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Turkish Air Defence Programs

That means effective air defence is only possible with multiple different systems from CRAM, short range, medium range to long range pretty much?
Yes. It is required for both technical and economical reasons. In a conventional war when there exists numerious amount of air threats, you have to allocate your resources intelligently by considering varying factors (cost, kill probability, threat value, value of defended target).

What is that missile shot down chinees uav at Libya this week? Hisar A?

Look it then


According to the information provided by Dr. Mustafa Akkul, SIPER high altitude-long range air defense system is being developed against air breathing and ballistic targets. Aselsan radar department is developing an early warning radar system, fire control radar and missile RF seeker for SIPER air defense system and the first products can be seen after 3 years.
+F-16 AESA radar can be seen after 2.5 years
+MMU Integrated RF System can be seen after 3 years

i think mr. Müstesar confused with system and vehicle. no way to reach 13 systems.


"Proje takvimine göre Eylül ayı sonunda 10 adet SSA ve 3 adet KKA Kara Kuvvetlerine teslim edilecek. Takip eden yıllarda Eylül aylarında 10 adet SSA ve 3 adet KKA teslimatları 2022 yılına kadar sürecek. Toplamda 52 SSA ve 14 adet KKA envantere girecek."
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Ukraine has the Buk M1 in inventory

It could be possible that they could work togethor to produced an upgraded version of the system with a max range of 50km. Similar to the Chinese LY-80 or Russian Buk M2E

Which means by 2025 Turkey could have these systems available to defend it's airspace:

HISAR A (probably would be upgraded to an improved A1 standard by this time)


UKR-TUR medium range system



not to mention the potential of money made on the export market as well. After Russia - Turkey would probably have the most advanced and domestically integrated air defence system in the world.
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