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Turkey’s integration ‘EU’s last hope for the future’ legal expert claims

Our foreign policy is utter sh*t I can't deny that

but one should also note that we have a great potential in the Turkic world.
whether we'll get some people in charge who could use that potential or not..
Only time will tell

People take the Turks too lightly, look at all the white cheese, sucuk and such food products being sold all across Europe to not just Turks but all muslims and arabs living in Europe as well.



Only 2 examples,, but it's not just food items even toilet papers.

Turkey is pretty much taking over A LOT of industries, many of these products have factories built in the Neitherlands and Germany etc.

We are excelling in pretty much everything we do in business, I really don't think it will take more than 50 years for Turkey to be 1st in EU when it comes to economy.

When I see all these countless turkish brands I can't help but ask myself "how much jewish blood is in Turks really?".

Why do we succeed more in business than all other immigrants in EU?
EDIT : I was wrong,it seems that we now have the largest EEZ in the world ! @Taygibay
Our EEZ increased by 579.000 km²,so we have the largest one now.
And we can find a lot of precious resources in these waters,such as oil.

Source ! ------> (In French) La France s'agrandit - 26/10/2015 - ladepeche.fr

Due to its numerous Overseas departments and territories scattered on all oceans of the planet, France possesses the largest EEZ in the world, covering 11,691,900 km2 (4,514,000 mi2), just ahead of the EEZ of the United States (11,351,000 km2 / 4,382,000 mi2). The EEZ of France covers approximately 8% of the total surface of all the EEZs of the world, whereas the land area of the French Republic is only 0.45% of the total land area of the Earth.



Still,these countries are good clients of our products.
I wish you the best though! :tup:

"Our EEZ increased by 579.000 km²"

How did it expand like that? Article is french.

You should try turkish products:




that's cute but... :) there are things which we are dependant of other countries aswell.
arabs buy water from us but we import petrol from them which is much more expensive

Petrol/gas... these are temporary, I will be so happy when gas and oil runs out, feels like these countries are cheating.

Imagine what kind of chithole these super rich oil and gas countries will be when the resources run out soon, they are already chithole with the resources.

Do not under estimate Turkey without the colony EEZ cheat and without the natural resources look what we are achieving.

50 years and we are bes tin EU.
"Our EEZ increased by 579.000 km²"

How did it expand like that? Article is french.

You should try turkish products:


It was hard to find an article in English :

French EEZ Around New Caledonia Extended

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (Radio New Zealand International, Oct. 1, 2015) – France says it has extended the continental shelf off several of its overseas territories, including New Caledonia, by a total of half a million square kilometres.

This follows a favourable recommendation by the United Nations' Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf.

The move, which also applies to Guyana, Guadeloupe and Martinique, allows France to claim control over the sea shelf beyond the internationally recognised 200-mile Exclusive Economic Zone.

France, which has islands in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Ocean has the world's second largest maritime zone.

Two years ago, the French Economic, Social and Environmental Council urged the government to secure resources in the seabed off France's overseas territories.

In a report, the Council says the Law of the Sea allows for France to lay claim to an additional two million square kilometres, half of which are in French Polynesia.

It says France would be negligent not to profit from this as French Polynesia has rare earths, whose reserves are held by China in a near monopoly.

French EEZ Around New Caledonia Extended  - October 1, 2015

You should try turkish products:




Hum... No thank you.
Although France has considerable influence in the world now in the coming 50 years that is going to change. You population is getting smaller and older, and if Turkey joins the EU. Your influence would be nullified. I think this seems as in impossibility now but Germany was and always will be the leader of Europe. If Germany decides that Turkey joins the EU, Turkey will join the EU. Some French cheese and bread cracker won't change that.
joining the EU is one of the idiotic things we could do.. it does not bring anything.. we should keep our freedom.. and do what we like..

if you choose EU you should forget forever Turan/turkistan dreams.. this would turn to wet dreams wich would never come true.. also you will loose your identity this is one big reason besides our masses that block our EU chances..

No, we will first establish Turan with our Turkic brothers.

wet dreams.. you need a change in turkish ppls mind, as long as turkish ppl have their mind like now you wont see it in 1000 years.. turkey should come down from their highness and not project their own ideology to other turkic states.. they have their own big figures and big state leaders and heros too.. focus on neutral turkic identity

first of all not all ppl consider turkics as brothers.. many turks abroad are not fully accepted with this mind how can turkish ppl accept someone from another state.. everyone can talk big but the actions of ppl are different.. also I would say we have millions of non turkic ppl and more millions of assimilated turkish ppl many of them dont care..

so without a strong will in TV, School and Politics no chance

Then re-conquer the lost Ottoman Empire's territories and Muslims will join us.

sorry bro that deserves a :omghaha: (but I like the idea it pleasures my heart and I would support it)

Our foreign policy is utter sh*t I can't deny that

100% agree :tup:

but one should also note that we have a great potential in the Turkic world.

see above if we ever ever come down and see them as equal
Because they rationalize everything, from Egemen bağış to mock on Islam, to Erdoğan family's giant growth of their wealth. Corrupted ministers.

So, i say "Let say the PM comes to your neighbor's house, his bodyguards held down your neighbor and PM rapes his wife. And you saw it all with your own eyes......would you still vote for him ? " And my AKP voter friends say i won't believe in my eyes (yes, they seriously said that). So, yes most of them blindly following. So, vote as they are receiving aid money. So vote, because they can win contracts unlawfully without competing....etc.. etc..

Excuse me but certain measures have been lied by Kemal Derviş. Kemal Derviş - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
AKP reaped off the benefits and had a successful policy to keep the trend upwards. But we can't say AKP on his own rescued the economy.

I'm saying in the first and second of their rule AKP was good economic wise. On their 3rd rule not so good, and now things are looking down.

Watch Bülent Arınç's, Abdullah Gül's recent interview's on youtube. They are also criticizing.

You would be surprised to know, economic wise, AKP has shown the worst performance among the single party governments. Yeah, they will continue hopefully with a less vote everytime.


Yeah, i'm saying the same thing. AKP was good at their first 2 term now, they are not. CHP-MHP coalition won't be super a thing to boost country but i believe it will still be better than AKP rule. Infact i believe, any rule will better than AKP rule.

Yeap, they put him to jail and as because he was a minor, they let him go.

M. Kemal Ataturk is the leader of the Turkish people. He is our value.
Let's not even discuss about Allah.

Erdoğan is a politician at best. You can't compare him with Atatürk. Let's compare him with his predecessors

Erdoğan'dan önce görev yapan Ahmet Necdet Sezer ve Abdullah Gül zamanında Cumhurbaşkanına hakaret suçundan tek bir kişi dahi cezaevine girmezken Erdoğan'ın 1 yıllık görev süresinde 10'dan fazla kişi hapse girdi, 700'den fazla kişi yargılandı, bunlardan 200'ü davaya dönüştü.

Dokunan Yanıyor! Cumhurbaşkanı'na Hakaretten Bin Yargılama

Some people just drop logic and held onto sentiments. We are not going to catch Western Standarts any time soon. When saying Western Standarts my people thinks of GDP/Capita. Let's not forget free speech, democracy, free media, being law above everything else, separation of forces within state.

Calling East European EU member states as failed states is something said because of ignorance, nothing else.
I will give an opinion on this tomorrow, was kind of busy today
Although France has considerable influence in the world now in the coming 50 years that is going to change. You population is getting smaller and older, and if Turkey joins the EU. Your influence would be nullified.
I think this seems as in impossibility now but Germany was and always will be the leader of Europe. If Germany decides that Turkey joins the EU, Turkey will join the EU.

It wouldn't change that much,France would still have a great influence in the world. 8-)
Actually,France has the highest feritlity rate of all Europe (2 kids/women) and not because of immigration. :coffee:
Turkey would get veto from many European countries BTW,and joining EU will only bring you problems,you would be under the orders of Bruxelles,and if you don't obey,you get sanctionned,people from semi failed nations would flood Turkey......
So better to stay out of it,i'd say. :feminist:
I don't think the EU-Turkey saga would be solved tomorrow.
Turkey would probably benefit of a privileged partnership with EU,bot will not fully integrate it. (Don't you guys think so? ? @xenon54 @Sinan @LegionnairE )

Some French cheese and bread cracker won't change that.

What don't you like cheese ?
And a hot Baguette with butter and jam is excellent. :partay:
It wouldn't change that much,France would still have a great influence in the world. 8-)
Actually,France has the highest feritlity rate of all Europe (2 kids/women) and not because of immigration. :coffee:
Turkey would get veto from many European countries BTW,and joining EU will only bring you problems,you would be under the orders of Bruxelles,and if you don't obey,you get sanctionned,people from semi failed nations would flood Turkey......
So better to stay out of it,i'd say. :feminist:
I don't think the EU-Turkey saga would be solved tomorrow.
Turkey would probably benefit of a privileged partnership with EU,bot will not fully integrate it. (Don't you guys think so? ? @xenon54 @Sinan @LegionnairE )

What don't you like cheese ?
And a hot Baguette with butter and jam is excellent. :partay:
EU members doesn't follow orders so Turkey doesn't have to follow orders either. If Turkey joins EU it would get second most influence in Europe after Germany and in couple of decades get more influence than Germany. France can simply not compete without sucking other people's resources and exploiting their countries like in colonial times so France will slowly loose their influence in the world. Especially because Europe and France is getting more and more closed down in a global world. If Turkey joins the EU or not it will be n1 player in Europe. In a decade Turkey will become the sole energy provider of Europe with its pipelines. You don't want to play? let's see how a winter without gas will change your mind. :D Military is already stronger than French military. Industrialization and educating our work force is also going at lightening speed. Germany knows better. What the frenchies or some smelly eastern member blocks doesn't matter. At the end what Germany thinks is what matters. The entry rules of EU can always change.
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EU members doesn't follow orders so Turkey doesn't have to follow orders either. If Turkey joins EU it would get second most influence in Europe after Germany and in couple of decades get more influence than Germany. France can simply not compete without sucking other people's resources and exploiting their countries like in colonial times so France will slowly loose their influence in the world. Especially because Europe and France is getting more and more closed down in a global world. If Turkey joins the EU or not it will be n1 player in Europe. In a decade Turkey will become the sole energy provider of Europe with its pipelines. Industrialization and educating our work force is also going at lightening speed. Germany knows better. What the frenchies or some smelly eastern member blocks doesn't matter. At the end what Germany thinks is what matters. The entry rules of EU can always change.

If it.
But it won't,Germany will never allow it,so ? As i said,Turkey would PROBABLY become a privilegied partner of EU,but will not fully integrate it.
I guess carrying your troops in airlifts all over Africa,bombing tarkgets thousands of kilometres from your borders or having an aircraft carrier with some 20-30 fighter jets on standby in any place of the world doesn't qualify as power projection in his eyes.Bombing something right across the border does,apparently.

Oh well,c'est la vie toujours parchive,comme la femme toujours naive.:disagree:


I didn't say Turkey bombing ISIS/Kurds was a bigger deed than France.

In my opinion, French intervention in Africa and Turkish intervention in Syria are both not very significant events...

I specifically laid out how Turkey has been playing greater international role in the region compared to UK/Germany or even France (from geopolitical perspective).

Anyways, I don't know why you Europeans are kind of lacking comprehension. I just stated that UK, France, and Germany---over-all--are more powerful nation-states. Why ya'll keep bringing the point "But France is more powerful than Turkey?"...Like hello, I already said that.

My point is that Europeans (Germany/UK etc) haven't been active much beyond their borders geopolitical. They have cut down their militaries, and haven't taken independent geopolitical leads without U.S leadership, and are generally focused on economic activity. I might be wrong, but whatever.

The fact is, as I said:

Turkey is easily the fourth most powerful nation-state in Europe. It is the greatest power in Central and Eastern Europe.

Turkey is on path to be able to become a "projecting" power in Mediterranean (with induction of LHD and F-35s on deck)---and with already having a bigger military than France and UK--Turks do seem poise to close the gap between themselves and Western European powers.

In Eastern/Central Europe--Turkey has no match.

And remember, unlike Spain, Italy, UK, France etc--Turkey is well poised to continue to make huge investments in industry, military, power projection, infrastructure, energy, and so on--because unlike European states--with their Debt-to-GDP ratios of near 100%!!--Turkey's debt to GDP ratio is barely 32%...and they are also closing the budget deficit every year.

This means that the nation of 80 million has huge financial cushion to consolidate and expand even further! That's the reason we see Turkey partnering in F-35 project and making a deal of buying 116 F-35s, LHDs, investments in new tank, and even talk about starting their own fifth generation fighter program and are currently constructing the largest airport on planet--upon completion, Turkey will become the largest travel hub of entire Europe.

And they are doing all this with around 1% budget deficit!! While France already has a budget deficit of near 5% and a debt-to-GDP ratio of 93%!! They are in no position to finance mega projects like Turkey can.

Turkey haven't reached their full potential--and they have lots of room to grow--and they are already a powerhouse of Europe with 77 million+ population, bigger land area than UK, Poland, Germany, France, etc, dynamic young population, largest military in Europe, almost a trillion dollar economy, and so on.

In future, if Turkey is allowed in the EU, you can just tell--Turkey will be a very key leader in Europe along with Germans etc.
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If it.
But it won't,Germany will never allow it,so ? As i said,Turkey would PROBABLY become a privilegied partner of EU,but will not fully integrate it.
I don't think EU will last. A lot of think-tanks say that EU will eventually split. Most of the members of EU are not compatible. I don't think Turkey doesn't want to pay for third world countries like Romania and Greece anyhow. Let the Germans and French pay for them. Even at the moment there is resentment for sending money to Greece. I think in the future there will come a point that Western-Europeans won't want to pay for Eastern-Europeans. On the long run I see EU breaking apart. It would be better for Turkey to make strategic alliance with Germany instead and leave France out of the deal. I think the US wouldn't mind having an reemergence of Turkish influence in East-Europe to counter Russian influence when EU breaks apart. German-Turkish alliance like in WW1 will be key in this.
Turkey would probably benefit of a privileged partnership with EU,bot will not fully integrate it. (Don't you guys think so? ? @xenon54 @Sinan @LegionnairE )
I don't know, if it is going to come with strings attached, no thanks. :)

You'd need to clarify what that is
Friends with benefits.... :lol:

et dreams.. you need a change in turkish ppls mind, as long as turkish ppl have their mind like now you wont see it in 1000 years.. turkey should come down from their highness and not project their own ideology to other turkic states.. they have their own big figures and big state leaders and heros too.. focus on neutral turkic identity

first of all not all ppl consider turkics as brothers.. many turks abroad are not fully accepted with this mind how can turkish ppl accept someone from another state.. everyone can talk big but the actions of ppl are different.. also I would say we have millions of non turkic ppl and more millions of assimilated turkish ppl many of them dont care..

so without a strong will in TV, School and Politics no chance

sorry bro that deserves a :omghaha: (but I like the idea it pleasures my heart and I would support it)

Sarcasm - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I didn't say Turkey bombing ISIS/Kurds was a bigger deed than France.

In my opinion, French intervention in Africa and Turkish intervention in Syria are both not very significant events...

I specifically laid out how Turkey has been playing greater international role in the region compared to UK/Germany or even France (from geopolitical perspective).

Anyways, I don't know why you Europeans are kind of lacking comprehension. I just stated that UK, France, and Germany---over-all--are more powerful nation-states. Why ya'll keep bringing the point "But France is more powerful than Turkey?"...Like hello, I already said that.

My point is that Europeans (Germany/UK etc) haven't been active much beyond their borders geopolitical. They have cut down their militaries, and haven't taken independent geopolitical leads without U.S leadership, and are generally focused on economic activity. I might be wrong, but whatever.

The fact is, as I said:

Turkey is easily the fourth most powerful nation-state in Europe. It is the greatest power in Central and Eastern Europe.

Turkey is on path to be able to become a "projecting" power in Mediterranean (with induction of LHD and F-35s on deck)---and with already having a bigger military than France and UK--Turks do seem poise to close the gap between themselves and Western European powers.

In Eastern/Central Europe--Turkey has no match.

And remember, unlike Spain, Italy, UK, France etc--Turkey is well poised to continue to make huge investments in industry, military, power projection, infrastructure, energy, and so on--because unlike European states--with their Debt-to-GDP ratios of near 100%!!--Turkey's debt to GDP ratio is barely 32%...and they are also closing the budget deficit every year.

This means that the nation of 80 million has huge financial cushion to consolidate and expand even further! That's the reason we see Turkey partnering in F-35 project and making a deal of buying 116 F-35s, LHDs, investments in new tank, and even talk about starting their own fifth generation fighter program and are currently constructing the largest airport on planet--upon completion, Turkey will become the largest travel hub of entire Europe.

And they are doing all this with around 1% budget deficit!! While France already has a budget deficit of near 5% and a debt-to-GDP ratio of 93%!! They are in no position to finance mega projects like Turkey can.

Turkey haven't reached their full potential--and they have lots of room to grow--and they are already a powerhouse of Europe with 77 million+ population, bigger land area than UK, Poland, Germany, France, etc, dynamic young population, largest military in Europe, almost a trillion dollar economy, and so on.

In future, if Turkey is allowed in the EU, you can just tell--Turkey will be a very key leader in Europe along with Germans etc.

There is a difference,Turkey is a developping country,so it is normal that they have to improve their infrastructures,while in countries like Germany,Uk,France etc.. they are really developped and do not need mega investments in infrastructures. (Just like in China)
(BTW,the French budget deficit is near ~3.8% this year,and 3.3% the next (With public spending that is more than Turkey's GDP!),they could reduce the deficit,but do not make "radical reforms",and when they have to cut,you'll have everyone striking in the streets and then engaging an urban warfare with the Police....)
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