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Turkey’s integration ‘EU’s last hope for the future’ legal expert claims

@mike2000 is back
what's the point man?

only reason we don't have any real relations with france is their stance on the armenian issue and I don't even see people talking about that, allt hey do is compare dick sizes.. I find it childish
You are so fucking disrespectful and arrogant you Piece of s****.

I mean what is you fucking Problem, no one gives a ****** about your opinion, but your are debating a whole week about how Bad Turkey compared to France is.

Why do you go personnal?
Not saying Turkeys bad,just stating some actual facts. We are not in the same league,so it is a little bit useless to compare both.
SO yes,lets stop this from here.
Ok you say France is better, does that mean Turks are better too=
"The Fransa Diyanet İşleri Türk İslam Birliği suggests that the actual Turkish population in France is about 1 million, including descendents.[23] TheArmenian Weekly has also stated that "there are also about a million French people of Turkish origin""

Turks in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 MILLION Turks in France :omghaha:

"Turkey was less populous than metropolitan France until 1992, and has been more populous since then"

Fertility Rate Average number of children in France:
Women born in Metropolitan France: 1.70
Turkey: 3.21 (highest of all immigrants)

Demographics of France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also =


This is how fast the Turks multiply (like playboy rabbits) don't be surprised if Turkey has 150+ million within 50 years from now.


The Turkish government can easily keep population numbers down as it gives it a higher change of entering EU and creates a surprise element in case of invasion/war. Turkish government has nothing to win by presenting higher population numbers (unless we are in the EU).

So 1 million turks in France, how many in UK? 4-5 million in Germany? How many in Neitherlands.

God Damn, we can build a country with the Turks already in the EU :nana:

We should buy some land from poor Poland and call it "Turkeu" :omghaha:

Ok joking aside looking at those statistics France is screwed do to all the arabs from Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria. You got way too many.
Ok,so what will Turkey do with massive army ? Invade us or what ?

Why would it invade you? lol..

Massive modern army gives you operational leverage,status of a great power, and security sense critical for economic growth and so on.

Turkey's massive military will make sure that region remains stable and new crazies don't do their shit in Eastern Europe.

Yeah,i don't know why i even bother to reply.
The guy basicaly acts more Turk than the Turks themselves,Turks are doing their own business,he should focus on his "country."

I never compared France to Turkey. I already stated France to be more powerful republic than Turkey. Stop pulling strawmans.
Well, aren't majority of financiers of third airport are Turkish? (Turkish banks, government, lenders etc?)

So it doesn't matter much what method Turkish government is using. Turkey isn't using "foreign lending" to finance majority of projects.

Foreign investments =/= foreign lending btw
Yeap, and what about Nuclear plants ?
Turkeys league is with the likes of Iran, Indonesia , Egypt etc.
hey mike idont want to become troll,but before compare us to each other u should watch this video :D
mighty british royal marines captured by IRGC, one of those marines pissed his pants :yes4:

Yeap, and what about Nuclear plants ?

Can you give details? How many nuclear plants are being build and what are terms of trade---as in, any ToT, foreign lending, investments etc?

Nuclear plants should be build with great precision and with ultra supervision of Turkish authorities. Energy is Turkey's biggest holding back factor. Once Turkey gets rid of foreign oil reliance for energy, future looks great for it, iA
Imagine such a great Muslim power sitting on top of Europe (with having most seats in EU parliament) ;)

No wonder French, Germans, Greeks are scared to let Turks in. I mean, European ancestors like Charles the Hammer Martel would be turning in their graves :D

Nobody thinks like that AUz.(well, except you)

Turkey isn't invited in due to a host of reasons, the main ones being that it will alter the balance of power in the EU parliament (to a degree, the Nordic block and France will still call the shoots), because of it's population (the EU is already in a precarious spot due to the open border policies) and because it's not seen as a fully working secular state.Also it's not exactly a economical powerhouse, with mixed prospects, and with 80 million people at E Europe levels.

Muslim and "scared" are very low on that list, if they're on the list at all.
Military might is even lower on that list as NATO exists and for whatever else the EU armies are enough, with the possibility of rapid militarization if needed. R&D is another aspect as the W countries are decades ahead. In short, it doesn't matter since the fall of the USSR.
Population - there is a lot of untapped potential in E Europe (Ukraine, Belarus), plus what immigrants they get from outside of the EU, plus the millions of Turks that will come here anyway, plus that demographics for the W countries themselves might change.

So, I personally believe that the next decade is crucial for Turkey, if it maintains a secular outlook and a Western orientation or if it goes down another path.But I can't see Turkey entering the EU for the foreseeable future.

@TurkeyForever you should do some research on "poor Poland" , you will be very surprised.:)
Well, what do you expect from him? You expect him to say Pakistan is stronger than France militarily and more industrialized etc? Of course he knows his country fuly well. I won't say anymore since we all know the state of his country. So what better way other than to talk up Turkey even though many Turks on here know what he is saying is bullshit.
As i said before, its the same story about immigrants who left their home country for a better life here in the west. They tend to be the most radical/consertive and are more prone to say delusional things than people from their home country. Its a phenomenon i'm yet to understand, i'm working hard on it though.:D

So i dont see why you are wasting your time comparing Turkey and France, meanwhile everybody in the world knows the position of both countries. Did you see me arguing with him? I just let him carry on with his delusional views, he can carry on for all i care. There are other more important/useful threads on here where we can debate on, not this useless topic comparing Turkey and france etc. Its a huge joke.

Oh get over yourself already, it is getting tiring and repetitive. You are free to have your prejudice, no need to remind us every second post
Nobody thinks like that AUz.(well, except you)

Turkey isn't invited in due to a host of reasons, the main ones being that it will alter the balance of power in the EU parliament (to a degree, the Nordic block and France will still call the shoots), because of it's population (the EU is already in a precarious spot due to the open border policies) and because it's not seen as a fully working secular state.Also it's not exactly a economical powerhouse, with mixed prospects, and with 80 million people at E Europe levels.

Muslim and "scared" are very low on that list, if they're on the list at all.
Military might is even lower on that list as NATO exists and for whatever else the EU armies are enough, with the possibility of rapid militarization if needed. R&D is another aspect as the W countries are decades ahead. In short, it doesn't matter since the fall of the USSR.
Population - there is a lot of untapped potential in E Europe (Ukraine, Belarus), plus what immigrants they get from outside of the EU, plus the millions of Turks that will come here anyway, plus that demographics for the W countries themselves might change.

So, I personally believe that the next decade is crucial for Turkey, if it maintains a secular outlook and a Western orientation or if it goes down another path.But I can't see Turkey entering the EU for the foreseeable future.

@TurkeyForever you should do some research on "poor Poland" , you will be very surprised.:)

That's exactly my point.

I am not saying European states would be "scared" of Turkey as in they were scared of Soviet Union. I meant that European states like France would be scared because Turkey will change the dynamics within European parliament.

And Turkey/UK block would be able to take French block...so French block won't find it easy to keep dominating the EU..
Ok you say France is better, does that mean Turks are better too=
"The Fransa Diyanet İşleri Türk İslam Birliği suggests that the actual Turkish population in France is about 1 million, including descendents.[23] TheArmenian Weekly has also stated that "there are also about a million French people of Turkish origin""

Turks in France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 MILLION Turks in France :omghaha:

"Turkey was less populous than metropolitan France until 1992, and has been more populous since then"

Fertility Rate Average number of children in France:
Women born in Metropolitan France: 1.70
Turkey: 3.21 (highest of all immigrants)

Demographics of France - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also =


This is how fast the Turks multiply (like playboy rabbits) don't be surprised if Turkey has 150+ million within 50 years from now.


The Turkish government can easily keep population numbers down as it gives it a higher change of entering EU and creates a surprise element in case of invasion/war. Turkish government has nothing to win by presenting higher population numbers (unless we are in the EU).

So 1 million turks in France, how many in UK? 4-5 million in Germany? How many in Neitherlands.

God Damn, we can build a country with the Turks already in the EU :nana:

We should buy some land from poor Poland and call it "Turkeu" :omghaha:

Ok joking aside looking at those statistics France is screwed do to all the arabs from Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria. You got way too many.

The French population represents 88-89% of the population of France (It has never been 100% cuz we always welcomed persons in our country,since long times ago),the rest is made of people that acquired the French nationality,and the immigrants. Each year,the majority of immigrants come from UE,like Spain,Portugal,Italy,Germany etc.
Your point is ?
(I have 4 children,so am i an almost-Turk ? :partay: )

I'm losing patience here

is your relations with Armenia more important than your relations with Turkey somehow? let's discuss that... I mean let's start from somewhere, let's do something that's not an utter waste of time.

Armenia–France relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The French population represents 88-89% of the population of France (It has never been 100% cuz we always welcomed persons in our country,since long times ago),the rest is made of people that acquired the French nationality,and the immigrants. Each year,the majority of immigrants come from UE,like Spain,Portugal,Italy,Germany etc.
Your point is ?
(I have 4 children,so am i an almost-Turk ? :partay: )

Armenia–France relations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You are only turkish if you eat "gayseri bastirmasi" if you see anyone in your family eat this, know that they are turkish:


I just cried like a little girl looking at the real life story movie of this:
Chris Gardner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dad and son had to sleep in the toilet :(

All in all I agree with Mrs. Nulands Position. ;)

Turkey should not be a member of this Socialist Union. Without the British Southern Europeans will destroy the Union with their unjustified or excessive demands. If London is leaving the European Union, we should not aim for membership anymore.
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