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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Did you made all of your own citizens doctors, lawyers, architects? Why are streets filled with beggars? Why is there thousands of unemployed or minimum wage thugs at every corner? Why do middle eastern refugees couldnt all become doctors, lawyers and architects in europe even though the life standarts, social supports and education is better there?
Syrians are fleeing from a war, we must help them, shelter them, and send their children to school.
It is our fault if they're on the streets causing trouble and begging. we should kick them out if they do crime. You can blame the Government on that not the Syrians.
Just curious, are all Middle Easterner , Asian, African, a potential terrorist, thieve and thug?

They should be moved to southern eastern turkey , most of these people were farmers and would be better to have them there atleast also to balance demographics with kurds . If not then they should be sent to the safe zone in syria .
I would not say no to that. Maybe we should build them homes there.....
I dont care about Syrians and the majority of turks whether AKP,CHP,MHP and even the kekos from HDP agree that they have to leave. I agree that Syrians need housing,help, schools etc. but not in Turkey. There are rich arab countries right nearby who are culturaly,socially, ethnicaly much closer to them. I agree with u also on the government part. Erdogan and his politics are completly responsible for the mess which are going on in our streets because they gave those sawages the freedom of movement which afterwards resulted in a very unbalanced demography in turkey. Also every Syrian who does shit should be immedialty send back to Syria including their familys.

- and the majority of middle easterner might be not terrorists but the majority of terrorists are arabs ;)
I dont care about Syrians and the majority of turks whether AKP,CHP,MHP and even the kekos from HDP agree that they have to leave. I agree that Syrians need housing,help, schools etc. but not in Turkey. There are rich arab countries right nearby who are culturaly,socially, ethnicaly much closer to them. I agree with u also on the government part. Erdogan and his politics are completly responsible for the mess which are going on in our streets because they gave those sawages the freedom of movement which afterwards resulted in a very unbalanced demography in turkey. Also every Syrian who does shit should be immedialty send back to Syria including their familys.

- and the majority of middle easterner might be not terrorists but the majority of terrorists are arabs ;)
I am only talking the ones that cause no trouble and respect our culture and want to remain in Turkey.
I am not advocating we keep every single Syrian no matter what :lol:
If a Syrian commits crime, and they still remain in Turkey, that is the fault of the government we elected.
If we provide them homes, and they stay until Syria gets better, we still keep the homes, it doesn't go with them. Just saying, we need to do more to help the ones that genuinely need it.
Don't know about you guys, i prefer Syrians to Kurds.....


I know its hard to achieve but I hope the long term Turkish geopolitics would aim to have influence in the following region covered in Syria and Iraq , this would secure Turkey from PKK terrorism.

I think Euphrates Shield is only the first step on the ground to realize this project , it will ofcourse take years to implement based on conditions in the region . Atleast I can say soon we might see a second Euphrate shield like operation in support of Turkmen in Nineveh .
Did you made all of your own citizens doctors, lawyers, architects? Why are streets filled with beggars? Why is there thousands of unemployed or minimum wage thugs at every corner? Why do middle eastern refugees couldnt all become doctors, lawyers and architects in europe even though the life standarts, social supports and education is better there?

They dont need to all become doctors, lawyers. That infact wouldnt be a good thing. Cause as much as any country needs higly skilled profesionals like those, it also needs the guys who you know fix your plumming, take out your garbage, work in factories, and the building sites. Architects draw things, but ppl who actually build them are as important as the fucking architect. And you need them in much bigger numbers...

Why do you think Germany basicly imported 1000s of Turks from mid 20th century for exmpl. In time when the country was still recovoring from near total destruction. And most of them were unedicated.... There wouldn be modern Germany of today, most powerfull EU country w/o them and those like them.

Human resource is the greates resource of them all.

Unfortunetly Turkey is slow in using this opportunity. Their hands are tied by dinasaurs in other parties and population still stuck in late 19th cenurry nationalism. Which infact did Turkey and Turks little good for the past 50 years. Well only f you think establishing a tradition of military coups like some African banana republic is a succes. Ah, yeah, they were defending the legacy of the republic by sending it few dacedes back every time.
Are Turks gonna stop here by establishing a buffer or eventually gonna take the fight to Kurds? I watched the second debate, Hillary said to arm the Kurds. Looks like she is going to win.
ISIS has not put an effective resistance since we entered Syria....FSA could only captured those towns/villages from ISIS because of the Turkish support.

If Turkey removes it's Tanks, Artillery, CAS, Intelligence and Special forces from the area....now suddenly things won't go smooth for FSA anymore....so, yes. We can control them to full extent.

except, rebels priority wasnt ISIS in north Aleppo. It was and still is the regime. They would simply pull out. And then YPG with US help will swoopp in as they intended in the first place. Or Turkey would need to put 1000s of its soldiers and fight directly a US proxy force.

US tried to make these same gruops to do this since the formation of SDF, offering milions and protection from Russian airoforece. They said them to **** off. But when Turkey called they came, in a way to serve are as a turkish border guards beyond the border. All of those gruops sent their men, and at the time of big russsian/iranian offensive in much more important area for rebels by far then this strech of ISIS control area on turkish border.

So, anyway, I dont give a shit about Russia-Turkey deal, cause I dont believe it was anything groundbraking. Somekind of Sykes-Picot shit. Im in fact more interesting with what plan did Turkey and rebel came up.

And yeah, why do you guys think that the rebels will initiate the first contact. Iranians dont want you there, just like in Mosul, and their proxies are the major fighting force in Aleppo. SAA, whats left of it, is mostly used for manning the checkpoints and later photo-opps after some battle field gain to make it look they played some significant role. Almost Where ever the rebels and so called SAA meat, they are rolled over by rebels.
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Are Turks gonna stop here by establishing a buffer or eventually gonna take the fight to Kurds? I watched the second debate, Hillary said to arm the Kurds. Looks like she is going to win.

Mystery so far. Kurds are expected to leave Manbij but I doubt they are gonna do that, and USA is protecting them. We will see what will happen after Al Bab and the surroundings are taken. Afrin is another mystery.

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I know its hard to achieve but I hope the long term Turkish geopolitics would aim to have influence in the following region covered in Syria and Iraq , this would secure Turkey from PKK terrorism.

I think Euphrates Shield is only the first step on the ground to realize this project , it will ofcourse take years to implement based on conditions in the region . Atleast I can say soon we might see a second Euphrate shield like operation in support of Turkmen in Nineveh .

This map is called *Misakı Milli* which basically means National Borders.

Atatürk wanted to establish this borders 100 years ago because Northern Syria & lraq was mostly Turkish and many other ethnic groups spoke Turkish fluently but after 100 years it has become a daydream.

Ethnic Turkish groups ln lraq were either murdered or expelled from their lands both by Arabs(Saddam times) and after the invasion by USA, kurdish groups took over and continued...

Kurds raided houses of Turkmens in Erbil,Kerkük,Mosul and basically killed most of them the rest fled to Turkey.
Those people today live in Eastern border towns such as Gaziantep,Mersin,Adana...Some of these cities are even called *Land of Turkmens* but thanks to Syrian hordes they will become arab in the future.

Turks in Syria were mostly assimilated or massacred by Assad's father.
Nowadays Turkmens in Syria can't even speak their mother tongue, i only saw elderly women speaking Turkish but the rest sure became Arabs.

lt's just sad, While kurds were killing our brothers, Turkey just watched and didn't do a damn thing and today as you can see the whole Northern lraq has become *kurdish*(!) land.

in conclusion : There are no Turks in those areas anymore, there are only few left and they won't join us, we lost that chance long time ago, no one is gonna give us Aleppo or Mosul :) Erdoğan's policies have messed up so many things in the last 14 years, you as foreigners see only the good side but u can't know everything without living here.
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