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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

They didn't move slow, they got a good amount of land in 7 days but SAA and Russia interfered. I fear this may turn into a standstill like Yemen war.
Oh yes they are. You should actually captured tal abyad ,ras al ayn and ayn al arab in day1. Considering the proximity of those cities to turkish borders all at the same time. But all i see is you're fooling around capturing villages one by one as opposed to multiple villages at the same time. Eastern Manbij should be secured so that future russian+assad troops heading to the city blocked,but you dont. And there you have it. Now you're stuck with tal abyad and ras al ayn while getting sanctioned. Failinh to meet your intended goal of a full safe zone stretching from ayn al arab to hasaka.
Except artillery and aistrikes, the Turkish participation seems minimal anyway. Just like Euphrates Shield.
Oh yes they are. You should actually captured tal abyad ,ras al ayn and ayn al arab in day1. Considering the proximity of those cities to turkish borders all at the same time. But all i see is you're fooling around capturing villages one by one as opposed to multiple villages at the same time. Eastern Manbij should be secured so that future russian+assad troops heading to the city blocked,but you dont. And there you have it. Now you're stuck with tal abyad and ras al ayn while getting sanctioned. Failinh to meet your intended goal of a full safe zone stretching from ayn al arab to hasaka.
Turks have to be more sensitive than anyone else. We have seen how much the coalition, Russia, Assad and BKK value life in Syria. The areas they take under control have been bombed to dust.
Julian posted a few days prior how fast the operation was going. We are only one week into the operation with very few casualties and an area larger than the Golan Heights has been liberated.
Dude the city is right there>>>>>>>>>>>>right at your walled border, cant you see it already. You should've move with massed armored thrust encircling them in one huge swoop preventing any SAA reinforcement coming from hasakah, or Aleppo while seciring strategic bridge and position east of manbij city, the flat open geography of northern syria permits . Instead you rely on stupid incompetent SNA/rebels who have historicallyy getting buttfucked by isis in al bab fooling aroind making gains as fast as a snail while busying themselves taking picture.
When the news of eventual manbij handout to assad you should've at least seize the city by any means including airborne assault followed by eventual land reinforcement coming from jerablus. But you dont.
Dude the city is right there>>>>>>>>>>>>right at your walled border, cant you see it already. You should've move with massed armored thrust encircling them in one huge swoop preventing any SAA reinforcement coming from hasakah, or Aleppo while seciring strategic bridge and position east of manbij city, the flat open geography of northern syria permits . Instead you rely on stupid incompetent SNA/rebels who have historicallyy getting buttfucked by isis in al bab fooling aroind making gains as fast as a snail while busying themselves taking picture.
When the news of eventual manbij handout to assad you should've at least seize the city by any means including airborne assault followed by eventual land reinforcement coming from jerablus. But you dont.

Don't forget YPG has a massive amount of ATGMs. Rolling in with m60s would lead to a substantial amount of casualties.
Turks have to be more sensitive than anyone else. We have seen how much the coalition, Russia, Assad and BKK value life in Syria. The areas they take under control have been bombed to dust.
Nobody gives an F, cant you see it already whats the point of preserving cities when EU and USA dont give a single F's .
Dude the city is right there>>>>>>>>>>>>right at your walled border, cant you see it already. You should've move with massed armored thrust encircling them in one huge swoop preventing any SAA reinforcement coming from hasakah, or Aleppo while seciring strategic bridge and position east of manbij city, the flat open geography of northern syria permits . Instead you rely on stupid incompetent SNA/rebels who have historicallyy getting buttfucked by isis in al bab fooling aroind making gains as fast as a snail while busying themselves taking picture.
When the news of eventual manbij handout to assad you should've at least seize the city by any means including airborne assault followed by eventual land reinforcement coming from jerablus. But you dont.
SAA is easy picking for TAF, they can be targeted by drones, F-16s, whatever. SAA has no defense against air strikes and if Turkey did a full scale invasion they would be fucked. IMO, Turkey should blockade Kurdish cities while occupying Arab cities. No Syrian refugees will move back to Ayn Al Arab anyway because it is a Kurdish majority city. Russia is in no position to stop Turkey anyway, they have maybe 10 air superiority fighters?
Don't forget YPG has a massive amount of ATGMs. Rolling in with m60s would lead to a substantial amount of casualties.
Yes and because youre moving so slow the SDF now has chances to fortify the lines and start hunting turkish tanks one by one.

SAA is easy picking for TAF, they can be targeted by drones, F-16s, whatever. SAA has no defense against air strikes and if Turkey did a full scale invasion they would be fucked. IMO, Turkey should blockade Kurdish cities while occupying Arab cities. No Syrian refugees will move back to Ayn Al Arab anyway because it is a Kurdish majority city. Russia is in no position to stop Turkey anyway, they have maybe 10 air superiority fighters?
Yes and i dont see why in the world they dont do it already.
Yes and because youre moving so slow the SDF now has chances to fortify the lines and start hunting turkish tanks one by one.

Yes and i dont see why in the world they dont do it already.
It would be smarter to spread SDF line very thin and invade from as many KM of Turkey-Syria border as they can. SDF/SAA lines would be spread very, very thin and would be unable to concentrate its forces well.

Can Russia actually even do anything directly against Turkey in Syria? Russia has maybe 10 air superiority fighters?
Dude the city is right there>>>>>>>>>>>>right at your walled border, cant you see it already. You should've move with massed armored thrust encircling them in one huge swoop preventing any SAA reinforcement coming from hasakah, or Aleppo while seciring strategic bridge and position east of manbij city, the flat open geography of northern syria permits . Instead you rely on stupid incompetent SNA/rebels who have historicallyy getting buttfucked by isis in al bab fooling aroind making gains as fast as a snail while busying themselves taking picture.
When the news of eventual manbij handout to assad you should've at least seize the city by any means including airborne assault followed by eventual land reinforcement coming from jerablus. But you dont.
The border towns are the most protected areas in any conflict historically. Once troops are dug in,in any conflict it takes sometimes years to remove them. There have been reports that they have found 70 tunnels out of an estimated 300 in Rasalayn alone, with a total length of 80 km.

The Turkish tactics used in previous operations is to encircle a town but not completely in order to allow maximum time for the civilians to leave the area. It also allows for the enemy to retreat and not fight to the death. This has been effective before.

And mass armoured thrusts don't work well against guerrilla tactics and atgms.

Another thing, The Turks still cannot attack anywhere in Northern Syria at the moment because there are still coalition troops in certain areas.

Nobody gives an F, cant you see it already whats the point of preserving cities when EU and USA dont give a single F's .
We are muslims, we shouldn't behave like them.

This statement doesn't make sense... Turkish forces are nowhere near Lafarge Cement Factory according to Liveuamap and other sources.
The border towns are the most protected areas in any conflict historically. Once troops are dug in,in any conflict it takes sometimes years to remove them. There have been reports that they have found 70 tunnels out of an estimated 300 in Rasalayn alone, with a total length of 80 km.
Dude. Youre fighting the YPG/SDF. The single most pathethic /useless armed group in syria. You dont expect them to mount effective ressistance. They will not put the same resistance like isis did in raqqa, mosul,al bab, manbij,baiji,tikrit,ramadi or like the rebels in aleppo,idlib and damscus. Dont pretend like they are a formidalbe force to be reckoned with because they clearly dont

And mass armoured thrusts don't work well against guerrilla tactics and atgms.

No they dont. But they shattered the enemy morale and capture strategic objective like you so called "safe zones"
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