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Turkey's Erdogan holds talks with leaders on lowering Qatar tension

Good effort by Erdogan but it's time to redraw the boundaries of Muslim states.
Nothing would help the blind in this situation.
Lol so now it's the U S that pushed or brainwashed Erdogan in supporting Uyghurs cause in China?
Some people here are some used in blaming all their actions on the West.
I believe Erdogan has his own reasons and interests in supporting the Uyghurs cause and giving them refuge in Turkey( the west never forced him to do that), just like he supports the Muslim brotherhood. It's not because of U.S propaganda or whatever.

Actually we were supporting the Ottomans in the beginning mainly as a buffer against Soviet Russia. It was only after the Ottomans sided with the Germans against us that we changed our policy and got involved in dismantling the Ottoman empire.
Our main rival was Soviet Russia and then Germany as the country was rising and preparing for war per WWI, the Ottomans just happened to have sided with the wrong side during the war and paid the price for it, just like other countries who sided with the wrong side during those 2 terrible wars (Germany, Japan, Italy etc).
Before Erdoğan Turkey had accepted Uygur refuges escaped from communist China!
Do you think Accepting refugees is supporting terrorists? Do you have any prove about that Turkey gave logistic or material help to Uygurs who live 10.00 km far from our land?
Everything were supported by US!

Do you know that when Turkey made negotiations with China about air defence system, suddenly in Istanbul city some conservative (supporters of BBP) patriots started protesting against China!
Exciting today our some conservatives forgot about China, because no more deal with China!
There are all provocations!
Before Erdoğan Turkey had accepted Uygur refuges escaped from communist China!
Do you think Accepting refugees is supporting terrorists? Do you have any prove about that Turkey gave logistic or material help to Uygurs who live 10.00 km far from our land?
Everything were supported by US!

Do you know that when Turkey made negotiations with China about air defence system, suddenly in Istanbul city some conservative (supporters of BBP) patriots started protesting against China!
Exciting today our some conservatives forgot about China, because no more deal with China!
There are all provocations!
Lol Ok, so it's just a campaign to smear Turkey then. Seems every single country in the middle East is so used to blaming all their action/ills on "others/external forces".

You remember this? : https://www.google.co.uk/amp/mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSTRE56957D20090711

And of course, will you also blame Qatar's Al Jazeera over their stance on the Uyghur issue?


All I'm trying to say is that, every country does what they think suits their interests and further their influence. Turkey and Qatar aren't any different. Nobody is forcing them to support the groups they are supporting, they have their reasons and interests for doing so(which I think is normal).
Lol so now it's the U S that pushed or brainwashed Erdogan in supporting Uyghurs cause in China?
Some people here are so used in blaming all their actions on the West.

I believe Erdogan has his own reasons and interests in supporting the Uyghurs cause(since according to some they are related to the Turks ) and giving them refuge in Turkey( the west never forced him to do that), just like he supports the Muslim brotherhood. It's not because of U.S propaganda or whatever.

Actually we were supporting the Ottomans in the beginning mainly as a buffer against Soviet Russia. It was only after the Ottomans sided with the Germans against us that we changed our policy and got involved in dismantling the Ottoman empire.
Our main rival was Soviet Russia and then Germany as the country was rising and preparing for war per WWI, the Ottomans just happened to have sided with the wrong side during the war and paid the price for it, just like other countries who sided with the wrong side during those 2 terrible wars (Germany, Japan, Italy etc).
The Turkish version of this is that the English rejected Turkish advances for an alliance. I think expensive warships were confiscated also. This along with a particular pro German Pasha + German gifts (juggernauts/battle cruisers) took the sting out of the British snub and the Ottomans Joined the Central Powers.
Ottoman Empire is what kept British Kingdom/Russia at bay for years. To the extent, Ottoman Empire would have kept USA at bay as well.

The collapse of Ottoman Empire meant the beginning of destruction for Middle East simply because Arab wanted Arab nationalism despite enjoying protection from Ottoman Empire for centurions.

Suffice to say, Arab got what they wanted and now they are complaining about nobody from Muslim worlds is coming to the rescue. To the extent, Pakistan is often blamed for not getting involved in Middle East.

I mean who asked them to betray Ottoman Empire that was keeping British Kingdom and Russia at bay for years from unleashing destruction in Middle East.

Now it comes to the point that Arabs are fighting each other under the name of either nationalism or sectarian, or you name it.
absolutely, with the ottoman oversight there was a federation concept which could have been had but shortsighted there let the british/french carve out and step in to support the arabs. Saud family were then were then imposed across the new marked territories of 'jordan', 'saudi arabia', 'iraq' etc as kings - what kings? just puppets put by colonials to run their will.
Before Erdoğan Turkey had accepted Uygur refuges escaped from communist China!
Do you think Accepting refugees is supporting terrorists? Do you have any prove about that Turkey gave logistic or material help to Uygurs who live 10.00 km far from our land?
Everything were supported by US!

Do you know that when Turkey made negotiations with China about air defence system, suddenly in Istanbul city some conservative (supporters of BBP) patriots started protesting against China!
Exciting today our some conservatives forgot about China, because no more deal with China!
There are all provocations!
I just cannot see any advantage Turkey can take from support Uyghur separatists, the main pusher must be US, but pan-turkism offers perfect handle for US. It's easy to create a problem but hard to resolve it, now even Turkish government agree not to support the separatists, it's hardly possible for Chinese government and people to trust Turkey since we got hurt by the terror caused by them and Xinjiang will no longer be stable as it used to be. So sad that Turkey and China should have become natural allies, sigh...Just blame short-sighted politicians
Thank you for you info bro!

If my memory serves me right, it's Pakistan introduce China to build diplomatic ties with KSA in 1970s.

Your statement is correct. Pakistan can be a key player which can bridge the relationship between China and the Arab world. Our relationship with KSA is very old and we have a good feeling toward the Arabs, partly because of religion, culture and interests. In my opinion China should increase it's ties with KSA and invest in the future of the region, but still be cautious to stop radicalization from transpiring in Xinjiang. The Al Saud family need to realize that there is more than one player in the block and it shouldn't rely on the American's.
The explanation is quite simple brother. Every single terrorists group in Pakistan is financed by the Saudi family or by there extremists ideology which has claimed thousands of lives in our country. Furthermore, in the past they have intervened and given a jail free card to Pakistani politicians that are corrupt. If Saudi Arabia was a true friend of Pakistan then it wouldn't have a friendly relationship with India. The Kingdom is protected by 10,000 Pakistani troops, yet they have invested peanuts in our country. Does this mean Pakistani people hate Saudi people. No way, in fact we love our fellow Muslim brothers, and our bond with them will never break, however, the ruling family is another case. But I will never accept the idea of Turkey attacking Saudi Arabia and vice versa. One day this entire bloc will be united under one banner and hopefully our relationship with China will be strong.

I agree with you.but this is also true for other muslim countries struggling with terror.Saudi should curb on terror financing.
I just cannot see any advantage Turkey can take from support Uyghur separatists, the main pusher must be US, but pan-turkism offers perfect handle for US. It's easy to create a problem but hard to resolve it, now even Turkish government agree not to support the separatists, it's hardly possible for Chinese government and people to trust Turkey since we got hurt by the terror caused by them and Xinjiang will no longer be stable as it used to be. So sad that Turkey and China should have become natural allies, sigh...Just blame short-sighted politicians
Hang on a minute! China has hurt the Uighur People this has nothing to do with Pan-Turkism. Turkey is immaterial here. This is a social problem that is 50% (at least) China's fault. We don't need Chinese to trust us. we didn't do anything to China. Again, look at the ideology behind the terrorism - Islamic Extremism born from SA. Not pan-Turkic terrorism.
I just cannot see any advantage Turkey can take from support Uyghur separatists, the main pusher must be US, but pan-turkism offers perfect handle for US. It's easy to create a problem but hard to resolve it, now even Turkish government agree not to support the separatists, it's hardly possible for Chinese government and people to trust Turkey since we got hurt by the terror caused by them and Xinjiang will no longer be stable as it used to be. So sad that Turkey and China should have become natural allies, sigh...Just blame short-sighted politicians

Solution... leave the occupied land of Uygur Turks, everbody wins, even one china obsessors.
Qatari investments in projects for the Erdogan family

Turkey has been awakened by a deliberate media blackout of US President Donald Trump's statements accusing Qatar of supporting terrorism and demanding that it be stopped immediately, in return for a strong showing of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's statements about Qatar's support and pictures of Turkish goods shipped to Doha.

It seems that Ankara was surprised by Trump's statements and his direct accusations against Doha, especially since Erdogan has already confirmed that he "rejects Qatar's accusation of supporting terrorism." All of Erdogan's comments came before Ratmbak's last statement.

In the media attempts to explain Erdogan's position on the Qatari crisis, some, such as Hurriyet, went on to refer to the $ 9.5 billion Qatari investments in Turkey. The newspaper pointed to the conflicting numbers of officials in both countries on this issue, noting that Qatari officials were talking about $18 billion While the Turkish Ministry of Trade recognizes only 1.5 billion investments. Other media indicate that there are direct country investments for projects owned or headed by members of the Erdogan family, such as Targiv's stop, headed by his son Bilal and a partner with Qatari institutions.

Turkish media also went on to talk about the influence of the country's "brotherly" lobby in Turkey, which is besieging Erdogan to convince him that the campaign against Qatar is aimed at him personally and that it is a new coup attempt against him, but it is being carried out this time, especially with the return of former Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu And strongly to the emergence and defense of Qatar and affirm the «link with them» against the backdrop of «one issue brings together the two countries».

"We followed Qatar in Egypt and what happened with Morsi, we regretted it, we followed Qatar in Syria and we regretted it again, and today we stand with Qatar for the third time," Turkish journalist Roshan Shaker, who specializes in the ruling Justice and Development Party, asked on his website. To explain to the citizen the reason for this strong adherence to Doha .

This question comes at a time when Turkish media is divided between an absolute supporter of Qatar and Islamic newspapers that have suddenly changed their direction to start talking about a "conspiracy to conquer Qatar and Iran." Iran turned on its pages from "a criminal supporting the killing of Syrians and Iraqis" to "A victim of an American-Arab conspiracy " According to editor-in-chief of" Yeni Shafak " Ibrahim Qara Gul.

The Turkish foreign ministry failed to answer the parliamentary opposition's questions about the reason for establishing a military base in Qatar specifically, or for logistical or geographical reasons, saying only that "Qatar stood by Turkey in the crisis of the failed coup attempt".

On the other hand, political analysts talked about the need not to confront Saudi Arabia, and that urging Erdogan to support Qatar, is "pushing him into a trap," in reference to the group attributed to Davutoğlu, and for the special interests of this group.

In terms of activating the agreement to build a Turkish military base in Qatar, the newspaper "Susjo" revealed that the agreement provides for sending 600 troops to the base in batches, and within several months, and that all expenses of the Turkish base are on Qatar, while the newspaper «Yeni contract» Islamic Loyal that «the military base agreement includes a secret clause whith Turkey's pledge to protect the Emir of Qatar», a secret that may be behind the position of Erdogan towards the Qatari crisis.


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