is allowed to take Al Bab then we are likely not going to take it back, there is a high possibility that USA will protect them. If Hillary wins its even worse. I don't think Tel Rifaat was in the plan of Ankara. Rebels are probably insisted on it because their minds are still on Aleppo.

Plus if SDF grows strong in west of euphrates, we would need to send in our own troops, FSA can't deal with them alone, not enough numbers.
If SDF is allowed to take Al Bab then we are likely not going to take it back, there is a high possibility that USA will protect them. If Hillary wins its even worse. I don't think Tel Rifaat was in the plan of Ankara. Rebels are probably insisted on it because their minds are still on Aleppo.

I don't share your opinion in this case. Everybody knew that DAESH will retreat towards Al Bab after losing Dabiq & Sawran. That's why Ankara wanted them to attack Tal Rifaat in the first place. They shouldn't be able to reach Al Bab from the west.
Not sure if YPG is trying to create a buffer zone between Assad and FSA or really making a push for Al-Bab.
I don't share your opinion in this case. Everybody knew that DAESH will retreat towards Al Bab after losing Dabiq & Sawran. That's why Ankara wanted them to attack Tal Rifaat in the first place. They shouldn't be able to reach Al Bab from the west.

They can't reach Al Bab from west. Their real strenght lies at east. They didn't really tried anyway. I don't think ISIS is gonna defend Al-Bab strongly either. We should have rushed and take it quickly. None of those scenarios would need discuission now.
If SDF is allowed to take Al Bab then we are likely not going to take it back, there is a high possibility that USA will protect them. If Hillary wins its even worse. I don't think Tel Rifaat was in the plan of Ankara. Rebels are probably insisted on it because their minds are still on Aleppo.

Plus if SDF grows strong in west of euphrates, we would need to send in our own troops, FSA can't deal with them alone, not enough numbers.
Rebels cant act on their own in this operation because they know that without turkish support they are f****d up. This is not operation of the rebels. This is operation of Turkey and the rebels are just mercenaries using the opportunity. By this security area established they are ensuring future urgent logistic support if they need it. Just in case the things dont work with Russia.
If SDF is allowed to take Al Bab then we are likely not going to take it back, there is a high possibility that USA will protect them. If Hillary wins its even worse. I don't think Tel Rifaat was in the plan of Ankara. Rebels are probably insisted on it because their minds are still on Aleppo.

Plus if SDF grows strong in west of euphrates, we would need to send in our own troops, FSA can't deal with them alone, not enough numbers.
- Bro, first of all let's not use SDF but use YPG instead....SDF name is just for show, an excuse for YPG forces to invade Arab towns/villages.

-YPG forces in Afrin "canton" is relatively very weak when you compare it to the ones at the east...they are not getting US support, Peshmerga support, or military equipment(relatively). When you consider YPG's struggle in Membic, YPG forces from the west can only dream of capturing El-Bab.

- It has been weeks since they made a move against ISIS from the west...They only moved when we defeated ISIS on Dabıq and captured some villages emptied by ISIS.

Remember they showed their opportunistic nature when we captured Jarablus and failed miserably.

25 August. Things have changed. ISIS is coming to an end. Their primary strongholds are under threat. Mosul will fall in probably a week. They can't afford men to die in some frontier town.

You are talking some strange things, my friend...

Al-Bab is a gate to Raqqa. They will lose Mosul but they can not afford losing Raqqa. This is why they probably will defend Al-Bab with everything they have.
25 August. Things have changed. ISIS is coming to an end. Their primary strongholds are under threat. Mosul will fall in probably a week. They can't afford men to die in some frontier town.

No way Mosul will fall in a week. That city is massive and even with all the coaltion airstrikes it will probably take several weeks, even months. They really plan on defending Mosul so if the timing is correct we can swiftly take Al-Bab from under their noses.
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