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Turkish minister of foreign affairs warns Iran.

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An economics view of this issue:

Turkey an energy poor country with big ambitions to join the top economic club countries needs direct access to Caspian sea massive oil and gas reserves..without access to energy they just remain another middle power country having to borrow money and buy energy and as they grow so does the need for energy.... an issue that only gets bigger every year.

So they came up with the plan of greater Turkey blah blah stretching well beyond their borders toward surprise surpise energy fields of Caucasus!..but they have a 3 fold problem namely Armenia, Russia and Iran.. does a country such as Turkey with close to $450 billion dollars external debt can afford to go to war against two energy superpowers of Russia and Iran..I guess you will always find mad men who will do that but personally I think this is all hot air ... they just have to accept that they have to pay for their energy needs and get on with rebuilding after earthquake.:undecided::undecided:
An economics view of this issue:

Turkey an energy poor country with big ambitions to join the top economic club countries needs direct access to Caspian sea massive oil and gas reserves..without access to energy they just remain another middle power country having to borrow money and buy energy and as they grow so does the need for energy.... an issue that only gets bigger every year.

So they came up with the plan of greater Turkey blah blah stretching well beyond their borders toward surprise surpise energy fields of Caucasus!..but they have a 3 fold problem namely Armenia, Russia and Iran.. does a country such as Turkey with close to $450 billion dollars external debt can afford to go to war against two energy superpowers of Russia and Iran..I guess you will always find mad men who will do that but personally I think this is all hot air ... they just have to accept that they have to pay for their energy needs and get on with rebuilding after earthquake.:undecided::undecided:
Russia already give up on Armenia thats why Azerbaijan is preparing to take that corridor easily, Armenians will either agree to give that corridor in exchange of open Turkish borders or Azeris will take it, Either way Iran will do nothing
Lol it should be bigger than UK economy by now considered where you were 30yrs ago but nope...Erdogan trashed the economy and no more EU membership. Iran has been under sanctions for decades and fought real wars whats your excuse?

Turkiye is fighting USA and their proxies - puppets since 1960

and Turkiye lost over $2 trillion

because USA backed military coups in Turkiye by 1960,1971,1980,1997,2016

because Tukiye fighting USA-Euroe backed PKK terrorism since 1985

because fought USA-Europe-Russia backed FETO , PKK-YPG , ISIS , WAGNER , IRGC , SAA , HEZBOL , HAFTAR , Armenia , Greece in Syria,Libya ,Karabakh and in the Eastern Mediterranean since 2013

because USA attacked Turkish Economy since 2013

still Turkish economy is bigger than Iran+Egypt+Greece combined ... lol


Turkiye : $1.029 trillion

Egypt : $378 billion
Iran : $367 billion
Greece : $239 billion
Losing 1 million people to a state like Iraq is not something to be proud of. You tried to solve your lack of tactical planning with human waves, meanwhile Cyprus was captured by air and sea operations like mini normandy.. We too could lose 100k people against Greeks ıf we solved our issues with human waves
Lol I am not Iranian wtf? 16 yrs been posting on this forum lol and first time hearing iranian

And Iran fought against Iraq + entire West + Muslim world + chemical weapons against a sanctioned Iran. Turkey would have collapsed within the first few weeks if they were under those terms/situation

Turkiye is fighting USA and their proxies - puppets since 1960
U been fighting your biggest ally who gave you all your best weapons and even put their nukes on your soil to protect you? lol okay sure, sounds like you had to dig reeaaaal deep for that excuse
Russia already give up on Armenia thats why Azerbaijan is preparing to take that corridor easily, Armenians will either agree to give that corridor in exchange of open Turkish borders or Azeris will take it, Either way Iran will do nothing
according to an Iranian commentator few days ago..Russia and Iran have agreed that Iran will be the up front driver of the this file with Russia in the support role due to obvious occupation of Russia with UKraine.. Russia will not accept Nato on her southern border either via Armenia joining Nato or Armenian land being occupied by Baku allowing direct Nato access to Caspian energy field.
Lol I am not Iranian wtf? 16 yrs been posting on this forum lol and first time hearing iranian
My bad sorry
And Iran fought against Iran + entire West + Muslim world + chemical weapons against a sanctioned Iran. Turkey would have collapsed within the first few weeks if they were under those terms/situation
Turkey too fought under difficult conditions between 1919 and 1923 and we didnt have oil/gas to rebuild our country.. It can be logically explained that Turkey/Azerbaijan can lose a possible war against Iran/Armenia, but most of what I've read here is pure chauvinism.
since 2016 , Turkiye kicked USA,France,Russia backed loser puppets Iran, SAA, PKK-YPG , ISIS , HAFTAR , Armenia , Greece in Syria , Libya , Karabakh and in the Eastern Mediterranean

Turkish economy is bigger than Iran+Egypt+Greece combined ... lol

Turkiye : $1.029 trillion

Egypt : $378 billion
Iran : $367 billion
Greece : $239 billion
Screenshot_2022-12-01 Aksener presents video Erdogan's insults to Sisi.png
So they came up with the plan of greater Turkey blah blah stretching well beyond their borders toward surprise surpise energy fields of Caucasus!..but they have a 3 fold problem namely Armenia, Russia and Iran.. does a country such as Turkey with close to $450 billion dollars external debt can afford to go to war against two energy superpowers of Russia and Iran

Another Energy Super power = Turkic World

Turkish States have over $100 trillion of gas , oil , thorium , uranium , boron reserves

The future is THORIUM for nuclear reactors

Turkiye has huge Thorium reserves ,, 380.000 tons of thorium can provide all EUROPE's 500 years electric energy


and Russia doesnt care about Armenia -Iran in Karabakh

one on one
Azerbaijan vs poor backward Armenia

Turkiye vs poor backward Iran
My bad sorry

Turkey too fought under difficult conditions between 1919 and 1923 and we didnt have oil/gas to rebuild our country.. It can be logically explained that Turkey/Azerbaijan can lose a possible war against Iran/Armenia, but most of what I've read here is pure chauvinism.
All good no problems.

I am here only to laugh at MMME and his ultra-mega-power country status of invincibility and bring his stupidity back to earth a little bit.
according to an Iranian commentator few days ago..Russia and Iran have agreed that Iran will be the up front driver of the this file with Russia in the support role due to obvious occupation of Russia with UKraine.. Russia will not accept Nato on her southern border either via Armenia joining Nato or Armenian land being occupied by Baku allowing direct Nato access to Caspian energy field.
Caspian oil/gas already going to Europe since 2008 via Ceyhan-Tanap pipeline.. And Turkey as a NATO country is also in Azerbaijan but that doesnt concern Russia because we are not full American b2tch as you Iranians thing.. Meanwhile Armenian govermant is no different than 2008 Georgian govermant. They want to bring US/France to Caucassus region and get rid of Russian influence in Armenia. This is why Russia is no longer support Armenia.. Ofcourse Russia will not try to stop Iran but they will not help Iran either
$100 trillion
is this going to be your new meme? $100 trillion going to be repeated in every post from now on rite?

how many TB2 can $100 trillion dollars can buy?


in Idlib-Syria , Libya , Karabakh and in the Eastern Mediterranean
Losing 1 million people to a state like Iraq is not something to be proud of. You tried to solve your lack of tactical planning with human waves, meanwhile Cyprus was captured by air and sea operations like mini normandy.. We too could lose 100k people against Greeks ıf we solved our issues with human waves
One of their problems was that the Revolutionary regime didn't trust the Army. Interestingly,the Pasdaran didn't use ways to pass important information,that could be decrypted. They used people to pass on important messages to officers and units.
They did that because they didn't want the Army to know their moves,but it turned out that Iraqis too didn't know the Pasdarans' plans and operations. They did manage to decrypt and intercept plans of the regular Army often,but they couldn't figure out the IRGC,because of that tactic.

Now,yes the two of them didn't cooperate well and often and that was problematic for Iran. The other reason for their massive casualties was that Iraq had crazy defences around Basra and Baghdad and they couldn't take these cities. So it was like a stalemate. Of course,Saddam used chemical weapons too when Iranians were going to overrun important defences inside Iraq.
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