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Turkey's Erdogan says Russia not abiding by Syria agreements -NTV

Oct 15, 2017
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ISTANBUL — Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said that Ankara is losing patience with the military assault in Syria’s Idlib region, adding that Russia is violating agreements aimed at stemming conflict there, broadcaster NTV reported on Wednesday.

Renewed bombardments by Russia-backed Syrian government forces on Idlib have raised concern of a new refugee wave from the area which borders Turkey and is home to 3 million people.

Turkey and Russia, which support opposing sides in Syria, agreed to work towards de-escalating the fighting in Idlib and creating a demilitarized zone under agreements in 2017 and 2018 known as the Astana and Sochi accords.

But fighting has continued in the last remaining rebel bastion in country’s nearly nine-year war despite several other agreements for a ceasefire, as recently as this month.

“Currently, Russia is not abiding by Astana or Sochi,” NTV quoted Erdogan as saying.

Speaking to reporters on his flight back from Senegal, he said Turkey, which is building houses in northern Idlib to shelter civilians fleeing the bombing, has told Russia that it is running out patience.

“If we are loyal partners with Russia on this, they have to put forth their stance… Our wish is that Russia immediately makes the necessary warnings to the regime which it sees as a friend,” he said.

“The Astana process has fallen into silence now. We need to look at what Turkey, Russia and Iran can do to revive the Astana process,” he said.

On Tuesday, Syrian government forces entered a town in the south of Idlib city, in a significant advance for President Bashar al-Assad. Turkey said it would retaliate against any attack on its 12 observation posts around Idlib.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a UK-based war monitor, said a Turkish military convoy of 30 vehicles, including 12 armored vehicles, entered Syria on Monday evening and was expected to establish a new observation post south of the town of Saraqeb in Idlib. (Reporting by Ezgi Erkoyun and Tuvan Gumrukcu; Writing by Ali Kucukgocmen; Editing by Dominic Evans)
Time to return back to US block.
Pause the S-400.
Get the F-35s and other equipment.
Get the engines for T-129 helos.
Well if you have a brain dead leader who has been fooled by many people even a kindergartener, your foreign policies will turn into complete mess...
Tayyip the dumb has no talent to rule a country but a big mouth...
His fcked policies left Turkey in desperate situation in Syria. Brainless fckTurd tayyip and his cockroach followers this is your art and hope you like it.
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Turkey burn the bridge with US and returning back will not be easy.

Washington is a pawn of Hell Aviv, Turkey wants a free Palestine. Erdogan would have to be a sellout to the Palestinian cause and a friend of bibi to be friends of Washington.

Erdogan's foolish involvement in foreign civil wars started by the West, again hurts the interest of those countries and of Turkey.

If Turkey wants nukes and to be a regional power, Erdogan is not showing leadership. Erdogan is showing Ankara can be a bully like Washington.

Running back to Washington, would be the culmination of bad decisions by Ankara.

Washington is the camp where the leader follows Netanyahu and everybody must like bibi.

Moscow is the camp where the leader follows Netanyahu and everybody has freedom to oppose Netanyahu.

Which camp does Erdogan want to be in.
Not Good relation with U.S.A
Not Good relation with China
Not Good relation with Russia.
I think turkey should try to make new friends instead of enemies. There is something missing in diplomacy. Turkey should hire new Foreign minister to improve relation with above mentioned countries.
Not Good relation with U.S.A
Not Good relation with China
Not Good relation with Russia.
I think turkey should try to make new friends instead of enemies. There is something missing in diplomacy. Turkey should hire new Foreign minister to improve relation with above mentioned countries.

Erdogan has the Ottoman complex but not the empire to back it up. He's a stubborn fool.
Not Good relation with U.S.A
Not Good relation with China
Not Good relation with Russia.
I think turkey should try to make new friends instead of enemies. There is something missing in diplomacy. Turkey should hire new Foreign minister to improve relation with above mentioned countries.

Turkey needs a new president not foreign minister. You all know that in Turkey only tayyip has power and without his approval no one can move a finger in government and bureaucracy.
We have no democracy right now but dictatorship. This failed policies come from tayyip's himself.
As long as he is in power our country will be second N. Korea more and more day by day.
Not Good relation with U.S.A
Not Good relation with China
Not Good relation with Russia.
I think turkey should try to make new friends instead of enemies. There is something missing in diplomacy. Turkey should hire new Foreign minister to improve relation with above mentioned countries.

1 ) INONU's CHP made Turkiye as slave to the US and the UK after 1947

ERDOGAN kicked IMF and American lapdogs out of Turkiye between 2013 and 2019

if ERDOGAN allow the US to create Pkk/Ypg terror corridor in Syria for Israeli interests, and if ERDOGAN allow the US to give Jerusalem to Israel and if ERDOGAN allow the US to steal oil-gas reserves from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean , then tthere will be so-called good relation with U.S.A

but Turkiye will lose territorial integrity and Turkish People will lose the future

2 ) whats problem with China ? about Uyghur Turks issue ... nothing else

and Uyghur Turks issue was before ERDOGAN and always will be after ERDOGAN

3 ) Smart zionist Jews ( the UK ) always used stupid Russians as pawns against the Ottoman Empire

still smart zionist Jews ( Israel - the US ) use stupid Russians as pawns against Turkiye in Syria and Libya ( Israeli prime minister NETANYAHU 6 times visited Moscow in the last 2 years )

and France , Israel , S.Arabia , Egypt and the Uae , even Iran provoke Russia against Turkiye

so ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked IMF out of Turkiye in 2013

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who made Turkish Economy $865 billion in 2013 ( before ERDOGAN Turkish GDP was $230 billion in 2002 ) ... so Turkish Economy under attack by the US since 2013

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who made Turkey as a modern Country ( with new buildings , airports ,hospitals , universities , stadiums , technology centers , highways , roads , high speed train lines , tunnels , bridges , etc )

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who created National Defense Industry after 2014 ( traitor CHP blocked it in 1940s )

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked traitor CHP and cockroach followers in GEZI Park protests

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked traitor FETO Terror Organization and cockroach followers between 2013 and 2016

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked traitor PKK Terror Organization in Turkiye between 2015 and 2016 ( now there is no any Pkk terror attack in Turkiye ) and Turkish Army is in Iraq and Syria to kick Pkk/Ypg terrorists ........ ( traitor CHP is saying what Turkish Army is doing in Syria and traitor CHP is saying YPG is not terror organization )

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who fight against the US , France ,Israel , Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean and Libya to protect Turkish EEZ .... and traitor CHP is saying why is Turkish Army in Libya ?
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Someone ban this aktroll. He's paid to do these. I wonder how many forums and social media pages he copy pastes these things
1 ) INONU's CHP made Turkiye as slave to the US and the UK after 1947

ERDOGAN kicked IMF and American lapdogs out of Turkiye between 2013 and 2019

if ERDOGAN allow the US to create Pkk/Ypg terror corridor in Syria for Israeli interests, and if ERDOGAN allow the US to give Jerusalem to Israel and if ERDOGAN allow the US to steal oil-gas reserves from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean , then tthere will be so-called good relation with U.S.A

but Turkiye will lose territorial integrity and Turkish People will lose the future

2 ) whats problem with China ? about Uyghur Turks issue ... nothing else

and Uyghur Turks issue was before ERDOGAN and always will be after ERDOGAN

3 ) Smart zionist Jews ( the UK ) always used stupid Russians as pawns against the Ottoman Empire

still smart zionist Jews ( Israel - the US ) use stupid Russians as pawns against Turkiye in Syria and Libya ( Israeli prime minister NETANYAHU 6 times visited Moscow in the last 2 years )

and France , Israel , S.Arabia , Egypt and the Uae , even Iran provoke Russia against Turkiye

so ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked IMF out of Turkiye in 2013

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who made Turkish Economy $865 billion in 2013 ( before ERDOGAN Turkish GDP was $230 billion in 2002 ) ... so Turkish Economy under attack by the US since 2013

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who made Turkey as a modern Country ( with new buildings , airports ,hospitals , universities , stadiums , technology centers , highways , roads , high speed train lines , tunnels , bridges , etc )

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who created National Defense Industry after 2014 ( traitor CHP blocked it in 1940s )

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked traitor CHP and cockroach followers in GEZI Park protests

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked traitor FETO Terror Organization and cockroach followers between 2013 and 2016

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked traitor PKK Terror Organization in Turkiye between 2015 and 2016 ( now there is no any Pkk terror attack in Turkiye ) and Turkish Army is in Iraq and Syria to kick Pkk/Ypg terrorists ........ ( traitor CHP is saying what Turkish Army is doing in Syria and traitor CHP is saying YPG is not terror organization )

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who fight against the US , France ,Israel , Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean and Libya to protect Turkish EEZ .... and traitor CHP is saying why is Turkish Army in Libya ?
just be patient, Allah swt will not give up on Syria, the Russians will pay for their crimes
1 )

ERDOGAN kicked IMF and American lapdogs out of Turkiye between 2013 and 2019
so ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked IMF out of Turkiye in 2013
It was indeed good decision to reject IMF. These are pressure groups in disguise of providing loans.
It was indeed good decision to reject IMF. These are pressure groups in disguise of providing loans.
Don't believe that fanatic akpean mate. Last year tayyip was trying to make a new agreement with IMF but he scared of public pressure and also he was going to lick his own saliva.
So he went China and beg for a few billion dollars. They gave us but they had 2 conditions. First they made Turkey recognize Uighurs as terrorist and second they made us part of one belt project.
Tayyip is worse of the worst in terms of politics. Turkish history hasn't seen this bad before.
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