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Turkey's Erdogan holds talks with leaders on lowering Qatar tension

I think Saudi royal house had been there for hundreds years before there was United States of America.

Why you hate KSA so much? Had Saudi ever done something hurt you or your family member?
You still don't understand T-Rex. Lol Already told you he's against any country who opposes islamist groups from taking power in the region . He opposes Iran's and Russia's propping up of Assad the butcher against his people/Islamists(MB inspired groups as well), He also opposes Saudi Arabia, Gulf states and Egypt's government from oppressing the MB(which he considers the legitimate representation of the people), he also has a soft spot for Erdogan but at the same time he's not a fan of Turkey's modern founder Atatürk and his policy that made Turkey a secular and western oriented country(later a NATO member as well) that's the main thing he despise about Turkey, He also opposes even his own government from oppressing the islamist groups/parties in his country, etc etc. That's what I have observed from his comments so far.

The thing I admire about him is that he is quite consistent in his remarks and will criticise any country who goes against the view he has, which isn't something you see that often on PDF. Since most members won't openly criticise a country they consider an ally/friend, even if that country goes against what they believe in or take actions that isn't to their liking.

So it's not like he hates KSA particularly. It's just that the current most hot topic here is KSA and it's allies isolating and cutting off relations with Qatar. So that's why you think he's so much anti KSA. If the topic was about Iran and it's support for butcher Assad(as he calls it) he will also be making similar comments towards them. :)
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I think Saudi royal house had been there for hundreds years before there was United States of America.

Why you hate KSA so much? Had Saudi ever done something hurt you or your family member?

The House of Saud was installed by the notorious Lawrence of Arabia, a British spy at the beginning of the 20th century. As for my contempt for the House of Saud, they are wickedly corrupt yet they claim to be the champions of Islam. This makes my faith smell like dirty laundry.

And who is those ordinary Muslim you refer to?

Those who speak for terror kingpins wouldn't know!
I think Saudi royal house had been there for hundreds years before there was United States of America.

Why you hate KSA so much? Had Saudi ever done something hurt you or your family member?

Not Saudi Royal house, just Arab regions. Before the Middle Arab nations, Middle East was under Ottoman Empire until 1924. During that time, it was just Arab regions comprised of those people who supported British Kingdom against Ottoman Empire and saw Ottoman Empire collapsed to it. In return, Middle East was freed from the influence of Ottoman Empire, and the powers divided among the people of Arab regions, hence KSA, Qatar, Libya,...etc as promise with British Kingdom.

Ironically, that was the moment Middle East was weakened in term of security and the stability of Middle East was compromised ever since Ottoman Empire collapsed. Was Arab independence worth it at the expense of security and stability? They were already living in Muslim dominated nations, but no, it had to be Arab nationalism all for so-called Arab glory.
Not Saudi Royal house, just Arab regions. Before the Middle Arab nations, Middle East was under Ottoman Empire until 1924. During that time, it was just Arab regions comprised of those people who supported British Kingdom against Ottoman Empire and saw Ottoman Empire collapsed to it. In return, Middle East was freed from the influence of Ottoman Empire, and the powers divided among the people of Arab regions, hence KSA, Qatar, Libya,...etc as promise with British Kingdom.

Ironically, that was the moment Middle East was weakened in term of security and the stability of Middle East was compromised ever since Ottoman Empire collapsed. Was Arab independence worth it at the expense of security and stability? They were already living in Muslim dominated nations, but no, it had to be Arab nationalism all for so-called Arab glory.
It only means there are historical grudges between Turkey and KSA. Desire for power in the Middle East.

You still don't understand T-Rex. Lol Already told you he's against any country who opposes islamist groups from taking power in the region . He opposes Iran's and Russia's propping up of Assad the butcher against his people/Islamists(MB inspired groups as well), He also opposes Saudi Arabia, Gulf states and Egypt's government from oppressing the MB(which he considers the legitimate representation of the people), he also has a soft spot for Erdogan but at the same time he's not a fan of Turkey's modern founder Atatürk and his policy that made Turkey a secular and western oriented country(later a NATO member as well) that's the main thing he despise about Turkey, He also opposes even his own government from oppressing the islamist groups/parties in his country, etc etc. That's what I have observed from his comments so far.

The thing I admire about him is that he is quite consistent in his remarks and will criticise any country who goes against the view he has, which isn't something you see that often on PDF. Since most members won't openly criticise a country they consider an ally/friend, even if that country goes against what they believe in or take actions that isn't to their liking.

So it's not like he hates KSA particularly. It's just that the current most hot topic here is KSA and it's allies isolating and cutting off relations with Qatar. So that's why you think he's so much anti KSA. If the topic was about Iran and it's support for butcher Assad(as he calls it) he will also be making similar comments towards them. :)
@T-Rex are you a member of MB?

Not Saudi Royal house, just Arab regions. Before the Middle Arab nations, Middle East was under Ottoman Empire until 1924. During that time, it was just Arab regions comprised of those people who supported British Kingdom against Ottoman Empire and saw Ottoman Empire collapsed to it. In return, Middle East was freed from the influence of Ottoman Empire, and the powers divided among the people of Arab regions, hence KSA, Qatar, Libya,...etc as promise with British Kingdom.

Ironically, that was the moment Middle East was weakened in term of security and the stability of Middle East was compromised ever since Ottoman Empire collapsed. Was Arab independence worth it at the expense of security and stability? They were already living in Muslim dominated nations, but no, it had to be Arab nationalism all for so-called Arab glory.
Those Ottoman Empire fancy shall have an end. Now it's 21 Centaury. The land belonged to Arabians, why the descendants of the Ottoman Empire still linger around it.
Turkish exporters ready to meet Qatar demand for food and water
07 Jun 2017 - 20:48

(Photo for representation). Baher Amin © The Peninsula
By Nevzat Devranoglu & Tom Finn / Reuters

ANKARA/Doha: Turkish exporters are ready to meet demand for food and water from Qatar, the head of Turkey's main exporting trade body told Reuters on Wednesday, allowing the Gulf state to stave off possible shortages after its biggest suppliers cut ties.

Mehmet Buyukeksi, chairman of the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TIM), told Reuters that exporters stood ready to fill the gap after the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia cut trade ties with Qatar.

Qatar is talking to Turkey and other countries about securing food and water supplies to stave off possible shortages two days after its biggest suppliers, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, cut trade and diplomatic ties, a government official said on Wednesday.

"We are in talks with Turkey and Iran and other countries," said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity due to the sensitivity of the subject, adding that the supplies would be brought in through Qatar Airways cargo flights.

The official said there were enough grain supplies in the market in Qatar to last four weeks and that the government also had large strategic food reserves in Doha.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Bahrain severed relations with Qatar and closed their airspace to commercial flights on Monday. Qatar vehemently denies the accustations.
It is the worst split between powerful Arab states in decades.

The moves isolating Qatar are disrupting trade in commodities from crude oil to metals and food, and deepening fears of a possible jolt to the global gas market, where the Gulf state is a major player.

Qatar has assured residents it has taken measures to assure that normal life continues.

The Ministry of Economy and Commerce released a video on Tuesday that showed supermarket shelves stocked with food and other goods after Qataris crowded into stores on Monday to stock up fearing shortages.

Although it is located in a volatile region of the world, its huge foreign currency reserves and comparatively small population mean arranging adequate new sources of food imports in an emergency is a possibility.

Qatar's ports and airports remained open to trade on Wednesday with countries not taking part in the Saudi-led boycott, a government official said.

"We have no problem with food supplies," Qatar's foreign minister told CNN on Tuesday. "We have strategic reserves in place since 2014, we don’t see that life will be affected."

Seems Turkey is desperate to gain influence in the Arab world, and the relationship with KSA is going to hell.

I think KSA is still leading the Muslim coalition army?

KSA VS Turkey

This guy seems to really dislike growing Turkish influence .. I mean he was literally playing sales assistant trying to convince Pakistani members to go for Chinese Platforms... HILARIOUS
Once you say it is Turkey VS KSA and then you change it to Muslim VS US/israel. Next you might say it is Iran VS KSA. You are at a loss, aren't you?

He is just a provocator having an itching for any steps Turkey takes. The export markets between Turkey and China on some sectors are colliding so We saw both country competing with eachothers peacefully in same tenders. I predict that It is the actual reason of this troll's common activity. I regularly see this guys and his absurd comments aiming to throw mud to Turkey without any given response by any Turkish member.
He is just a provocator having an itching for any steps Turkey takes. The export markets between Turkey and China on some sectors are colliding so We saw both country competing with eachothers peacefully in same tenders. I predict that It is the actual reason of this troll's common activity. I regularly see this guys and his absurd comments aiming to throw mud to Turkey without any given response by any Turkish member.
It never the weapon export shit. It's you back Uygher terrorists.

So as Qatar.
He is just a provocator having an itching for any steps Turkey takes. The export markets between Turkey and China on some sectors are colliding so We saw both country competing with eachothers peacefully in same tenders. I predict that It is the actual reason of this troll's common activity. I regularly see this guys and his absurd comments aiming to throw mud to Turkey without any given response by any Turkish member.
Personal idea,Partly right,partly wrong
Right part:we don't like Turks
Wrong part:the reason is not about market collision;from technical view,there is no comparison,totally deffrent level.
The biggest reason is about your government support Uighur terrorist
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Personal idea,Partly right,partly wrong
Right part:we don't like Turks
Wrong part:the reason is not about market collision;from technical view,there is no comparison,totally deffrent level.
The biggest reason is about your government support Uighur terrorist
Provide fake Turkish passport to smuggle Uyghers to join Jihadists or ISIS in the Middle East.

Whether one likes it or Not, Turkey is on the Rise.
Yeh, so?
Maybe, good luck
But pls be careful with the possibility of ottoman devastation 2.0 with your government overstepped foreign policy

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