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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

PKK captured a Kirpi..

PKK and SAA are currently doing a counter offensive around Tel Tamir, and have recaptured several villages..
Did you read tweets under video. Turks explain video is from cinderes in 2018 .

Erdogan: artillery attack in Manbij, Syria, which killed a Turkish soldier carried out by Syrian government forces

This is more, or less a declaration of war... Turkey needs to respond swiftly and with power.
Fully destroyed Assad army conwoy with tanks,bmps and soldiers.
Did you read tweets under video. Turks explain video is from cinderes in 2018 .

Fully destroyed Assad army conwoy with tanks,bmps and soldiers.
Can you provide me with some evidence if you can find it? Liveuamap.com has stated this is false news and I can't find any evidence confirming this.
Well, the dreams of an independent kurdistan are crushed for now.

PKK+ Refugees that are main concern now.

In regards to the PKK we will see what the Putin erdogan will bring forward.

With the refugees ? Open the gates.
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PKK fanboys are spreading the video of the Turkish bombardment on PKK convoy with “journalists” in Ras Ul ayn and calling it a war crime :lol:
During a conflict it's a great idea to get an armed military escort. Especially when the combatants are wearing civilian clothing.
This is what I want to see if this is true.


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Lets hope for a NATO exit after the operation.

Turkey's Syria offensive puts alliance with U.S. near breaking point


that is what i predicted already years ago. If it was for the US they would also attack Turkey and if someone attacks Turkey they would happily support it and carve out a kurdish state just a reminder for everyone why no one should believe in that NATO shit. It doesnt offer anything besides strengthening the west in the region and weaking us by maintaining a stance which is not compatible with the security of turkey.

Already saw it coming :D

So is the safe zone even feasible if Russia and Assad back the YPG? They already seem to be gaining ground from rebels.
So is the safe zone even feasible if Russia and Assad back the YPG? They already seem to be gaining ground from rebels.
No it is not possible to get intended safe zone. Unless TAF want to come into direct conflict with Russia they will have to settle for what they have.
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