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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Can someone explain to me why Turkey is still in NATO with passion despite getting backstabbed by the entire Western Europe who imposed sanctions on them, pushing Turkophobia via mass media and openly supported Kurdish seperatist which is designated as a terrorist organization by Turkey?

Why isn’t Turkey blackmailing them by saying that “support us or we will leave NATO to the East and ban you from going near strategic positions around Turkey”?
Can someone explain to me why Turkey is still in NATO with passion despite getting backstabbed by the entire Western Europe who imposed sanctions on them and openly supported Kurdish seperatist which is designated as a terrorist organization by Turkey?

Why isn’t Turkey blackmailing them by saying that “support us or we will leave NATO to the East and ban you from going near strategic positions around Turkey”?

"let the defense industry mature enough", "keep ur enemies closer " completly unjustified responses. NATO is a threat to Turkey (So is Russia btw. let me make this clear) But NATO literally is fighting Turkey no one should give bullshit excuses anymore.
Folks might not understand why Turkey is going on with this ops inside Syria. Only for those who sincerely want to know:
  • The known Imperialist/Zionist forces and their proxies in the greater ME have made PKK/YPG/YPD etc. an umbrella organization to attack Turkey via terrorism. Thus, Turkey can be controlled and curtailed at will. They haven't made 30K long vehicle and 6K cargo planes full of modern arms supply to PKK for fun
  • They have wanted to make a "terror corridor" - from the borders of Irak to the Mediterranean bordering Turkey - to have terrorist camps at the 0th km off the Turkish border. No stones have remained unturned in this regard
  • Turkey has had two options: to die sitting at home, or to try to survive fighting out. The Turkish folks, carrying the legacy of 22 Turkic Empires built all around the known world in the last two thousand years, have chosen the latter
  • This fight is the continuation of the "War of Independence" having been waged for the last 100 years by the Turkish folks. This fight is for their existence
  • The last one thousand years of history has shown the Turkish folks won't go down without fighting to death. Hence, the panic mode in so many capitals - Non-Muslims and Murteds alike - for they also have survived the same history
  • Turkey doesn't sell El Kuds, or put El Haremain for negotiation. And, it's their strength - not weapons or wealth
  • We are born at our homes, and we die at the battlefields - a Turkish saying. Match this with a margin, and you can rule over Turkey

Too much propaganda from all sides. You cannot understand what is going on
I agree... Geolocating FSA and SDF pictures helps a lot in confirming territorial gains though.

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What could they possibly do? Best options are nations close in proximity to Syria with resources but Arab countries are out of the picture for now.

RIP in Hell
In the grand scheme of things an end to Ethno separatists in the region is what not only Turkey wants but also Iran and Pakistan want
In the grand scheme of things an end to Ethno separatists in the region is what not only Turkey wants but also Iran and Pakistan want
Well, that's what happens when you have multiple ethnic groups in one country who disagree with each other. Arab countries made a mistake in this situation, they had an opportunity to give refuge for Arabs and improve relations with Turkey but ignored it for political reasons.
Well, that's what happens when you have multiple ethnic groups in one country who disagree with each other. Arab countries made a mistake in this situation, they had an opportunity to give refuge for Arabs and improve relations with Turkey but ignored it for political reasons.
Pakistan,Iran and Turkey have things under control but things do have spill over effects when your neighbour aint so chill
We had to build a giant fence on harsh terrain
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