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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Dude. Youre fighting the YPG/SDF. The single most pathethic /useless armed group in syria. You dont expect them to mount effective ressistance. They will not put the same resistance like isis did in raqqa, mosul,al bab, manbij,baiji,tikrit,ramadi or like the rebels in aleppo,idlib and damscus. Dont pretend like they are a formidalbe force to be reckoned with because they clearly dont

No they dont. But they shattered the enemy morale and capture strategic objective like you so called "safe zones"
Can Turkey still invade territory with Russian troops inside of them? What can Russia actually do against Turkey in all honesty? Russia can't attack a NATO member directly or shoot down one of it's planes. It could do strikes against FSA but risk being shot down by F-16C with AMRAAMs. Time for Turkey to rethink S-400 purchase with these Russian moves.
Dude. Youre fighting the YPG/SDF. The single most pathethic /useless armed group in syria. You dont expect them to mount effective ressistance. They will not put the same resistance like isis did in raqqa, mosul,al bab, manbij,baiji,tikrit,ramadi or like the rebels in aleppo,idlib and damscus. Dont pretend like they are a formidalbe force to be reckoned with because they clearly dont

No they dont. But they shattered the enemy morale and capture strategic objective like you so called "safe zones"
With a knife, even a madman is dangerous. A madwoman, more so.
With a knife, even a madman is dangerous. A madwoman, more so.
Ok i got it .so a supposedly madwomen is dangerous enough that the second larhest military in NATO refarin from entering a city. Ok ok i clearly understand where this is going.
Can Turkey still invade territory with Russian troops inside of them? What can Russia actually do against Turkey in all honesty? Russia can't attack a NATO member directly or shoot down one of it's planes. It could do strikes against FSA but risk being shot down by F-16C with AMRAAMs. Time for Turkey to rethink S-400 purchase with these Russian moves.

Depends tbh if the russians now directly aid the PKK (see ayn al arab video) then the S400 purchase makes little sense and it would be more wise to get the F35 to strike those PKK targets inside Syria. However there is to much fog of war right now- but in the end the fault lies with turkey utilizing the FSA rather then going in shock and awe style. Furthermore with the news that the americans indeed trained the PKK in case of a turkish assault the turkish tactic isnt really the smartest to go from halmet to hamlet urban style. Since international backlash wise the ones are who are the loudest are the west but their opinion is irrelevant anyway, so not the smartest tactic so far from the tsk.

Ok i got it .so a supposedly madwomen is dangerous enough that the second larhest military in NATO refarin from entering a city. Ok ok i clearly understand where this is going.

I also dont know from what the TSK is refraining right now. The numbers are there.
Oh yes they are. You should actually captured tal abyad ,ras al ayn and ayn al arab in day1. Considering the proximity of those cities to turkish borders all at the same time. But all i see is you're fooling around capturing villages one by one as opposed to multiple villages at the same time. Eastern Manbij should be secured so that future russian+assad troops heading to the city blocked,but you dont. And there you have it. Now you're stuck with tal abyad and ras al ayn while getting sanctioned. Failinh to meet your intended goal of a full safe zone stretching from ayn al arab to hasaka.

Tens of thousands of Turkish soldiers were mobilized for this operation,if indeed it went in full force during the first hourds/days of the operation it could have quickly achieved its objectives. Yes there would have been casualties,probably but the YPG would have collapsed under heavy assaults of the Turkish army most probably.

The YPG and other Kurdish groups are nothing without air power from the US-led coalition,their lines of defence would have collapsed within the first hours. But instead Turkey went full slow and relied on poorly trained and organized SNA affiliated groups and now you have the YPG handing their positions to the Syrians and the Russians,in fact even operating alongside them. Clearly Turkey has missed a great initiative.

This statement doesn't make sense... Turkish forces are nowhere near Lafarge Cement Factory according to Liveuamap and other sources.
Closest Turks seem to be about 30 KM away and Liveumap 40km away. The Yanks seem to be telling the most Porkies. Well after the PKK anyway.
Folks might not understand why Turkey is going on with this ops inside Syria. Only for those who sincerely want to know:
  • The known Imperialist/Zionist forces and their proxies in the greater ME have made PKK/YPG/YPD etc. an umbrella organization to attack Turkey via terrorism. Thus, Turkey can be controlled and curtailed at will. They haven't made 30K long vehicle and 6K cargo planes full of modern arms supply to PKK for fun
  • They have wanted to make a "terror corridor" - from the borders of Irak to the Mediterranean bordering Turkey - to have terrorist camps at the 0th km off the Turkish border. No stones have remained unturned in this regard
  • Turkey has had two options: to die sitting at home, or to try to survive fighting out. The Turkish folks, carrying the legacy of 22 Turkic Empires built all around the known world in the last two thousand years, have chosen the latter
  • This fight is the continuation of the "War of Independence" having been waged for the last 100 years by the Turkish folks. This fight is for their existence
  • The last one thousand years of history has shown the Turkish folks won't go down without fighting to death. Hence, the panic mode in so many capitals - Non-Muslims and Murteds alike - for they also have survived the same history
  • Turkey doesn't sell El Kuds, or put El Haremain for negotiation. And, it's their strength - not weapons or wealth
  • We are born at our homes, and we die at the battlefields - a Turkish saying. Match this with a margin, and you can rule over Turkey

Me and Erdogan the Honorable think on same wave lengths
Hit the hammer on nail when the nail is Isolated

Don't let the nail hide
Tens of thousands of Turkish soldiers were mobilized for this operation,if indeed it went in full force during the first hourds/days of the operation it could have quickly achieved its objectives. Yes there would have been casualties,probably but the YPG would have collapsed under heavy assaults of the Turkish army most probably.

The YPG and other Kurdish groups are nothing without air power from the US-led coalition,their lines of defence would have collapsed within the first hours. But instead Turkey went full slow and relied on poorly trained and organized SNA affiliated groups and now you have the YPG handing their positions to the Syrians and the Russians,in fact even operating alongside them. Clearly Turkey has missed a great initiative.
We were told that the french had experience in evacuating, but you took too long getting out.
Tens of thousands of Turkish soldiers were mobilized for this operation,if indeed it went in full force during the first hourds/days of the operation it could have quickly achieved its objectives. Yes there would have been casualties,probably but the YPG would have collapsed under heavy assaults of the Turkish army most probably.

The YPG and other Kurdish groups are nothing without air power from the US-led coalition,their lines of defence would have collapsed within the first hours. But instead Turkey went full slow and relied on poorly trained and organized SNA affiliated groups and now you have the YPG handing their positions to the Syrians and the Russians,in fact even operating alongside them. Clearly Turkey has missed a great initiative.
I even started to question how well turkey will fare in a complex military maneuver against a neer peer enemy in a contested battlespace.
For Turkey , it can't have this safe heaven for war and Terrorism on it's backdoor constant none sense beside it's border

Makes sense to go in now , take over , de-arm and control and manage region

Western Narrative : Syria regime is evil
Syrian People : We don't want war we were ok with our existing setup
To Turkey : You house the refugee pay with your own economy
To Turkey : PKK is against Syria , they can attack Syria but Turkey you can't enter Syria ?

Turkey : But PKK has acted as a Terrorist organization inside Turkey
For Turkey , it can't have this safe heaven for war and Terrorism on it's backdoor constant none sense beside it's border

Makes sense to go in now , take over , de-arm and control and manage region
Its too late already. They lost the critical shock momentum. Now the SDF will switch merely from a US alligned to a Russ/assad alligned forces. Shame shame
PKK were propped up to take control of water channels and gas/oil fields on northern Syria



South Sudan also had oil fields
The world rapidly, accepted South Sudan and gave them control over the oil fields

In the end it is about setting up puppet governments to take control over oil fields, and Turkey has had enough of this war and Terrorism on their back door

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Tens of thousands of Turkish soldiers were mobilized for this operation,if indeed it went in full force during the first hourds/days of the operation it could have quickly achieved its objectives. Yes there would have been casualties,probably but the YPG would have collapsed under heavy assaults of the Turkish army most probably.

The YPG and other Kurdish groups are nothing without air power from the US-led coalition,their lines of defence would have collapsed within the first hours. But instead Turkey went full slow and relied on poorly trained and organized SNA affiliated groups and now you have the YPG handing their positions to the Syrians and the Russians,in fact even operating alongside them. Clearly Turkey has missed a great initiative.

It's either a case of "underestimating the Enemy" or "let's scare them" option...
TR is too much involved on "what those around her are doing/saying"... Btw PR and reality there is an abyss...
That what we are seeing by those few days into the Operation and they already agreed to "Meetings"... with the US and RU...

Maybe they hope to get it done via Diplomacy first by pushing the red button a bit... If it's not that... then it's an another Story...
The Thing is... Diplomacy didn't work either in previous OP in North Syria... don't know why they believe it's possible now...
RU/US/IR/SAA doesn't care about Turkey...if they could they will happily watch TR burn... and yet TR use silk gloves with them...
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