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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Apparently now SAA is bringing BM-21 Grads to the border. I think we should hit YPG hard but if SAA tries to do anything funny we should strike the Grads first.
That's what SAA/RU want... for you to put your time in long small fights with YPG while they continue getting all around that small pocket that TR/SNA took in the last days...
But in the End... TR will secure few border towns While YPG/PKK will still be free operating all around the border... Look at Tel Rifaat region? The same YPG/PKK that was promised by RU to be removed... are still there and supplying underground lines of PKK in the afrin region... look at the pre-strikes in Afrin on PKK hideouts...

As long as RU/SAA is around... YPG/PKK are free to play...

Anyway, let's hope things get a better end... Inshallah.
Why did the Iraqi government not close the gate of Yarubia? 50,000 trucks of military supplies to the Pkk were passed through this border crossing and unofficially further north. Isn't it too late to intervene ? I hope Iraq will take the right step this time.
Why did the Iraqi government not close the gate of Yarubia? 50,000 trucks of military supplies to the Pkk were passed through this border crossing and unofficially further north. Isn't it too late to intervene ? I hope Iraq will take the right step this time.
Because the ones running Iraq need TR out of the picture... Now that the US is out... only TR is left...
Their Buddy ASSad is in need of shiite meat to die for him...
Because the ones running Iraq need TR out of the picture... Now that the US is out... only TR is left...
Their Buddy ASSad is in need of shiite meat to die for him...
I think there is a clear coordination between Russia and the United States. And one of the targeted results of this, Iranian/Afghan militias will be replaced by Ypg under the umbrella of the regime's milita structure. In other words, Iran's influence on the regime is wanted to be broken. To prevent this, Iraq needs to be involved.
Why did the Iraqi government not close the gate of Yarubia? 50,000 trucks of military supplies to the Pkk were passed through this border crossing and unofficially further north. Isn't it too late to intervene ? I hope Iraq will take the right step this time.

The border crossing that supplies the YPG is held by the peshmerga in the far north of Iraq connected to the KRG (Faysh Khabur border crossing). In 2017 when Iraqi forces took Mosul dam they suddenly stopped from taking this border crossing most likely due to US pressure as the US wants to keep a KRG-'rojava' connection on land.

Not yaarubiyah

PMU doesn't deploy or operate in Syria, Iraq has a few factions that do but they fall outside of PMU command such as Hezbollah al nujaba, saraya al khorasani. The main big PMU factions don't operate in Syria. If it was about helping Assad and the PMU obeyed such orders we'd have seen a major deployment of them to fight in the Idlib battles but it's not happening.

But in the end these are all small details, units deploying here and there etc. What is certain is that west has fucked our region for a long time, that's certain. And we, our people suffered and died because of it.
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The Operation was taken slow and carefully and with a minimum of Turkish soldiers on purpose, otherwise the city could have been liberated on day 2.

The Turkish ground forces mostly seem to be Kirpi patrols with some infantry. No large scale involvement.
Tens of thousands of Turkish soldiers were mobilized for this operation,if indeed it went in full force during the first hourds/days of the operation it could have quickly achieved its objectives. Yes there would have been casualties,probably but the YPG would have collapsed under heavy assaults of the Turkish army most probably.

The YPG and other Kurdish groups are nothing without air power from the US-led coalition,their lines of defence would have collapsed within the first hours. But instead Turkey went full slow and relied on poorly trained and organized SNA affiliated groups and now you have the YPG handing their positions to the Syrians and the Russians,in fact even operating alongside them. Clearly Turkey has missed a great initiative.
Around 100k soldiers are deployed for the operation yet only a very small part of them are actually in Syria.
View attachment 584710

The Turkish ground forces mostly seem to be Kirpi patrols with some infantry. No large scale involvement.
I seems that this is the Kirpi that broke down the other day and was found intact. So they towed it to this location and set fire to it. Notice the burn line in front, which is where they probably poured some flue in a line to ignite from a distance.

I thought Ras al Ayn was already captured ?

Turkey Says It Captured a Key Syrian Border Town

This happened in the previous operation too. The town gets captured while Pkk retreat through tunnels. Then they move around freely in the tunnels to counter attack or move around the town. This tactic will work for a while but once all surrounding area is captured, they can't escape or be resupplied and slowly but surely the tunnels get eliminated one by one alone with the rats inside.
According to the YPG, their counterattack have been successful in the West. How reliable this is we don't know.

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