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No, They have not. Even persians history is fully distorted by mullahs.

Yes, he is from Gilak ethnicity, who they live in South Caspian region and next to Azeris. Genetically, They are the closest ethnic group to us in Iran ;)

what about Talysh people? i just saw on a map that they are closely located to Azeri and Gilaki people. sad to hear that by the way. if push comes to shove, do you think that Iranian Azeris in general will side with Iran in a case of Iran-Azerbaijan conflict?

suddenly i realize that almost all the Iranians i know on this site are mostly the minorities lol. are there even Persian posters here?

Yes, I am from Gilan province ;).

does your username have something to do with Gilan? :)
it's very long story i can say pahlavis didn't care about our language they just wanted to restore persian language and make it official language of iran which i don't see any problem in it but today some guys wanted to destroy our language . language of turkmens in turkmenistan are heavily effected by russian and some few uzbek element yet they never try to restore it from us and if our language destroyed turkmen language will unrestorable we are the one who carrying most turkic words in our language we are not like no others not like turkish not like azerbijanis both in north and south not like even turkmenistani this is why i guess they want it to be destroyed i wonder why none of the 3 turkish state never research about our language most of us got in trouble when we start first level of our school do you know how the teachers advise the turkmen parents ?? they tell those parents to teach persian first instead of turkmen and those parents who dont wanna see their child be less than other children this is how the language fade away first numbers dies than suffix than the words which the a child hear less time than you ill see a broken language with broken accent which more than half of it are persian how much of this do you think will pass to the next generation
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Kazakhstan President Wants to Drop the ‘Stan’

The leader of Kazakhstan said Thursday that his country should lose the last four letters of its name.

President Nursultan Nazarbayev cited country’s oil wealth as a reason why it should be seen as distinctive from the rest of the Central Asian”‘stans,” Reuters reports. Those include Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, countries that are largely poverty-stricken.

Kazakhstan has seen a large level of investment from foreign corporations since it emerged from the ruins of the Soviet Union more than two decades ago, but Kazakh officials say the country still gets little attention from the rest of the world. Nazarbayev said that the country of 17 million could be renamed ‘Kazakh Ali,’ meaning “the Land of the Kazakhs,” as a way to seem more appealing to potential foreign visitors.

“Foreigners show interest in Mongolia, whose population is just two million people, but whose name lacks the ‘stan’ ending,” the president’s press service quoted him as saying. Nazarbayev said the idea is something “we definitely need to discuss with the people.”

Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev Seeks Country Name Change | TIME.com

He's a grade A brown noser...Not a true president just a marketing director.
it's very long story i can say pahlavis didn't care about our language they just wanted to restore persian language and make it official language of iran which i don't see any problem in it but today some guys wanted to destroy our language . language of turkmens in turkmenistan are heavily effected by russian and some few uzbek element yet they never try to restore it from us and if our language destroyed turkmen language will unrestorable we are the one who carrying most turkic words in our language we are not like no others not like turkish not like azerbijanis both in north and south not like even turkmenistani this is why i guess they want it to be destroyed i wonder why none of the 3 turkish state never research about our language most of us got in troble when we start first level of our school do you know how the teachers advise the turkmen parents ?? they tell those parents to teach persian first instead of turkmen and those parents dont wanna see their child be less than other children this is how the language fade away first numbers dies than suffix than the words which the a child hear less time than you ill see a broken language with broken accent which more than half of it are persian how much of this do you think will pass to the next generation

Though this is not really the solution, I read an article several years ago on the site of, if i am not mistaken, Turksoy that scholars from many Turkic countries are working together on a common Turkic language. So, i think they will surely also take your language into consideration. It's been a long time since i heard anything about it again. Hope they hurry up and take Turkic elements as much as possible. Even if they try to destroy your language, i am sure your language is already preserved in books and archives since a language simply can't go extinct anymore in this kind of modern era.
what about Talysh people? i just saw on a map that they are closely located to Azeri and Gilaki people. sad to hear that by the way. if push comes to shove, do you think that Iranian Azeris in general will side with Iran in a case of Iran-Azerbaijan conflict?

suddenly i realize that almost all the Iranians i know on this site are mostly the minorities lol. are there even Persian posters here?

does your username have something to do with Gilan? :)

Well, I'm not sure about that, I just know that many people from Gilan call themselves "Gilemard"
thanks for your answer. how about history or language textbooks about Turkmen and Azeri ? do you have access to them? if yes, are they distorted in favor of the Iranian regime?
no i just learned from my teacher (not school books in books there is no turkmen and turks and turkmens has no connection !! ) that we were some stone age alien barbarians but when i learn English i feel cheated

Bro, it's your responsibility to learn the language and pass it to the next generation, it's actually one of your (our) most important tasks to preserve the culture and language.
it's not simple as your thinking i can tell you if there was no republic of turkey or any turkish channal tv series so many happily deny their identity they have work on mind

Though this is not really the solution, I read an article several years ago on the site of, if i am not mistaken, Turksoy that scholars from many Turkic countries are working together on a common Turkic language. So, i think they will surely also take your language into consideration. It's been a long time since i heard anything about it again. Hope they hurry up and take Turkic elements as much as possible. Even if they try to destroy your language, i am sure your language is already preserved in books and archives since a language simply can't go extinct anymore in this kind of modern era.
i hop so
I we turks dont straighten out and actually try to promote our language and culture we will be doomed in the future. By not speaking our languages, and by not wearing our traditional clothes etc. we are destroying our selves. From now on I say no english in the turkish tea house thread if you are a turk. Speak what ever dialect you know it doesn't matter we will all understand or atleast try to. We have to start the change right here right now. I am tired of all the b.s.
I we turks dont straighten out and actually try to promote our language and culture we will be doomed in the future. By not speaking our languages, and by not wearing our traditional clothes etc. we are destroying our selves. From now on I say no english in the turkish tea house thread if you are a turk. Speak what ever dialect you know it doesn't matter we will all understand or atleast try to. We have to start the change right here right now. I am tired of all the b.s.
i prefer mixed english and turkish there is some few turkmen words which you have replace it with arabic english persian words or have different meaning in turkish the best way i guess is the mixed english/turkish
it's not simple as your thinking i can tell you if there was no republic of turkey or any turkish channal tv series so many happily deny their identity they have work on mind

everybody is busy and i can understand you, but if we, for example, don't take even 1 hour in a day to learn our own Turkic languages, while we even have access to lots of sources on the internet, then we have no right to complain actually. as Kaan said, we are destroying ourselves.
everybody is busy and i can understand you, but if we, for example, don't take even 1 hour in a day to learn our own Turkic languages, while we even have access to lots of sources on the internet, then we have no right to complain actually. as Kaan said, we are destroying ourselves.
what you are saying it can only be said to me you and others here not the great number of turkmens which don't have access to internet or any other independent source if all the turkmens know english language like me we wasn't in this condition

btw lets finish this it wont help us at least we have some other tukic country idk what the peoples like gilaki do they have no one to backing them
@telkon do you guys have "Yeke" word, with the meaning of great/large? I looked up, it doesnt seem to exist in Anatolian dialects or Turkmen. In Mongol it exists with same meaning, Mongols called their Chingizid confederation as "Yeke Mogol Ulus" if I'm not mistaken, so I think it might be a Mongol loanword, but I'm interested in whether or not does it exist in other Turkic languages aswell. But it might be also an old Turkic loanword in Mongol.
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what about Talysh people? i just saw on a map that they are closely located to Azeri and Gilaki people. sad to hear that by the way. if push comes to shove, do you think that Iranian Azeris in general will side with Iran in a case of Iran-Azerbaijan conflict?
suddenly i realize that almost all the Iranians i know on this site are mostly the minorities lol. are there even Persian posters here?
All South Caspian people (Mazandarani, Gilak, and talysh) are very close to each other. they can even be called one ethnicity from genetical point, but their difference is their languages. Part of Talysh people are living in North Azerbaijan, part of them live in Gilan in Iran and there are a few talysh vilages in South Azerbaijan as well. South Caspian are genetically mostly close to caucasians, like Azerbaijanis and Georgians. But, they have adapted Iranian languages by time. Their culture and cuisine is unique, and very lovely. Many of them also have greenish eyes which is very rare in the rest of the world.
About Azerbaijanis, your question is very hard to be answered. consider that about half of Tehran and its near by area are Azerbaijanis who consist between 1/3-1/2 of whole south Azerbaijanis population as well. their opinions and economical , .. situation is very different from Azeris who live in Tabriz, Urmia, ...
We have some ultra religious people(about 5%) who may even side with mullahs, there is also a Bourgeoisie cast among Azerbaijanis who live in Tehran and have the most economical role and power in Iran, and I guess they would sit calm to see what will happen and then they will decide to side with which side. There is also a very strong pan-turkists cast who are very strong in youth Azeris who live outside of Tehran. They would definitely side with North Azerbaijan. The rest of Azeris would not side with mullahs at all, but they may not side with north Azerbaijan either. If sometimes North Azerbaijan decides to go with a direct dogfight with mullahs, they need to talk with Azeri population in Tehran and attract their opinions, since if Azeris in Tehran decide to fully side with Baku, mullahs would not be able to do anything against North Azerbaijan.
Nope, I guess most of posters are persians. As far as I remember:
Abii, SinaG, Soheil, Mohsen, s00r3na, resurgentiran, uhuhu, twilight, Islam Shall be the winner, and serpentine are persians.
haman, and Surenas, two banned trolls, were kurds.
me, and Ostad are Azerbaijani, and Ghara ghan is Turkmen
Gilamard is the only South Caspian guy.

Well, I'm not sure about that, I just know that many people from Gilan call themselves "Gilemard"
Gilamard literally means "Gilak man", and it was referred to farmers in Gilan. ;) Bozorg Alavi, also has a very famous novel named Gilemard :)
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@telkon do you guys have "Yeke" word, with the meaning of great/large? I looked up, it doesnt seem to exist in Anatolian dialects or Turkmen. In Mongol it exists with same meaning, Mongols called their Chingizid confederation as "Yeke Mogol Ulus" if I'm not mistaken, so I think it might be a Mongol loanword, but I'm interested in whether or not does it exist in other Turkic languages aswell. But it might be also an old Turkic loanword in Mongol.

Yes, good old yeke monggol ulus of 1206 :) We use it as "jeke (ceke in turkish reading)" and it means single, one. If you wish, I can look it up in clauson's etymological dictionary of turkish or budagov's tatar languages dictionary. Or at least that 7 volume etymological dictionary from soviet times :)
@telkon Yes, if its possible. Thanks. We use "böyük" and "yeke" in slightly different situations, although they give the same meaning.
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