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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Certain things make me disagree:
1) the relative silence of Ankara even when Aleppo is being bombed hard these past few weeks

2) Russia not at all interfering with Op Euphrates Shield (when a few months ago they set up S400 as a direct threat to our Airforce over Syria) (BONUS: one Russian lawmaker even said that Russia should nuke Istanbul)

3) The fact that regime aircraft still haven't attacked FSA units part of Euphrates Shield

4) Moscow and Ankara are talking an ever more parallel language with regards to some developments in Syria these days (obviously the Assad issue is not one they are parallel on)

5) Putin visits Erdogan: within 100 hours Dabiq is taken

6) The US influence in Northern Syria was neutralized by the Russians and the Turks on purpose: the two decided to cooperate in order to strengthen their respective positions at the Syria talks and enable them to pursue mutually beneficial stances.

- these are good developments, Washington doesn't give a shit about Turkey nor its people. Russia doesn't either but as they are in our region and not a superpower like the US (please don't rage at me fanboys) the relationship with Russia is more....balanced and flexible

I think the agreement is about neutralizing pro American SDF forces west of Euphrates in Riqqah , Hassaka and the 2 cantons in Aleppo in return for Turkish support for Russian backed political resolution .

What seems to be happening here Turkey and Russia are dividing Syria into zones of influence , apart from 5000 KM square Turkish security zone , it will extend in future into PYD held territories in Riqqah and perhaps Hassaka at some point .

Putin wants USA outside syria and he would rather see Turkey backed forces taking over Isil held territory than SDF forces . After all even Turkish backed forces are anti-american .

Not sure. ;)

Anadolu Agency

16 oct. 2016

“Operation Euphrates Shield to continue towards northern Syria's al-Bab city: Turkish FM”

I think that Turkey has its own personal agenda and does not care about anyone (Including Russia of course).


Turkey plan after clearing 5000 KM2 will be to take over Riqqah and clear PYD from some areas east of Euphrates .
Turkey main aim is to destroy PYD and Rojava , it has nothing to do with taking Assad down . They would support an indirect insurgency to weaken assad but will not get involved directly in Aleppo city .

Really ? So Erdogan's Turkey sold the Syrian Arab Sunnis to Assad (Iran) - like in Iraq with Mosul -. We will see. ;)

This is about national interests , Turkey atleast allowed Syrian refugees to settle inside Turkey and now they are creating a safe zone inside Syria to accommodate Syrian refugees who can then train in these zones and use it as launching point to attack Assad forces .

Right now USA under its current stupid leadership are supporting and arming groups like PYD that threaten the national territorial integrity of Turkey . Any rational Turkish leader would never enter a war against Assad and Russia directly when he has kurdish peasants setting up a country right next to his border .

Turkey focus next period will be on retaining its FOB bases in Iraq to monitor PKK activity and try to take over as much land as possible from PYD east of Euphrates river .

We might also see a Turkish Euphrate operation in Nineveh to keep PKK and Shia militias away from Mosul and other important towns that are used to connect Turkish FOB bases in northern iraq .

This is why its very important next period for Turkey to continue supporting Barzani in KRG and help create autonomous rule in Nineveh for Turkmen and Arabs which would really help enlarge and improve the efficiency of existing Turkish FOB bases that monitor and gather intelligence information on PKK movements and camps in Northern Iraq . This would help contain PKK within Turkish/Iraqi borders .

Certain things make me disagree:
1) the relative silence of Ankara even when Aleppo is being bombed hard these past few weeks

I agree with you on Aleppo but Manbij and Albab will be part of the planned Turkish 5000 KM zone . This is something that was confirmed by Turkish president and PM including military officials in Turkish army .
If Fsa take back those areas they will be bordering SAA, not a good idea.
images (4).jpg
Off topic question guys, Some people are saying that Turkey actually joined Mosul operation
Off topic question guys, Some people are saying that Turkey actually joined Mosul operation
Turkish trained Arab troops have joined Turkish trained Peshmerga. For now they are under the Peshmerga umbrella, thats what I gathered today.


Quote 1 :

Turkey cannot be excluded from Mosul operation: Erdoğan


“What do they say? Turkey shouldn’t enter Mosul. Why can’t we enter? We have a 350-kilometer border [with Iraq]. Others who have nothing to do with the region enter it. We will not be responsible for the negative consequences that would emerge from any operation that doesn’t include Turkey. We will be involved both in the operation and at the [negotiating] table afterward. It is not possible for us to stay excluded,” Erdoğan said.

He also vowed that the presence of Turkish troops in the Bashiqa camp near Mosul would remain.

“No one should expect us to leave Bashiqa,” Erdoğan said, vowing to launch “all kinds of operations” against ISIL.

Hurriyet Daily News

Quote 2 :

Turkey will take part in Mosul operations and we will be at the table, Erdoğan says


Turkey will take part in operations to liberate Mosul from Daesh, and it will be at the diplomatic table in the aftermath, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Monday during a live press conference.

Speaking at the International Law Congress held in Istanbul, President Erdoğan reminded that Turkey has a 350-kilometer border with Iraq, and therefore the country cannot be expected to remain impartial to the developments right across the border.

"We have brothers in Mosul, Arabs, Turkmens and Kurds. If you go further north, we have relatives," Erdoğan said.

Regarding the criticism from Iraq's central government and several U.S.-led anti-Daesh coalition authorities on the presence of Turkish troops in Bashiqa camp near Mosul, Erdoğan questioned whether the U.S. was invited to Iraq during the invasion 15 years ago or Iran-linked militias in Sunni areas after the invasion.

"Nobody should expect us to leave Bashiqa," Erdoğan said.


Daily Sabah



Quote 1 :

Turkey cannot be excluded from Mosul operation: Erdoğan


“What do they say? Turkey shouldn’t enter Mosul. Why can’t we enter? We have a 350-kilometer border [with Iraq]. Others who have nothing to do with the region enter it. We will not be responsible for the negative consequences that would emerge from any operation that doesn’t include Turkey. We will be involved both in the operation and at the [negotiating] table afterward. It is not possible for us to stay excluded,” Erdoğan said.

He also vowed that the presence of Turkish troops in the Bashiqa camp near Mosul would remain.

“No one should expect us to leave Bashiqa,” Erdoğan said, vowing to launch “all kinds of operations” against ISIL.

Hurriyet Daily News

Quote 2 :

Turkey will take part in Mosul operations and we will be at the table, Erdoğan says


Turkey will take part in operations to liberate Mosul from Daesh, and it will be at the diplomatic table in the aftermath, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said on Monday during a live press conference.

Speaking at the International Law Congress held in Istanbul, President Erdoğan reminded that Turkey has a 350-kilometer border with Iraq, and therefore the country cannot be expected to remain impartial to the developments right across the border.

"We have brothers in Mosul, Arabs, Turkmens and Kurds. If you go further north, we have relatives," Erdoğan said.

Regarding the criticism from Iraq's central government and several U.S.-led anti-Daesh coalition authorities on the presence of Turkish troops in Bashiqa camp near Mosul, Erdoğan questioned whether the U.S. was invited to Iraq during the invasion 15 years ago or Iran-linked militias in Sunni areas after the invasion.

"Nobody should expect us to leave Bashiqa," Erdoğan said.


Daily Sabah
Not to mention...



Thank you ! ^ ^

Quote 3 :

Turkish military presence in Iraq to continue to ensure demographic stability, PM Yıldırım says

October 6, 2016

Iran-backed Shiite militias provokes conflict with Turkey

The Iraqi Shiite militia group Hashd al-Shaabi threatened to attack Turkish troops if Turkey does not pull its forces out of Iraq.

Yesterday, Yousif al-Kilabi, spokesperson of the group, defined Turkish forces situated in Bashiqa as "occupiers" and said "during the fight against Daish in Mosul we will not only fight the group (Daish), but also the Turkish troops, if they do not retreat from Iraqi land."

"We should define the aggression not as an Iraqi attitude, it totally reflects the Iranian position and interests towards the region," said Taha Kılınç, an analyst on Middle East affairs. He said that Turkey should not take the Iraqi government comments seriously; however, the country should create a strategy against the Iranian agenda in the region. "Even though Iranian politicians often visit Turkey and are considered an ally, they continue to implement their own agenda," Kılınç said.

Meanwhile, on Sunday, Qassim al-Tai, a Shiite cleric issued a fatwa (order) that ordered the Iraqis fight against the Turkish troops, by claiming it is a "religious and moral duty." He said that Turkish companies and goods should also be boycotted.

Shiite paramilitary organizations are accused of countless murders and widespread human rights abuse against Sunni citizens, under the claim of Daish "revenge." The largest Shiite-led extremist organizations operating in Iraq are the Badr Corps, Mahdi Army, Army Mukhtar and al-Abbas Brigade.

Turkey's five conditions regarding Mosul operation

Turkish diplomatic sources have expressed five conditions over the upcoming Mosul operation to the U.S. authorities during a meeting in Ankara on Wednesday. The reservations are:

-Supporting the homecoming of all Sunni and Shiite Turkmen people to Tal Afar after the operation and prevent Shiite militant groups settling in the district.

- Preventing Iraqi Shiite militia groups who could form a new land connection between Iraq, Iran and Syria via Tal Afar in order to ease military and other logistical transfers to Bashar Assad regime.

Daily Sabah

Who says that? What is your source?
Turkish supported Ninova vus
Turkish trained Arab troops have joined Turkish trained Peshmerga. For now they are under the Peshmerga umbrella, thats what I gathered today.
ABD'nin DAEŞ'e karşı uluslararası koalisyon özel temsilcisi Brett McGurk, twitter hesabından yaptığı açıklamada, “Bu gece Başbakan İbadi, IŞİD teröristlerinin elinde geçen iki karanlık yılın ardından Musul'un kurtarılması için büyük operasyonu başlatma emri verdi" diyerek, Musul Harekatı'na olan desteğini bildirdi. McGurk ayrıca, “Kahraman Iraklı güçlerin, Kürt peşmergelerin ve Ninova gönüllülerinin yolunu Tanrı açık etsin. Bu tarihi operasyonda sizinle birlikte olmaktan gurur duyuyoruz" ifadesinde bulundu.
Ninova guys are ours...
Guzhe and Baruze villages Liberated by Turkish backed FSA Soldiers. There may be some clashes near Al-Ablah, but i still dont think IS would accept to lose lots of manpower there. But in my opinion there will be dabik-like defense line in Hazwan
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