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Turkish MP: NATO missile system in Turkey aimed at protecting Israel

what you talking about dude?

surely all this publicity is for turkics to remind the jews that with egypt now emancipated, there are no more loyal dogs than turkics on jewish laps
I am pretty sure Israel has some good stuff in her arsenal to protect herself rather than relying on radar stations which stationed on other countries..The MP`s declaration is another classic Turkish internal politics fuss if you ask me

That radars helping them to detect missile sooner than their own radars ( In occupied Palestine ) .... plus those radars can be linked with Israel radars .

IMO if war happen , turkey will become first target for crushing these radars ... ( don't response this post with some useless bullshits )
That radars helping them to detect missile sooner than their own radars ( In occupied Palestine ) .... plus those radars can be linked with Israel radars .

IMO if war happen , turkey will become first target to crushing these radars ... ( don't response this post with some useless bullshits )

any source for your claims?
any source for your claims?

Are you excepting that I give you a secret document from Pentagon or NATO !?

USA clearly saying he will protect Israel and those radars belong to USA , so he would simply give information to Zionist regime !
Are you excepting that I give you a secret document from Pentagon or NATO !?

USA clearly saying he will protect Israel and those radars belong to USA , so he would simply give information to Zionist regime !

Well you claimed, those radars help Israel to detect missiles sooner than their own radars..And that those radars can be linked to Israeli radars..These are technical details and you seem to know all of those..So how? Please explain
Well you claimed, those radars help Israel to detect missiles sooner than their own radars..And that those radars can be linked to Israeli radars..These are technical details and you seem to know all of those..So how? Please explain
It makes sense though doesn't it? If Israel is worried about Iran and the Americans have a radar right on Iran's borders, then it would only make sense to integrate that radar into the Israeli missile defence. At the very least it would serve as an early warning system for the Israelis.
Well you claimed, those radars help Israel to detect missiles sooner than their own radars..And that those radars can be linked to Israeli radars..These are technical details and you seem to know all of those..So how? Please explain

This isn't any secret thing , USA want to build an global ABM systems for himself and all these radars should be linked with each other to doing job !! this radar that they install in turkey is one of their global ABM system and his job is detecting missile !!!

IMO it isn't a big deal for USA to linking Israel's ABM System with his own !!


the problem is that these radar have no use for turkey and only make it one the first target of war ( Israel Vs Iran or Russia Vs USA )
Israel already has the exact same radar AN\TPY-2 we have in Malatya, their one is in Necef



USA clearly saying he will protect Israel and those radars belong to USA , so he would simply give information to Zionist regime !

Actually command of radars transferred to Nato Air Command/Germany, after Turkey gained 10 stars in Chicago Nato Summit 12' (Stars show how many generals you can put on Nato command, 1 for lt.General, 4 for general etc.) he presses for the second chair in Rammstein. If it happens we can have more control on radars. Yes there will possibly be leaks but a high-ranked dude would be good in Rammstein.

The President has directed the Secretary of Defense to transfer operational control of the US radar in Turkey to NATO

The White House - Press Office

that won't change anything , the real point is that turkey radar can detect Iran missile sooner than Israelis , even 30 seconds is good time for Israelis systems to calculation trajectory of missile and prepare themselves to react against it ....

Actually command of radars transferred to Nato Air Command/Germany, after Turkey gained 10 stars in Chicago Nato Summit 12' (Stars show how many generals you can put on Nato command, 1 for lt.General, 4 for general etc.) he presses for the second chair in Rammstein. If it happens we can have more control on radars. Yes there will possibly be leaks but a high-ranked dude would be good in Rammstein.

are you saying USA can't send the information to Israel !?

in the worst case , USA can simply receive data and sending it to Isreal from another path ( and their worst problem would be delay of receiving and sending data to Israel )


however if a war happen , I doubt we bother ourselves with this guesses before attacking to this radar system ...
This points back to my post about who has access to the information and who doesn't I don't believe that Turkey can block Israel from getting information from those radars, because I don't see how we can block them. Unless we can unplug the radar. What matters is controlling the information flow and having people in key positions to do so.

I don't really care about Iran and Israel. we have enough trouble with Iran as it is. I'm interested in knowing what Turkey can do with the radar installation in case it's being managed in violation to NATO agreement.
Oh no!!!


if we wanted to fear from someone , USA is much more better choice compare to turkey !!! are you get the point !?

[QUOTE]hmm you understand what you read, right? [/QUOTE]

the truth is that I didn't understand it very well ...
but I guess you are talking about commander but commander don't control radar , operators will control it and I guess most of them are westerns ( probably Americans ) and they will obey to their American commander not Turks !!
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