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Turkey’s integration ‘EU’s last hope for the future’ legal expert claims

The issue is, courts have always been free. Media has always been free. You know Çiller....Jitem, Gladio was active during his term. But Journalists could draw her as faceless. "Because during an inqusition about her wealth, she said that she found a money of bag in her house".

Today children get thrown into Jail because of talking badly of Erdoğan. 14 yaşındaki çocuğu Erdoğan'a hakaret iddiasıyla tutuklamaya kalktılar-Kayseri Haberleri

I don't think there is an Elite problem. But i can say Elites do not approve Erdoğan's policies, common people blindly follow Erdoğan.
Do you honestly hold these people responsible for not wanting to vote for other parties other than AKP, how can you call them blind followers? What are Turkey's experience with those parties the last 5 decades? AKP at least provided certain measures in a time of extreme economic downturn. You are really simplifying things by blaming Erdogan and the AKP for manipulation etc. They should absolutely be criticized, that is not the point, but if our prior experiences with prior governments don't offer any valuable alternative, surely people will continue voting for the AKP.

I said this yesterday and i will gladly say it again. If i were confident that CHP pr MHP was perfecly capable of steering Turkey into the right direction i would not hesitate one second and vote for them. Erdogan may act like a dictator, but no one in their right mind can deny Turkey had much progress the first 8 years of their governance.

The article says they attempted to take the kid in, not jail him. They would do the same if he cursed M. Kemal or Allah.
Compare Balkan countries.... :) Poland is an emerging power like Turkey.

Greece: 242
Romania: 189
Croatia: 57
Bulgaria: 54
Slovenia: 48
Serbia: 45
Bosnia and herzegovina: 18
Albenia: 13
Macedonia: 10
Kosovo: 7
Montenegro: 4
Total GDP: 774 $Billion

Turkey GDP: 822 $Billion.

(2013 figures)

Even so...6-7% less GDP....20%less population in the Balkans.I don't want to offend Macedonia,Bosnia,Kosovo but these 3 states are bordering "failed states" definition.

I'm not disputing that Turkey is a powerhouse in this areea or in Europe,it's just that "we're soon going to catch Western standards" is simply not going to happen.Plus someone mentioned East European EU members as failed states and that was simply wrong and bordeline idiotic.
Do you honestly hold these people responsible for not wanting to vote for other parties other than AKP, how can you call them blind followers?
Because they rationalize everything, from Egemen bağış to mock on Islam, to Erdoğan family's giant growth of their wealth. Corrupted ministers.

So, i say "Let say the PM comes to your neighbor's house, his bodyguards held down your neighbor and PM rapes his wife. And you saw it all with your own eyes......would you still vote for him ? " And my AKP voter friends say i won't believe in my eyes (yes, they seriously said that). So, yes most of them blindly following. So, vote as they are receiving aid money. So vote, because they can win contracts unlawfully without competing....etc.. etc..

What are Turkey's experience with those parties the last 5 decades? AKP at least provided certain measures in a time of extreme economic downturn.
Excuse me but certain measures have been lied by Kemal Derviş. Kemal Derviş - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
AKP reaped off the benefits and had a successful policy to keep the trend upwards. But we can't say AKP on his own rescued the economy.

You are really simplifying things by blaming Erdogan and the AKP for manipulation etc. They should absolutely be criticized, that is not the point,
I'm saying in the first and second of their rule AKP was good economic wise. On their 3rd rule not so good, and now things are looking down.

Watch Bülent Arınç's, Abdullah Gül's recent interview's on youtube. They are also criticizing.

that is not the point, but if our prior experiences with prior governments don't offer any valuable alternative, surely people will continue voting for the AKP.

You would be surprised to know, economic wise, AKP has shown the worst performance among the single party governments. Yeah, they will continue hopefully with a less vote everytime.


I said this yesterday and i will gladly say it again. If i were confident that CHP pr MHP was perfecly capable of steering Turkey into the right direction i would not hesitate one second and vote for them. Erdogan may act like a dictator, but no one in their right mind can deny Turkey had much progress the first 8 years of their governance.
Yeah, i'm saying the same thing. AKP was good at their first 2 term now, they are not. CHP-MHP coalition won't be super a thing to boost country but i believe it will still be better than AKP rule. Infact i believe, any rule will better than AKP rule.

The article says they attempted to take the kid in, not jail him. They would do the same if he cursed M. Kemal or Allah.
Yeap, they put him to jail and as because he was a minor, they let him go.

M. Kemal Ataturk is the leader of the Turkish people. He is our value.
Let's not even discuss about Allah.

Erdoğan is a politician at best. You can't compare him with Atatürk. Let's compare him with his predecessors

Erdoğan'dan önce görev yapan Ahmet Necdet Sezer ve Abdullah Gül zamanında Cumhurbaşkanına hakaret suçundan tek bir kişi dahi cezaevine girmezken Erdoğan'ın 1 yıllık görev süresinde 10'dan fazla kişi hapse girdi, 700'den fazla kişi yargılandı, bunlardan 200'ü davaya dönüştü.

Dokunan Yanıyor! Cumhurbaşkanı'na Hakaretten Bin Yargılama

Even so...6-7% less GDP....20%less population in the Balkans.I don't want to offend Macedonia,Bosnia,Kosovo but these 3 states are bordering "failed states" definition.

I'm not disputing that Turkey is a powerhouse in this areea or in Europe,it's just that "we're soon going to catch Western standards" is simply not going to happen.Plus someone mentioned East European EU members as failed states and that was simply wrong and bordeline idiotic.

Some people just drop logic and held onto sentiments. We are not going to catch Western Standarts any time soon. When saying Western Standarts my people thinks of GDP/Capita. Let's not forget free speech, democracy, free media, being law above everything else, separation of forces within state.

Calling East European EU member states as failed states is something said because of ignorance, nothing else.
Some people just drSop logic and held onto sentiments. We are not going to catch Western Standarts any time soon. When saying Western Standarts my people thinks of GDP/Capita. Let's not forget free speech, democracy, free media, being law above everything else, separation of forces within state.

Calling East European EU member states as failed states is something said because of ignorance, nothing else.
Bro, these are pre-requisites of a western level of economic power. You can't get that GDP/Capita without free speech, democracy, free media, law being above everything else and seperation of forces

Metin Fevzioğlu did a speech about this. Everytime AKP ignores the laws our foreign investment rate goes down the toilet. Nobody wants to invest in a country where they can't trust the law. Where judges and prosecutors are bought by the ruling party, where lawyers are dragged dawn the halls of "justice".

I'm sorry, but by this rate, we won't catch western powers in ANYTHING

And do you honestly think that saudi arabia will remain rich when the petrol runs out?
With all the beheadings and ridiculous laws?
arabs are lazy as fvck who's gonna go there and work?

as I said before, you can't buy civilization with money
no matter how much petrol or gas or fvcking gold mines they got arabs will always be a footnote in history.
Some cave dwellers that lives in high buildings.
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Bro, these are pre-requisites of a western level of economic power. You can't get that GDP/Capita without free speech, democracy, free media, law being above everything else and seperation of forces

Metin Feyzioğlu did a speech about this. Everytime AKP ignores the laws our foreign investment rate goes down the toilet. Nobody wants to invest in a country where they can't trust the law. Where judges and prosecutors are bought by the ruling party, where lawyers are dragged dawn the halls of "justice".

I'm sorry, but by this rate, we won't catch western powers in ANYTHING

And do you honestly think that saudi arabia will remain rich when the petrol runs out?
With all the beheadings and ridiculous laws?
arabs are lazy as fvck who's gonna go there and work?

as I said before, you can't buy civilization with money
no matter how much petrol or gas or fvcking gold mines they got arabs will always be a footnote in history.
Some cave dwellers that lives in high buildings.
Exactly, bro. When Metin Fevzioğlu says this they are putting him down. Saying "He supported gezi, CHP, etc..." But the exact same thing was said by Abdullah Gül also.

It looks like the refugee deal between Turkey and EU is off. Turkey says it can't trust certain EU members (eastern member states) to pay on time to get the 3 billion.
I just have not seen any major (non-economic) European role outside their borders.
Go see your optometrist, buy more powerful binoculars or just take off the blinders.

France chasing terrorists in her old colonies isn't a big deed. Turks have also bombed different factions (Kurds, PSY, ISIS etc) in Syria and Iraq etc..
You don't see the difference? And to think this is a military forum, sigh!

France, UK, and Germany, over-all, are more powerful states than Turkey for now---but Turkey enjoys greater influence/role beyond its borders than Germany and UK (and even France in my opinion but you can disagree).
I do.

Good day all, Tay.
Go see your optometrist, buy more powerful binoculars or just take off the blinders.

You don't see the difference? And to think this is a military forum, sigh!

I do.

Good day all, Tay.

I guess carrying your troops in airlifts all over Africa,bombing tarkgets thousands of kilometres from your borders or having an aircraft carrier with some 20-30 fighter jets on standby in any place of the world doesn't qualify as power projection in his eyes.Bombing something right across the border does,apparently.

Oh well,c'est la vie toujours parchive,comme la femme toujours naive.:disagree:
I guess carrying your troops in airlifts all over Africa,bombing tarkgets thousands of kilometres from your borders or having an aircraft carrier with some 20-30 fighter jets on standby in any place of the world doesn't qualify as power projection in his eyes.Bombing something right across the border does,apparently.

Oh well,c'est la vie toujours parchive,comme la femme toujours naive.:disagree:

France,compared to Turkey is a big power and more influencal... Why ?

-We have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
-Our military power (Nuclear,but also conventional.)
-Our diplomatic network (The second largest in the world after the US)
-Our transnational companies.
-Our space program
-The "Francophonie"
-Our maritime ressources (We have the (Edited) largest EEZ in the world)

And i can continue....

France to this day has and will have in coming years a greater influence in the World than Turkey. Of course Turkey's influence could increase,but couldn't match ours.

I cannot blame @AUz since he is Pakistani,and he will OBVIOUSLY support his Turkish brothers.
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France,compared to Turkey is a big power and more influencal... Why ?

-We have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
-Our military power (Nuclear,but also conventional.)
-Our diplomatic network (The second largest in the world after the US)
-Our transnational companies.
-Our space program
-The "Francophonie"
-Our maritime ressources (We have the second largest EEZ in the world after the US)

And i can continue....

France to this day has and will have in coming years a greater influence in the World than Turkey. Of course Turkey's influence could increase,but couldn't match ours.

I cannot blame @AUz since he is Pakistani,and he will OBVIOUSLY support his Turkish brothers.

It doesn't matter who do you support,one must be somewhat rational when discussing such things,we're not children cheerleading their favourite football team.
No, we will first establish Turan with our Turkic brothers.

Then re-conquer the lost Ottoman Empire's territories and Muslims will join us.

Then We will conquer all of our ancient enemies.


France,compared to Turkey is a big power and more influencal... Why ?

-We have a permanent seat on the UN Security Council.
-Our military power (Nuclear,but also conventional.)
-Our diplomatic network (The second largest in the world after the US)
-Our transnational companies.
-Our space program
-The "Francophonie"
-Our maritime ressources (We have the second largest EEZ in the world after the US)

And i can continue....

France to this day has and will have in coming years a greater influence in the World than Turkey. Of course Turkey's influence could increase,but couldn't match ours.

I cannot blame @AUz since he is Pakistani,and he will OBVIOUSLY support his Turkish brothers.

@TurkeyForever mate, Gabriel is not putting us down or anything like that. These are the facts. Yeap, we have so much potential, but even if we work very hard and efficient. We have at least several decades to catch up with them.
No, we will first establish Turan with our Turkic brothers.
View attachment 267354

Then re-conquer the lost Ottoman Empire's territories and Muslims will join us.

Then We will conquer all of our ancient enemies.


@TurkeyForever mate, Gabriel is not putting us down or anything like that. These are the facts. Yeap, we have so much potential, but even if we work very hard and efficient. We have at least several decades to catch up with them.

First time I hear about french EEZ found this =


The colonial BS is over just a matter of time France and UK loses all that EEZ far away from home, only very strong militaries like the US might be able to keep EEZ's so far away.

Once the arabs get their shit together and become stable they will be our main export market, then we'll see how strong France will be. Like I mentioned earlier we have an advantage when it comes to export markets that France, UK and Germany doesn't have.
Our foreign policy is utter sh*t I can't deny that

but one should also note that we have a great potential in the Turkic world.
whether we'll get some people in charge who could use that potential or not..
Only time will tell

to cite France as a "global power" is pure exaggeration

Globe ain't Africa
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First time I hear about french EEZ found this =


The colonial BS is over just a matter of time France and UK loses all that EEZ far away from home, only very strong militaries like the US might be able to keep EEZ's so far away.

EDIT : I was wrong,it seems that we now have the largest EEZ in the world ! @Taygibay
Our EEZ increased by 579.000 km²,so we have the largest one now.
And we can find a lot of precious resources in these waters,such as oil.

Source ! ------> (In French) La France s'agrandit - 26/10/2015 - ladepeche.fr

Due to its numerous Overseas departments and territories scattered on all oceans of the planet, France possesses the largest EEZ in the world, covering 11,691,900 km2 (4,514,000 mi2), just ahead of the EEZ of the United States (11,351,000 km2 / 4,382,000 mi2). The EEZ of France covers approximately 8% of the total surface of all the EEZs of the world, whereas the land area of the French Republic is only 0.45% of the total land area of the Earth.


Once the arabs get their shit together and become stable they will be our main export market, then we'll see how strong France will be. Like I mentioned earlier we have an advantage when it comes to export markets that France, UK and Germany doesn't have.

Still,these countries are good clients of our products.
I wish you the best though! :tup:
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