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Turkish Air Defence Programs

Turkey want to produce home-made air-defense system even with Russian S-400 purchase plan
On Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that Turkey would seek the technological independence from defense imports and enhance its own defense production industry, based on the country's capacities and resources.


Russian S-400 air-defense system (source: Vitaly Kuzmin)

In May, Isik said that despite the fact that Ankara is planning to purchase Russian S-400 systems, Ankara's main objective was to produce its own components for an air defense system in collaboration with France and Italy.

The negotiations on possible supplies of the Russian S-400 air defense systems to Turkey have taken place since 2016. On June 3, 2017, the CEO of Russia's Rostec Corporation, Sergey Chemezov, confirmed that Russia and Turkey have agreed on all technical aspects of the deal on supplies of S-400 missile systems, and Moscow is currently considering the possibility of providing Ankara with a loan for the purchase of these weapons.

If I recall correctly, a Turkish official even attended a live fire test of the SAMP/T system in Italy, right?
If I recall correctly, a Turkish official even attended a live fire test of the SAMP/T system in Italy, right?

The ‘SAMP/T-MAMBA’ was deployed by Italy in Turkey as part of NATO's package of assistance measures before the July 9, 2016 until now July, 2017. So they (Turkish military officials) had every leisure to observe it. If it replaced very easily the system ‘MIM-104 Patriot’ on the theater of operation this demonstrates its undeniable efficiency.

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Pinotti visits Turkey: Italy- Equal Engagement on the Eastern and Southern Flanks

Defence Minister Roberta Pinotti, on an official visit to Turkey, has met her Turkish counterpart Fikri Isik and the Italian military contingent engaged in mission “Sagitta”

Istanbul 10 May 2017

Minister Pinotti has paid an official visit to Turkey to hold institutional talks: the first one, a bilateral meeting with the Turkish Defence Minister, Fikri Isik, focused on common security and international defence themes.

The main stop of the Minister’s trip to Turkey was her visit to the Italian contingent engaged in operation Sagitta, aimed at controlling NATO’s south-eastern borders, along the Turkish-Syrian border.

The Minister was welcomed in Kahramanmaras by Joint Operations Command Commander, Admiral Giuseppe Cavo Dragone.

Within the framework of NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System (NATINAMDS) Italy, following a specific request by Turkey, contributes to defending the Alliance’s air space and territories against a possible missile threat from the territories of the Syrian state.

On this occasion the Minister underscored that, at a time when, due to the Syrian war, terrorism extends its threat to neighbouring countries, Italy has responded to NATO’s request to intervene in the area, based on a rotational system involving other member countries.

“Italy continues to strongly support NATO engagements at its eastern and southern borders : our cooperation with Turkey to control the Syrian border falls within this framework”, Roberta Pinotti said. She then continued: “Some time ago, within the framework of the rotational engagements assumed by a number of NATO member countries, we declared to be available to replace, at the end of its term, the Spanish anti-missile battery, and we did it because we deem that NATO must commit itself at 360° at both its southern and eastern border”.

Italy has gained Turkey’s support to the establishment of a new NATO operation’s coordination and command centre for the Mediterranean in Naples.

In her speech to the contingent, the Minister underscored the excellent cooperation with the Turkish Armed Forces: “This morning I spoke with the Turkish Minister of Defence, Fikri Isik, who has thanked our country for the great job you are doing, and also for the good relationship you were able to establish with the Turkish military”.

During her stay in Istanbul Roberta Pinotti has also attended IDEF 2017, the 13th edition of the International Defence Industry Fair, where she visited the stands of a number of Italian leading companies.

An Italian anti-missile SAMP-T battery and an Army unit made up of approximately 130 military (4th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment- Peschiera, plus some staff officers from Anti-Aircraft Artillery Command “Sabaudia”) are currently deployed in Turkey.

The SAMP-T battery provides anti-aircraft and anti-missile defence to land forces and, if necessary, concurs to air space integrated defence. It has a high level of tactical mobility and can easily be redeployed using land, air or naval assets.

The Italian contribution responds to NATO requests within the framework of its integrated defence and based on the rotation of NATO member countries.

Ministero della Difesa, Italia (Ministry Of Defense, Italy)

I think Usa dont want a turkey have a capable sam againts western aircrafts. And with his allys make a slow effect Turkish projects with co-operation lies .

  • Bloomberg

  • Turkey agrees to pay $2.5b for 4 Russian S-400 SAMs: official
  • Russia offer for transfer of know-how said to seal the deal

Turkey has agreed to pay $2.5 billion to acquire Russia’s most advanced missile defense system, a senior Turkish official said, in a deal that signals a turn away from the NATO military alliance that has anchored Turkey to the West for more than six decades.

The preliminary agreement sees Turkey receiving two S-400 missile batteries from Russia within the next year, and then producing another two inside Turkey, according to the Turkish official, who asked not to be named because of the sensitivity of the matter. A spokesman for Russia’s arms-export company Rosoboronexport OJSC said he couldn’t immediately comment on details of a deal with Turkey.

Turkey has reached the point of an agreement on a missile defense system before, only to scupper the deal later amid protests and condemnation from NATO. Under pressure from the U.S., Turkey gave up an earlier plan to buy a similar missile-defense system from a state-run Chinese company, which had been sanctioned by the U.S. for alleged missile sales to Iran.

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For Turkey, the key aspect of any deal is transfer of technology or know-how, the Turkish official said. Turkey wants to be able to produce its own advanced defense systems, and the Russian agreement to allow two of the S-400 batteries to be produced in Turkey would serve that aim, the official said.
“There are a lot of different levels of technology transfer,” and any offer to Turkey would probably be limited in terms of sophistication, said Makienko, the Moscow-based analyst. “For Turkey to be able to copy the S-400 system, it would have to spend billions to create a whole new industry.”

The Russian system would not be compatible with other NATO defense systems, but also wouldn’t be subject to the same constraints imposed by the alliance, which prevents Turkey from deploying such systems on the Armenian border, Aegean coast or Greek border, the official said. The Russian deal would allow Turkey to deploy the missile defense systems anywhere in the country, the official said.

The sides are currently sorting out technical details and it could take about one year to finalize the project, the Turkish official said. One battery may be available earlier if Russia decides to divert it from another country, the official added. The missiles are not ready to sell off-the-shelf and Russia will have to produce the batteries before delivering them, the official said.

The official said the systems delivered to Turkey would not have a friend-or-foe identification system, which means they could be deployed against any threat without restriction.

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I's said that technology transfer and know-how.That will be useful for our high altitude air defence system production.
I didnt know you spoke Turkish..

I would like ! :cray: :P
"Google translate", after I tinker. :moil:


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Türkiye, İtalya ve Fransa arasında ortak savunma füzesi anlaşması

Bu Yazıyı Paylaş
15.07.2017 02:18

Milli Savunma Bakanı Fikri Işık, İtalya ve Fransa ile ortak hava savunma füzesi üretimi konusunda anlaşmaya varıldığını açıkladı. Fransa'nın Ankara Büyükelçiliğindeki Fransa Milli Günü dolayısıyla düzenlenen resepsiyona katılan Işık, Türkiye ve Fransa arasında savunma sanayisi alanındaki çalışmalar hakkında konuştu. Işık, "Savunma sanayii alanındaki iş birliğimizin en somut gelişmelerinden birisi, EUROSAM Konsorsiyumu ve Türk savunma sanayii arasında hava ve füze savunma sisteminin birlikte geliştirilmesi ve üretilmesi konusundaki müşterek iradenin bugün öğleden sonra kayda geçirilmesi olmuştur. Böylece, bu iş birliği içinde yer alan Türk, Fransız ve İtalyan şirketler, söz konusu sistemin, üç ülkenin ihtiyaçlarına göre tanımlaması için çalışacaklardır" dedi.

Işık, Rusya'dan alınması planlanan S-400 hava ve füze savunma sistemine ilişkin soru üzerine Işık, açıkladığı konunun bundan farklı olduğunu söyledi.

S-400'ün, Türkiye'nin acil ihtiyaçlarından kaynaklanan bir çalışma olduğunu ifade eden Işık, "EUROSAM ile başlattığımız çalışma, Türkiye'nin kendi hava ve füze savunma sistemini geliştirme çalışmasında yapacağı iş birliğidir" şeklinde konuştu.

Işık'ın açıklaması şöyle; "Araştırmayı, geliştirmeyi ve ortak üretimi kapsıyor. Bu, bir NATO şemsiyesi altında ittifak ilişkisi olan üç ülkenin yaptığı son derece çaplı ve büyük bir proje. Yani burada biz birlikte yol yürümeye başlıyoruz. Yürüdüğümüz yolun bizi sadece bu alanda değil, savunma sanayisinin diğer alanlarında da çok daha iyi noktalara taşıyacağına inanıyoruz."


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