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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

There will be no new Turkish directed battle front against SAA. BUT FSA fighters will use the Turkish Republic of North Syria (ehu ehu ehu) as a safe base to plan, observe and coordinate attacks on Assad forces in the hole country. This is no secret. Putin, İran, Assad - they all new this obviousness.
Yeah seriously, people making plans about Aleppo remind me of the same type that believe in those ''gonna pray friday prayers in Syria'' crap.

It's obvious that we cut some kind of a deal with Russia however that deal is only about the FIRST stage of the operations. The rest will be based on what happens in the field. And yes, US was surprised we did it without them and then rushed in. Only later after we went towards Dabiq and not Manbij did they start supporting it fully.

I say we do some clean-up near Azaz/Tal Rifaat area, which is weak and easy to be exploited. Afterwards Bab and then Manbij? I don't know if we will go for that. US will oppose obviously.

Btw while this doesn't mean FSA can walk in to Aleppo it does improve their hand in a certain way imo. The best part of this operation is that Turkish PR gets restored a bit (which it very much needed), IS gets cleared out, FSA gets some credit as well (especially when they're being backed fully) and most important the area's we've cleared out are obviously some sort of safe zone area which means safe for civilians!.

The only thing we need right now is a few places kicking up fuss about wanting to be liberated by FSA and follow the examples of Turkish involvement/caretakig in Jarablus ;)
Turkish forces and turkish controled FSA fighters must not get in direct contact with SAA and must not provoke them in any way. Actions like these are only throwing in danger the main objectives of the operation. After taking or soon before taking Al- Bab there must be some agreements between the turkish/turkish backed forces in order to prevent any unwanted clashes.

I messaged him, the audio was messed up so he will tweet it again.

I hope its only talking.. atleast for now.
They must be high on something.



It is a map of Babylon Empire without Palestine :)))

It is a map of Babylon Empire without Palestine :)))


Kurds = Babylonians confirmed!

Seriously though the Kurdish identity is still in its infancy considering many Kurds claim all kinds of different heritages as their own. The Babylonians, Hurrians, Urartians, Anatolians, Medes, Elamite and etc.
There is simple agreement with Russia regarding Operation Euphrates Shield: Russia doesnt interfere with Northern Syria and Turkey keeps away from Aleppo.

Not sure. ;)

Anadolu Agency

16 oct. 2016

“Operation Euphrates Shield to continue towards northern Syria's al-Bab city: Turkish FM”

I think that Turkey has its own personal agenda and does not care about anyone (Including Russia of course).

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FSA should get back tal rifaat. But problem is its bordering SAA territory. We cant afford to fck up Operation euphrates shield.
Not sure. ;)

Anadolu Agency

16 oct. 2016

“Operation Euphrates Shield to continue towards northern Syria's al-Bab city: Turkish FM”

I think that Turkey has its own personal agenda and does not care about anyone (Including Russia of course).

It won't move beyond al bab...TAF wants to expel Isis from there as well since all Isis does is attack FSA along with the regime
It won't move beyond al bab...TAF wants to expel Isis from there as well since all Isis does is attack FSA along with the regime

You are not so naive. Al-Bab, it is Aleppo (Supply, supports men and equipment to FSA). The message to Russia is: How far you are ready to go for Aleppo ? ^ ^
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Nope. Turkey is really quiet when it comes to things in Aleppo and those FSA rebels are weak as **. They are just cannon fodder without Turkish support so i doubt they will go after SAA once they have al bab. I think aleppo itself will fall in the coming 2-3 months. There were various visits before euprathes shield begun from high iranian and russian officials so during those visits they probably made a deal regarding aleppo.
Nope. Turkey is really quiet when it comes to things in Aleppo and those FSA rebels are weak as **. They are just cannon fodder without Turkish support so i doubt they will go after SAA once they have al bab. I think aleppo itself will fall in the coming 2-3 months. There were various visits before euprathes shield begun from high iranian and russian officials so during those visits they probably made a deal regarding aleppo.

Really ? So Erdogan's Turkey sold the Syrian Arab Sunnis to Assad (Iran) - like in Iraq with Mosul -. We will see. ;)
I dont have a problem with iran or assad :D I only care about PKK. They are our main enemy ;)
I dont have a problem with iran or assad :D I only care about PKK. They are our main enemy ;)

PKK = Assad (Iran Mullahs) = Irak (Iran Mullahs) ;)

You but not your government and the majority of the people who elected. ;)

Quote :

Shiite militias should not have a role in Mosul operation, FM Çavuşoğlu says

October 17, 2016

Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said Sunday that Shiite militias must be excluded from the operation to retake Mosul from Daesh terrorists.

Speaking at a joint press conference with his United Arab Emirates (UAE) counterpart Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan in Ankara, Çavuşoğlu said the Iraqi army and local fighter are the forces who should lead the battle with the support of Peshmerga and coalition forces.

"Peshmerga is already in the region and provide its support, locals should not be forced to make a choice between Daesh terrorists and the Shiite groups, which are attacking Sunni Muslims in the region," the foreign minister said, emphasizing the importance of reducing the sectarian tensions in the area.

Çavuşoğlu expressed Turkey's determination to support the battle, adding that each new development in Syria and Iraq directly affects Turkey as it has become a target of Daesh and PKK due to the current situation in the neighboring countries.

In mid-2014, Daesh captured the northern city of Mosul and overran vast swathes of territory in northern and western Iraq.

Recent months have seen the Iraqi army, backed by a 60-nation air coalition led by the U.S., retake much territory. Nevertheless, the terrorist group remains in control of several parts of the country, including Mosul.

In recent weeks, the army and its allies have staged a gradual advance on the city, which officials in Baghdad have vowed to "liberate" by year's end.

The battle may spark a humanitarian crisis, with the United Nations warning that up to one million people may be displaced by the fighting as winter sets in.

Daily Sabah

You are not so naive. Al-Bab, it is Aleppo (Supply, supports men and equipment to FSA). The message to Russia is: How far you are ready to go for Aleppo ? ^ ^
Certain things make me disagree:
1) the relative silence of Ankara even when Aleppo is being bombed hard these past few weeks

2) Russia not at all interfering with Op Euphrates Shield (when a few months ago they set up S400 as a direct threat to our Airforce over Syria) (BONUS: one Russian lawmaker even said that Russia should nuke Istanbul)

3) The fact that regime aircraft still haven't attacked FSA units part of Euphrates Shield

4) Moscow and Ankara are talking an ever more parallel language with regards to some developments in Syria these days (obviously the Assad issue is not one they are parallel on)

5) Putin visits Erdogan: within 100 hours Dabiq is taken

6) The US influence in Northern Syria was neutralized by the Russians and the Turks on purpose: the two decided to cooperate in order to strengthen their respective positions at the Syria talks and enable them to pursue mutually beneficial stances.

- these are good developments, Washington doesn't give a shit about Turkey nor its people. Russia doesn't either but as they are in our region and not a superpower like the US (please don't rage at me fanboys) the relationship with Russia is more....balanced and flexible
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