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Turkish Air Defence Programs

Joining into developmemt of Aster Block-1NT project for equal partner for Hisar-U or just using Eurosam technology to develop a new system? And Aster-30 for Tf-2000


What about this girl?

What a magnificent and beautiful day will it be when we see one of our frigates or submarines fire a fully indigenous Hisar-U or Gezgin! :)

Yeah, 90's & early 2000's were also an interesting time with Turks and Griks dogfighting daily in the Aegean. Both sides lost people/planes to "friendly fire" from an ally. :(

Seems that also mediatic experts say BS. I was always this opinion.
German fighters have command to shot down every target , after that intense warning ! Even civil.
Brother. Gezgin?

It is about SAM integration. Gezgin VL-LACM, Temren Blk-1/2, Atmaca family and Supersonic anti-ship missile project, Akya and Orka family torpedos are striking elements of TN, While Naval-Hisar A/O/U inside national VL-Launchpad, Korkut-D CIWS and Sapan Surface to Air Missiles are defensive.
It is about SAM integration. Gezgin VL-LACM, Temren and Atmaca family missiles, Akya and Orka family torpedos are striking elements of TN, While Naval-Hisar A/O/U inside national VL-Launchpad, Korkut-D CIWS and Sapan Surface to Air Missiles are defensive.

Thank you bro. Post from @Combat-Master was indeed Hisar-O launch tubes Macunköy Aselsan facilities.:tup:
Turkey has launched full-scale production of the Korkut short-range anti-aircraft system, which comprises a twin 35mm self-propelled gun vehicle (pictured) and a 3-D search radar mounted on a separate vehicle.


The first group of ACV-30 vehicles to be manufactured by FNSS are planned to be delivered to ASELSAN in May 2018.
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Aster block 2 has 3000km range . Frenchs and italians need outpost countries to support their air defence umbrella althought AFAIK Aster uses sputniks.They might built own THAAD and not to be depended to the usa.
18 month is pretty amazing, but they will probably go from existing desing and will try to improve that system with Turkish sub-systems, then there would be additional testing duration, then serial production agreement(?)

If we could get Eurosam-Aselsan-Roketsan made air defense system until 2020, it would be huge suprise for me o_O
18 month is pretty amazing, but they will probably go from existing desing and will try to improve that system with Turkish sub-systems, then there would be additional testing duration, then serial production agreement(?)

If we could get Eurosam-Aselsan-Roketsan made air defense system until 2020, it would be huge suprise for me o_O

I want to confirm, we delayed from 2013 to 2023 .
And I promise you,
that it is the date FOR INDEPENDENT DEFENSE and unlimited offence if neccessary.
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