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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Pfffttt thats what happened when you move your armies so slow in a contested area.

Oh yes they are. You should actually captured tal abyad ,ras al ayn and ayn al arab in day1. Considering the proximity of those cities to turkish borders all at the same time. But all i see is you're fooling around capturing villages one by one as opposed to multiple villages at the same time. Eastern Manbij should be secured so that future russian+assad troops heading to the city blocked,but you dont. And there you have it. Now you're stuck with tal abyad and ras al ayn while getting sanctioned. Failinh to meet your intended goal of a full safe zone stretching from ayn al arab to hasaka.

In one day???? Is this guy for real? Unless you carpet bomb the area how can you capture all of that while there is thousands of armed fighters with atgm etc? If you do the first option there will be 10x sanctions and thousands of pictures massacre genocide etc. You have no idea what your talking about

Can Turkey still invade territory with Russian troops inside of them? What can Russia actually do against Turkey in all honesty? Russia can't attack a NATO member directly or shoot down one of it's planes. It could do strikes against FSA but risk being shot down by F-16C with AMRAAMs. Time for Turkey to rethink S-400 purchase with these Russian moves.

Its not just about military means. When everyone is against you, its not easy. How can we face EU+America and all the rest and add Russia to that equation too. We have to be politically smart in some way while going after our own interests.

I think we missed the point. I believe our aim was to go in and then force a political decision for them to withdraw voluntarily, I dont think they expected themselves to move to Syria/Russia side which is a mistake. Its going to be very difficult politically to bomb Russian troops now to take those areas.

Lets see what happens. As long as we can get a better advantage/safer than before the operation its an achievement.
In one day???? Is this guy for real? Unless you carpet bomb the area how can you capture all of that while there is thousands of armed fighters with atgm etc? If you do the first option there will be 10x sanctions and thousands of pictures massacre genocide etc. You have no idea what your talking about
ras al ayn, tal abyad and ordinary syrian "cities" is not even a neighborhood in my city, yes you should at the very least make significant gains inside the town in day 1 considering that the city is right at you border, but no, your SNA mercenaries are fooling around with the sorrounding villages capturing it in a painstakingly slow pace and not seizing multiple villages and hamlets all at the same time,its by day 3 (if im not mistaken) that you finally push inside the city itself. Actually by attacking across multiple fronts you actually disrupt the center of gravity of the YPG forcing them to either spread out or guess which city they should defend, but clearly you don't. when the announcement that Assad is about to capture Manbij, you responded by seizing 3 (yes three) outlying village north.

I say this again YPG/SDF is not even a threat, we all know that their power lies solely in US and coallition airpower, still cant figure out why you refrain from conducting urban warfare in the city,

Now the situation is:

-failing to establish the original safe zones stretching from ayn al arab to hasakah.
-getting sanctioned by EU and US
-YPG is still there under the armpits of the russian

all of the above so you can establish a safe zones in tiny tall abyad, which is not that important compare to hasakah, manbij, or even ayn al arab.
why you refrain from conducting urban warfare in the city
We dont refrain from that, those cities are just crunches of breads for the Turkish Army. Nothing would change even if we extended the safezone overally in north syria, not this week but months later Russia and Syria would push for gaining control over there. And we would have to hand those over despite of pressure from SNA.
Moreoever,you underestimate YPG /SDF, they were heavily armed by US , trained day by day through strategies to defend the cities, built up tunnels and prepared fortifications. they knew for years that Turkey would eventually crush their head,so we did and they were well prepared for that but they flee away like bugs.
Airforce isnt vital unless you conduct urban warfare, turkish SOF took an important role by clearing up the cities coarsely and let SNA do details in daytime.

ras al ayn, tal abyad and ordinary syrian "cities" is not even a neighborhood in my city, yes you should at the very least make significant gains inside the town in day 1 considering that the city is right at you border, but no, your SNA mercenaries are fooling around with the sorrounding villages capturing it in a painstakingly slow pace and not seizing multiple villages and hamlets all at the same time,its by day 3 (if im not mistaken) that you finally push inside the city itself. Actually by attacking across multiple fronts you actually disrupt the center of gravity of the YPG forcing them to either spread out or guess which city they should defend, but clearly you don't. when the announcement that Assad is about to capture Manbij, you responded by seizing 3 (yes three) outlying village north.
Turkish army should hire you, seems like you were fighting with PKK /YPG for 40 years and you understood their dirty strategies too well, Turkey was trying to be careful about civilian casualties, we are not barbaric like those in Syria (Count anyone who targets civilians without any secondary thought). :)
-failing to establish the original safe zones stretching from ayn al arab to hasakah.
-getting sanctioned by EU and US
-YPG is still there under the armpits of the russian
Situation is almost resolved, sanctions will be lifted in no time,
Trump has clearly stated PKK is terrorist organization and earlier accepted their link to YPG.
YPG/PKK no longer trusts US, I dont believe Russia has any profits on provocating them against Turkey.
Syria has no purpose on re-arming them against Turkey.
If somehow they deal on something like, YPG stays armed and holds control of citieis under Syrian Flag, Turkey would do operation like in Iraq. This is not new to us.
Could we do better if we didnt rely on SNA? I believe, indeed but casualties wouldnt be welcomed nicely in society. And we would be targeted way more since it would be considered as Turkey holding lands of syria.

Tens of thousands of Turkish soldiers were mobilized for this operation,if indeed it went in full force during the first hourds/days of the operation it could have quickly achieved its objectives. Yes there would have been casualties,probably but the YPG would have collapsed under heavy assaults of the Turkish army most probably.

The YPG and other Kurdish groups are nothing without air power from the US-led coalition,their lines of defence would have collapsed within the first hours. But instead Turkey went full slow and relied on poorly trained and organized SNA affiliated groups and now you have the YPG handing their positions to the Syrians and the Russians,in fact even operating alongside them. Clearly Turkey has missed a great initiative.
I believe civilians were the concern. YPG doesnt hesitate to blend in civilians ,or place them on front lines to avoid back fire. There has been numerous examples in Turkey.

Assad is about to capture Manbij
For your informaiton,its his own country he is securing control on there but not capturing.
Trump letter to Erdogan: 'Don't be a fool'

Don't be a fool," Donald Trump warned his counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan in an extraordinary letter sent the day Turkey launched its incursion into northeastern Syria — warning history risked branding him a "devil".

Three days after appearing to greenlight an invasion by pulling US troops from the Kurdish-dominated region, Trump told the Turkish president he would wreck Ankara's economy if the invasion went too far.

In language shorn of diplomatic niceties, Trump began with an outright threat.

"Let's work out a good deal," Trump wrote in the letter dated October 9.

"You don't want to be responsible for slaughtering thousands of people, and I don't want to be responsible for destroying the Turkish economy — and I will."

"History will look upon you favorably if you get this done the right and humane way," Trump said.

"It will look upon you forever as the devil if good things don't happen."

The US leader told Erdogan a "great deal" was possible if he negotiated with the head of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, Mazloum Abdi, whom Turkey has labelled a "terrorist" for his ties to the Kurdish PKK militants in Turkey.

"Don't be a tough guy. Don't be a fool," he finished, adding: "I will call you later."

We dont refrain from that, those cities are just crunches of breads for the Turkish Army. Nothing would change even if we extended the safezone overally in north syria, not this week but months later Russia and Syria would push for gaining control over there. And we would have to hand those over despite of pressure from SNA.
Moreoever,you underestimate YPG /SDF, they were heavily armed by US , trained day by day through strategies to defend the cities, built up tunnels and prepared fortifications. they knew for years that Turkey would eventually crush their head,so we did and they were well prepared for that but they flee away like bugs.
Airforce isnt vital unless you conduct urban warfare, turkish SOF took an important role by clearing up the cities coarsely and let SNA do details in daytime.
oh boy lol. you just admit to me, that turkey are in no position to take northern syria, which means that you are the big loser in the great power game in syria,
I don't understimate SDF/YPG.....its fact, without the coallition they are literally dogshit. we saw just how big their territory was before the siege of kobane. their might comes from constant media propaganda depicting fearless femininst warriors which should be taken by a grain of salt. its fact deal with it,

fortifications prove useless in afrin why should you take fortifications into account?????????

Turkish army should hire you, seems like you were fighting with PKK /YPG for 40 years and you understood their dirty strategies too well, Turkey was trying to be careful about civilian casualties, we are not barbaric like those in Syria (Count anyone who targets civilians without any secondary thought). :)
nahhh I saw just how careful you are in fighting in cities like cizre who are you trying to fool????
you should've hired those isis commander you detained, maybe they can help plan the strategy for you, like it or not, isis have some of the most brilliant tactical commanders of all arfmed groups fighting in syria,:woot: or at the very least release your detained coup generals.
I saw just how careful you are in fighting in cities like cizre who are you trying to fool????
Turkish army spent weeks or months on cizre and other pkk infected cities.
detained coup generals.
Turkish army has proven its capabilites multiple times after the coup attempt. You seem to consider Turkish Army to some armies which you have been acquainted with.
big loser
And here comes another expert on Syria, welcome, what is your expertise? Determining who is loser in Syria?.
Nothing has ended in Syria yet, and in the end It belong to Syrian people,no matter who takes the control,who governs or becomes the president it belong to people of Syria. Your twisted mind still seems to look for invasion and controlling as in Iraq?
Even Turkey has occupied the northern side ,there would be a moment to hand over everything to Syria.

oh boy lol. you just admit to me, that turkey are in no position to take northern syria, which means that you are the big loser in the great power game in syria,
I don't understimate SDF/YPG.....its fact, without the coallition they are literally dogshit. we saw just how big their territory was before the siege of kobane. their might comes from constant media propaganda depicting fearless femininst warriors which should be taken by a grain of salt. its fact deal with it,

fortifications prove useless in afrin why should you take fortifications into account?????????

nahhh I saw just how careful you are in fighting in cities like cizre who are you trying to fool????
you should've hired those isis commander you detained, maybe they can help plan the strategy for you, like it or not, isis have some of the most brilliant tactical commanders of all arfmed groups fighting in syria,:woot: or at the very least release your detained coup generals.
Fyi, day by day Afrin operation :

Dont get yourself humiliated :)

I saw just how careful you are in fighting in cities like cizre who are you trying to fool
Yes we were pretty careful, i can say one of the most careful army about civilians. Name one country who could fight in cizre with less civilian casualties?
You are revealing your real face already,which is fun to see how you are going dirty and provocative with your words :D Yet you are pretty aware most of those civilians were terrorists ,got their weapons removed after died,and as Turkish people we didnt forget about dozens of "civilians" at basement of apartment which Europe and US was screaming as Today to save them, later we found out they were really " too much CIVILIANS"

In the end of all which i meant to say :
What does really hurt you badly that you are almost insulting Turkey and Turkish Army in your posts? Do you feel envy , or do you have some hostility against Turkey?
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Turkish army spent weeks or months on cizre and other pkk infected cities.

Turkish army has proven its capabilites multiple times after the coup attempt. You seem to consider Turkish Army to some armies which you have been acquainted with.

off course, against a much weaker enemy. there's nothing to applaud here, considering your resource in numbers, tech and so on. look im not vilifying on what you done in cizre and so on, civilian casualties does happened,warcrimes happened , but there's no point on making everything so slow just because "we care about civilians". in the case of northern syria most of the population evacuated days in advance before the operation starts duhhhhhhh -__-. what civilians are you talking about??????

just in case you don't get it already, your entire "peace spring operation" lies in the immaturity of trump giving the green lights, and trump being trump, well he could've just change his mind just like the last time (i think december) when he cancelled the pullout of US personell in northern syria. the more you wait the more pressure on trump to change his mind on all of this northern syria operation.

Turkish army spent weeks or months on cizre and other pkk infected cities.

Turkish army has proven its capabilites multiple times after the coup attempt. You seem to consider Turkish Army to some armies which you have been acquainted with.

And here comes another expert on Syria, welcome, what is your expertise? Determining who is loser in Syria?.
Nothing has ended in Syria yet, and in the end It belong to Syrian people,no matter who takes the control,who governs or becomes the president it belong to people of Syria. Your twisted mind still seems to look for invasion and controlling as in Iraq?
Even Turkey has occupied the northern side ,there would be a moment to hand over everything to Syria.
duhhh, didn't all your justifications to enter syria is to "safely relocate syrian refugees back home". your refugees or at least the majority of them leave the country because they are opposed to the allawite Assad, so whats the point in launching incursion when you could just send them to assad controlled syria by bus. its cheaper, didn't equate more sanction, and its safe. why try so hard at the first place??????
northern syria most of the population evacuated days in advance before the operation starts
Count in civilians held by YPG /IS , or even targeted by them while fleeing.
launching incursion when you could just send them to assad controlled syria by bus
Because they are an economical burden for us, also burden for social security, health insurance system and vaccination shield which was woven for decades in Turkey. These are only simple cases.
We are being accused of solely for reason of our willing to return them back, while you kindly protect anyone else who kicked them off their borders.
he cancelled the pullout of US personell in northern syria
there are elections in US and its near, consider other dimensions of things. If Trump was in good coordination with Pentagon and that green light was widely accepted in US, US forces nearby to Turkish border wouldnt feel threatened by shells falling down nearby to them.
warcrimes happened
There is no warcrime in cizre, if there is one its done by PKK which aimed at ambulances trying to get close. Dont bend your words to target Turkey.

Yep. And the assh*les on reddit defended it by saying that they are "protecting there homes".

Honestly KCK is worse than ISIS. ISIS didn't try to appear 'good'. They knew they were evil and everyone else knew too. But KCK is just disgusting on another level. It's built on lying to not only locals but to the whole world. The lengths they go to in order to try to prove themselves as being innocent is just ridiculous. We should target those who make their propaganda harshly. Assassinate them if necessary.
Tens of thousands of Turkish soldiers were mobilized for this operation,if indeed it went in full force during the first hourds/days of the operation it could have quickly achieved its objectives. Yes there would have been casualties,probably but the YPG would have collapsed under heavy assaults of the Turkish army most probably.

The YPG and other Kurdish groups are nothing without air power from the US-led coalition,their lines of defence would have collapsed within the first hours. But instead Turkey went full slow and relied on poorly trained and organized SNA affiliated groups and now you have the YPG handing their positions to the Syrians and the Russians,in fact even operating alongside them. Clearly Turkey has missed a great initiative.
Only a very few country except USA can do that kind of heavy kinetic operation. That needs to use heavy air bombardment as well.
RU: Damascus need to take control of the border with TR...
Well here goes... Russia stance... but hey... let's "Trust Putin/RU" some said...

The Law of the Jungle... Crush whatever in front of you... and they will respect you... Show a centimeter of "Weakness"... and you are dead and labeled as a weak.

Turkish Foreign Minister: Moscow promised Ankara that Kurdish militants will not be deployed in Syria near the Turkish border

Where did I read something like that... wait a second... isn't it... AH YES!!!! It's the so called "Tell Rifaat PROMISE of the Russians..." Well then... Maybe the This 100th promise of RU could be the One...
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