We must know that. We cant achive a 1500 hp class turkish made engine not until 2030. And also we cant thrust to germany about engine and transmission. Also we need time for make a new engine with italians and brits on iveco or catterpillar engine.
I will prefer a mor localized 1200 hp brits/italian/ukranien engine for intagrate him current altay and named him 250 Altay EDT (Erken Duhul Tankı) with same speed and maneuvrability level with challenger 2 . On the other hand Challenger 2 is the same tonnage level with altay and his speed and maneuvrability not bad at all. Enough for us for stop gap. (A little reminding we have only 160 Battle Capable tank if we isn't upgrade leo 2a4's with reactive armor and polat/akkor.)
And in the end we must work until Edt production finished with 3 crewed , automatic loadered, unmanned 120 mm L/55 turreted and 1200 hp engined 70/km-s class tank like that ;
Advantage's of this new 4.class armata like tanks;
1- İf turrets is unmanned tank tonnage is decrase for that reason we can take more performance 1200 hp like him 1500 hp
2- Personel coverage is incrase . Because Tank turret size minimize and very hard to shot him with sabot ammo and for anti tank missiles we have active/Passive protection systems and with that huge tonnage incrase we can integrate the armor coverage to hull .
On the other hand we need huge ZMA (ACV) NEEDİNG. Our acv-300's not a latest zma . He need extra armor, passive systems and active protection system and most important is coaxial anti tank missile launcher.
We dont need new acv's we have huge amount acv-30 and acv-s .
That's a good modernization but need pulat and coaxial anti tank launcher. We need upgrade all 600 acv-30's . Also we need extra minimum 400 and max 900 zma. Normally armies have 1 tank/ 1.5 or 2 acv percentage. So we need just upgrade minimum 400 and max 900 zma acv-s with lwr, yamgöz, dvs, pulat and 20 mm + 2x anti tank missile launcher unmanned turret like that ;
Just the single barrel 20 mm + anti tank version . Not gatling.
So that is the cheap way have makeing fightable mechanized force. 160 Sabra TM FIRAT + 330 Leopard 2a4 Modernaized + 1000 Upgraded Acv Zma is the good for first stage.
+250 Altay edh + 500 Koral Turreted local engined zma good for second stage.
+750 Altay T3 + 1500 Koral Turreted Zma good for third stage.
İn the and 1000 altay (500 leo 2a4/sabra storage) and 2000 zma (1000 moded acv storage) good for our army