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Turkey's Erdogan holds talks with leaders on lowering Qatar tension

Turkey is not acting alone, Russia and Iran are standing behind. US does have limited capability to eat a country like Turkey alive. Nor it does have appetite. When it comes to Russia and Iran, US has ZERO option. Zions can use all their lobby and media power to pursue US to act on their behalf. That game reached its expiry date already.
us is stronger then iran turkey and russia toghther
russia bad economy cannt afford alot of war
also usa can kick turkey out of nato and make sure west will make sanction on turkey and lets see how turkey survive
dont forget that russia and iran oil depended oil is down alot of time with out oil they
are nothing russia and iran usa have great economy eith out oil and can afford war for along time
also nato come to help her if she need help
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Turkey won't be able to do anything. Qatar will have no choice but to submit to other GCC members. It's days as a freelancer are over.
Of course Trump supports isolation of Qatar. He wants Saudia to buy the $350 billion in military aid they promised to. He wants Muslims to kill Muslims. All this racist sub-human scum cares about is white Amerikkka.
Saudi ambassador says Qatar needs to cut relations with Hamas, I don't see them commenting on how American tax payers funding goes towards IDF and Israels terrorist state? Biggest hypocrites. Honestly Pakistan is better off keeping it only on civil terms. Their Army March is terrible also and what is that sword dance even about??
At the Mahkeme-i Kubra on the Roz-i Hashr, at the least Reis may say he tried to do something to deter Muslim vs Muslim mass slaughter tirades...

As an added development, the Iranian FM visited Ankara only a couple of hours after the blasts in Tehran to hold some emergency meetings with the Turkish FM and Reis. Concerned folks are apprehending something very grave to happen in the ME. Some folks want to pull the pin for they don't want to give time...

As for the Ehl-i Iman,

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Lol U.S is Qatar's main lifeline dude. If U.S wants to do something to Qatar there's nothing any country can do about it, not Russia and even less so Iran or Turkey. Plus the U.S has the capability to eat any country in the region alive.
Seems Turkey is desperate to gain influence in the Arab world, and the relationship with KSA is going to hell.

I think KSA is still leading the Muslim coalition army?

KSA VS Turkey
All the coalition you hear lately only exist on paper.

In reality, it's only the Saudi-UAE.
This shit in Qatar has turned into Muslim VS USA/Israel.

Once you say it is Turkey VS KSA and then you change it to Muslim VS US/israel. Next you might say it is Iran VS KSA. You are at a loss, aren't you?
You are so predictable. In essence it is ordinary Muslims who want their voices to be heard VS despots propped up by the west. To some extent it is a proxy war between the west and the Muslim world.
I think Saudi royal house had been there for hundreds years before there was United States of America.

Why you hate KSA so much? Had Saudi ever done something hurt you or your family member?

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