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Turkey's Erdogan says Russia not abiding by Syria agreements -NTV

Don't believe that fanatic akpean mate. Last year tayyip was trying to make a new agreement with IMF but he scared of public pressure and also he was going to lick his own saliva.
So he went China and beg for a few billion dollars. They gave us but they had 2 conditions. First they made Turkey recognize Uighurs as terrorist and second they made us part of one belt project.
Tayyip is worse of the worst in terms of politics. Turkish history hasn't seen this bad before.
Maybe worse in politics, but turkey generates 40 billion $ just from tourism. Economy wise, it is not such bad shape too even Erdogan did some blunders, & turkey is moving away from secularism.
1 ) INONU's CHP made Turkiye as slave to the US and the UK after 1947

ERDOGAN kicked IMF and American lapdogs out of Turkiye between 2013 and 2019

if ERDOGAN allow the US to create Pkk/Ypg terror corridor in Syria for Israeli interests, and if ERDOGAN allow the US to give Jerusalem to Israel and if ERDOGAN allow the US to steal oil-gas reserves from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean , then tthere will be so-called good relation with U.S.A

but Turkiye will lose territorial integrity and Turkish People will lose the future

2 ) whats problem with China ? about Uyghur Turks issue ... nothing else

and Uyghur Turks issue was before ERDOGAN and always will be after ERDOGAN

3 ) Smart zionist Jews ( the UK ) always used stupid Russians as pawns against the Ottoman Empire

still smart zionist Jews ( Israel - the US ) use stupid Russians as pawns against Turkiye in Syria and Libya ( Israeli prime minister NETANYAHU 6 times visited Moscow in the last 2 years )

and France , Israel , S.Arabia , Egypt and the Uae , even Iran provoke Russia against Turkiye

so ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked IMF out of Turkiye in 2013

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who made Turkish Economy $865 billion in 2013 ( before ERDOGAN Turkish GDP was $230 billion in 2002 ) ... so Turkish Economy under attack by the US since 2013

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who made Turkey as a modern Country ( with new buildings , airports ,hospitals , universities , stadiums , technology centers , highways , roads , high speed train lines , tunnels , bridges , etc )

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who created National Defense Industry after 2014 ( traitor CHP blocked it in 1940s )

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked traitor CHP and cockroach followers in GEZI Park protests

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked traitor FETO Terror Organization and cockroach followers between 2013 and 2016

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who kicked traitor PKK Terror Organization in Turkiye between 2015 and 2016 ( now there is no any Pkk terror attack in Turkiye ) and Turkish Army is in Iraq and Syria to kick Pkk/Ypg terrorists ........ ( traitor CHP is saying what Turkish Army is doing in Syria and traitor CHP is saying YPG is not terror organization )

ERDOGAN is a gift to Turkish People who fight against the US , France ,Israel , Egypt in the Eastern Mediterranean and Libya to protect Turkish EEZ .... and traitor CHP is saying why is Turkish Army in Libya ?

Great post brother.

These anti-Muslims will go to any extent to malign Erdoğan.

We need put them where they belong.
Maybe worse in politics, but turkey generates 40 billion $ just from tourism. Economy wise, it is not such bad shape too even Erdogan did some blunders, & turkey is moving away from secularism.
You say so...
But the numbers Tell the different story...
Our unemployment rate is 23% and only last year 1.2 million of people lost their jobs and 500+thousands of workplaces, factories and warehouses are closed down. Inflation rate is 35%.
Our national dept reached 450billion dollars. In 2002 our economy was 15. biggest economy in the world and now 19. biggest economy. 80% of Turks live a life with huge dept to the banks.
Farming sector decreasing. Before akp our country was a self sufficient in terms of farming.
People go suicide every week 1 or 2 due to economic reasons. Last month an entire family went suicide with their toddler...
Obviously you are the one who believes the lies of akpeans here.
Yeah you are right on one subject. Our country is not secular any more but fully materialist. Tayyip and his family drain the wealth of country. Turned it into a materialist state.
As I said Anatolia has never seen this kind of pillage, plunder and theft during Mongol occupation.
That's why tayyip's public support fall down to 30% and 64% of Turks unhappy with the new presidential system and they wanna back to parliamentarian system as soon as possible.
Do you know why? Everyone has seen the real face of tayyip. He is a dictator...
This is the reason why he lost every major cities in last election.
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It was indeed good decision to reject IMF. These are pressure groups in disguise of providing loans.

Problem is for Turkiye and Turkish Economy and Turkish People = traitor American-Israeli lapdogs PKK , FETO , HDP , CHP ,TUSIAD , etc

-- Led by ERDOGAN Turkish Economy has risen to $865 billion from $230 billion between 2003 and 2013

2003 10x Turkiye = 1 Germany
2013 4x Turkiye = 1 Germany

-- Led by ERDOGAN interest rate dropped to 4,9% from 24% between 2003 and 2013 ( ERDOGAN saved $350+ billion from blood sucker international interest lobby between 2003 and 2013 )

-- led by ERDOGAN , the car numbers has risen to 24 million from 4 million in Turkiye

-- led by ERDOGAN , Turkish People bought millions of new houses

-- in 2013 , ERDOGAN kicked IMF out of Turkiye
-- in 2013 , ERDOGAN announced mega projects as like Nuclear Power Plant , New Istanbul Airport , Yavuz Sultan Selim Bridge , High speed train lines , etc

-- in 2013 , ERDOGAN said that Turkiye will become one of top 10 biggest economies by 2023
-- in 2013 , ERDOGAN blocked OMABA's Pkk/Ypg terror corridor plan in Syria

and in 2013 the US and American-Israeli lapdogs PKK , FETO , HDP , CHP ,TUSIAD , etc have started attacking Turkiye and Turkish Economy

-- by 2013 CHP and TUSIAD backed GEZI Park protests to destroy ERDOGAN
-- by 2013-2014 Judical coup attempt by FETO terror organization to destroy ERDOGAN
-- by 2015-2016 Big terror rebelion by PKK terror organization in 22 Turkish cities
-- by 2015-2016-2017 total of 14 terror attacks by ISIS terror organization in Turkiye
-- by 2016 military coup attempt by FETO terror organization to destroy ERDOGAN
-- by 2017-2018 attack on Turkish Economy by American president TRUMP

so 1 USD has riseen to 5,9 TL from 1,8 TL bettween 2013 and 2019 ... Turkish currency dropped by 320% between 2013 and 2019 , if not Erdogan's Turkiye would have minimum $1,6 trillion of GDP now

The US and American-Israeli lapdogs destroyed Turkish Economy
but all traitor cockroachs are still blaming president Erdogan ....
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You say so...
But the numbers Tell the different story...
Our unemployment rate is 23% and only last year 1.2 million of people lost their jobs and 500+thousands of workplaces, factories and warehouses are closed down.
Our national dept reached 450billion dollars. In 2002 our economy was 15. biggest economy and now 19. biggest economy. 80% of Turks live a life with huge dept to the banks.
Farming sector decreasing. Before akp our country was a self sufficient in terms farming.
People go suicide every week 1 or 2 due to economic reasons. Last month an entire family went suicide with their toddler...
Obviously you are the one who believes the lies of akpeans here.
Yeah you are right on one subject. Our country not secular any more but fully materialist. Tayyip and his family drain the wealth of country.
As I said Anatolia has never seen this kind of pillage, plunder and theft during Mongol occupation.
That's why tayyip's public support fall down to 30% and 64% of Turks unhappy with the new presidential system and they wanna back to parliamentarian system as soon as possible.
Do you know why? Everyone has seen the real face of tayyip. He is a dictator...
This is the reason why he lost every major cities in last election.
Mate, there are countries that want to destroy you from inside & they are making every effort to create civil war, chaos & bloodshed in turkey. Be aware.
I also hate erdogan policies like moving away from Secularism, but don't fall in the hands of foreign powers that want civil war just because you hate this erdogan but i agree you have democratic right to oppose his policies. Become one nation when foreign power intervene .
Mate, there are countries that want to destroy you from inside & they are making every effort to create civil war, chaos & bloodshed in turkey. Be aware.
I also hate erdogan policies like moving away from Secularism, but don't fall in the hands of foreign powers that want civil war just because you hate this erdogan but i agree you have democratic right to oppose his policies. Become one nation when foreign power intervene .

Every single country has enemies. It's not unique situation for my country. And those who enemy within were tayyip's buddies in the past and he was working with 'em.
If someone who really wanna start a civil war in my country is tayyip's himself. His policies based on polarisation and discrimination. If you are with him you are good but if you are not then you are a terrorist, marauder, Fetöist, separatist etc. etc.
We have fallen in the hands of foreigners bro. Don't you see they play with us like a tennis ball. One shoot from USA today, tomorrow an another shoot from Russia or EU.
Economy is ruined and youngsters wanna flee the country. Last year I was there and many young Turks wanted to know how to escape from that sheet pit.
Don't be fooled by those Apo lover akpeans.
Mate, there are countries that want to destroy you from inside & they are making every effort to create civil war, chaos & bloodshed in turkey. Be aware.
I also hate erdogan policies like moving away from Secularism, but don't fall in the hands of foreign powers that want civil war just because you hate this erdogan but i agree you have democratic right to oppose his policies. Become one nation when foreign power intervene .

His business in zimbabwe is falling apart so hes in a miserable position and uses this forum to vent on his real life problems. Most of what he writes is just dumb and not true.
Turkey burn the bridge with US and returning back will not be easy.
In other words, returning back would be a sign of homelessness and that you will then have to play under US rules more than ever to earn a place...

I don’t see that happening but one can’t ignore ANY possibilities
His business in zimbabwe is falling apart so hes in a miserable position and uses this forum to vent on his real life problems. Most of what he writes is just dumb and not true.
puhaaaa who said that my business falling apart mate?
I said it's not as good as before.
Now who is lier and dumb enough to deny the truth of my country?
@GlobalMillitary96 @Baybars Han
Bros can you please share your ideas with us which part of my words wrong, exaggerating or lie?
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