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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Why no KORAL and HAWK systems in Idlib? I dont understand.

And o yeah, i dont know who the commander is but SHELLING SHOULD NEVER STOP!

24 hours per day, every hour, every minute and every second. Keep shelling till your howitzers melt like icecream.

SHELL! SHELL! SHELL! Make them crazy!

Turkey said the Patriot request is fake news.

Even Bloomberg is peddling fake news. Amazing days.

People need to calm down a little bit. Of course we are going to have casualties, I wish we didn't but you are going into conflict. The problem here is our soldiers need air cover.

A quick note- beware of everything on twitter etc. Russians are very good at propoganda.

Sure, having casualties is quite normal but only if you fight for it. Our soldiers are simply waiting for orders. That's what most people are pissed about.
Dude im about to explode just because of this fact, the ****'s sit in their palace while young men are sent to die.
And all this while we HAVE the capacity to cover them, its just one senile chair hugger living in denial whos responsible for all the mess.
Imagine how do those soldiers fel on the ground right now !
I highly doubt we will target a single Russian jet or soldier directly, the Russians will bomb every single outpost if we do.
This is just fcked up man. Just Fcking ridiculous...

If joint patrol was the goal, what was the need to send those boys in harm's way.. So sad for those soldiers. They are seeing their brothers getting bombed by Russia and their leader is discussing joint patrol with Russia.
If joint patrol was the goal, what was the need to send those boys in harm's way.. So sad for those soldiers. They are seeing their brothers getting bombed by Russia and their leader is discussing joint patrol with Russia.
well dude I have said that if neither Russia nor USA give permission for an operation, tayyip will order to fall back in Turkey.
It seems I'm gonna be right one more time. I know that I hate to be right but what can I do?
We have millions as stupid as a rock to support tayyip. So this is normal for a dumb nation.

Well in 2012 the were planing to pray in Umayyad Mosque but now we pray for our martyred....
I think Erdogan should put aside his ego and openly declare that he is willing to talk to Assad and end this war. Both sides should agree to eliminate radicals. Both sides will respect each others sovereignity and wont encourage seperatists movements.
Turkey should help rehabilitate displaced Syrians in their land along with Assad. End
Only if world leaders were so sane and down to earth.
No wonder Indians are ok with that... A mass murderer that bomb civilians for a decade under the cover of "Fighting Terros" is something you guys are ok with it... Afterall taking a peak at Kashmir do the job...
Let alone Being buddy buddy with Israel ... Not even going into the Anti-muslim rhetoric... and you have it... the lowest of Humanity...

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