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Turkey's Erdogan holds talks with leaders on lowering Qatar tension

The gulf crisis essentially boils down to The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia lashing out at Qatar for undermining Saudi hegemony in the region by daring to think for itself and construct its own foreign policy.

Qatar supports and has deep economic ties with The Islamic Republic of Iran and The Muslim Brotherhood, both of whom espouse a form of political Islam that delegitimises Saudi's own monarchical Islamism, thereby posing an ideological and existential threat to the ruling House of Saud.

This is yet another illustration that the House of Saud's relentless need to protect its stranglehold on power at all costs, is the BIGGEST obstacle to peace in the Middle East and unity in the Muslim world.
I wan to ask a question to all Pakistani members: Saudi was always supporting Pakistan against India's aggression no matter money or political support, why so many Pakistani still agree with Turkey to down Saudi?

It's a public forum. Every member has the right to comment on anything they find interesting. Often I hear this kind of intolerant remarks from the indians when my comments don't suite their interest.
I will put you in my ignore list.
I wan to ask a question to all Pakistani members: Saudi was always supporting Pakistan against India's aggression no matter money or political support, why so many Pakistani still agree with Turkey to down Saudi?
I have a question to my suckular Chinese friends, why are they suddenly defending the actions of the creator of Daesh?
I wan to ask a question to all Pakistani members: Saudi was always supporting Pakistan against India's aggression no matter money or political support, why so many Pakistani still agree with Turkey to down Saudi?
Haha why you ask this my Noodle Slurping friend? You jealous? You think Pakistanis should embrace SA Wahabbism? What is the Arab world without its oil?
I have a question to my suckular Chinese friends, why are they suddenly defending the actions of the creator of Daesh?
I think it's Iraq Alqaeda and Syria rebellions combined to create Daesh.

Haha why you ask this my Noodle Slurping friend? You jealous? You think Pakistanis should embrace SA Wahabbism? What is the Arab world without its oil?
Are you a Pakistani. If not, please don't quote me.
I think it's Iraq Alqaeda and Syria rebellions combined to create Daesh.

Trump himself claimed that the previous US administration was involved in creating the Daesh. Few days back the Deash terrorists apologized for attacking israel by mistake. Where have you been all this time?
Is that what Putin teaches the Chinese factory workers?

I'm an honorary Pakistani. Satisfied!?
Why you have Turkey flag? You try to fool me.

Trump himself claimed that the previous US administration was involved in creating the Daesh. Few days back the Deash terrorists apologized for attacking israel by mistake. Where have you been all this time?
Come on, Qatar also fund Daesh. Don't tell me ISIS love Israel.

Erdogan's son bought oils from ISIS, and the motorcade was blasted to smithering by Russia Air Force. His daughter build up a hospital to treat ISIS injures. Anyone deny it?

Now start to play victim of terrorist?

Saud/Hilary Clinton/Qatar/Turkey are all co-founder of Daesh!

Turkey is not some Muslim fighter, he just linger about its previous power in the time of Ottoman Empire. Cheat anyone, don't cheat Chinese.
I wan to ask a question to all Pakistani members: Saudi was always supporting Pakistan against India's aggression no matter money or political support, why so many Pakistani still agree with Turkey to down Saudi?

I will put you in my ignore list.

The explanation is quite simple brother. Every single terrorists group in Pakistan is financed by the Saudi family or by there extremists ideology which has claimed thousands of lives in our country. Furthermore, in the past they have intervened and given a jail free card to Pakistani politicians that are corrupt. If Saudi Arabia was a true friend of Pakistan then it wouldn't have a friendly relationship with India. The Kingdom is protected by 10,000 Pakistani troops, yet they have invested peanuts in our country. Does this mean Pakistani people hate Saudi people. No way, in fact we love our fellow Muslim brothers, and our bond with them will never break, however, the ruling family is another case. But I will never accept the idea of Turkey attacking Saudi Arabia and vice versa. One day this entire bloc will be united under one banner and hopefully our relationship with China will be strong.
The explanation is quite simple brother. Every single terrorists group in Pakistan is financed by the Saudi family or by there extremists ideology which has claimed thousands of lives in our country. Furthermore, in the past they have intervened and given a jail free card to Pakistani politicians that are corrupt. If Saudi Arabia was a true friend of Pakistan then it wouldn't have a friendly relationship with India. The Kingdom is protected by 10,000 Pakistani troops, yet they have invested peanuts in our country. Does this mean Pakistani people hate Saudi people. No way, in fact we love our fellow Muslim brothers, and our bond with them will never break, however, the ruling family is another case. But I will never accept the idea of Turkey attacking Saudi Arabia and vice versa. One day this entire bloc will be united under one banner and hopefully our relationship with China will be strong.
Bro after reading what the two noodle dicks have to say about Turkey, I now have a lesser opinion of these iPhone assembly line workers. Especially how he bangs on about Uighur terrorists. Just like the dog Putin essentially labeled every man woman and child fleeing Assads forces as potential terrorists and not refugees. The Turkey Uighur connection was based on ethnic affinity whereas the Saudi Uighur relationship was to spread Salafism. I don't get how the two twits are so casually ingnoring that. Central Asian Islam is funded by SA.
Right part:we don't like Turks
Omg, how can i live with that.... :cray:

Bro after reading what the two noodle dicks have to say about Turkey, I now have a lesser opinion of these iPhone assembly line workers. Especially how he bangs on about Uighur terrorists. Just like the dog Putin essentially labeled every man woman and child fleeing Assads forces as potential terrorists and not refugees. The Turkey Uighur connection was based on ethnic affinity whereas the Saudi Uighur relationship was to spread Salafism. I don't get how the two twits are so casually ingnoring that. Central Asian Islam is funded by SA.
There are many well established Chinese members in this forum....but every nation has it's lunatics. :meeting:

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