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Israel holds secret talks with Arab states: Israel FM

Doesn't say anything, talks about decades ago.

Nope it talks ALSO about decades ago such as during the Irak Iran war.

Primarily though, 90% of the text, talks about TODAY.


"Malgré ce qui est perçu en surface, les relations secrètes avec l'Iran totalisent des dizaines de millions de dollars par an", affirmait, en mai au quotidien israélien Yedioth Ahronoth, Yehoshua Meiri, directeur de l'Israeli-Arab Friendship Association. "Même lorsque de sévères déclarations sont prononcées des deux côtés, les échanges prospèrent. Les relations avec les collègues iraniens sont excellentes, et les déclarations politiques ignorées."

Point d'orgue de la relation interdite, la visite à Tel-Aviv en novembre 2000 d'un adjoint du ministre iranien de l'Agriculture souhaitant acquérir de la technologie agricole israélienne. Douze ans plus tard, l'essentiel des exportations israéliennes vers l'Iran concerne des produits liés à l'agriculture : engrais, tuyaux d'irrigation et diverses technologies agricoles. Mais l'Iran exporte lui aussi en Israël, principalement des pistaches, des noix de cajou et du marbre, une des plus grandes industries de la République islamique.

Is it clear now?
Nope it talks ALSO about decades ago such as during the Irak Iran war.

Primarily though, 90% of the text, talks about TODAY.


Is it clear now?

Yeah I know, it's that stupid thing about decades ago where the US and Israel will arming Iran and Iraq to get them to significantly weaken each other. Those aren't relations, that is the CIA intention of getting them to destroy each other.
If the Israelis are willing to use their nuclear weapons, I don't think this will guarantee its survival in the short run. If not, then nuclear weapons were made to deter hostile states, that's all.
On long run Iran having nuclear weapons will make them think nobody can touch them and they will prop up their support for proxies in the region which would be end of Israel or at the mecry of the Iranians at least. They rather go for nuclear option before that happens which is admirable stance. But of course they will try to knock out Iran without using nukes and everybody in the region should help them to prevent a disaster.
On long run Iran having nuclear weapons will make them think nobody can touch them and they will prop up their support for proxies in the region which would be end of Israel or at .

Are you out of your mind? Do you know how difficult it is to support their couple 'proxies' as you call them? It would absolutely not mean the end of Israel nor would it mean increased support for their 'proxies' since it already is difficult in itself.
Are you out of your mind? Do you know how difficult it is to support their couple 'proxies' as you call them? It would absolutely not mean the end of Israel nor would it mean increased support for their 'proxies' since it already is difficult in itself.
Israel has problem with Iranian proxies. Same counts for Turkey and Saudi's. Weird ain't it? Just imagine how they would act with confidence of a nuke. If Palestinians choose terror life style of Iran and terrorizing neighbors. You will only loose sympathy.
Israel has problem with Iranian proxies. Same counts for Turkey and Saudi's. Weird ain't it? Just imagine how they would act with confidence of a nuke. If Palestinians choose terror life style of Iran and terrorizing neighbors. You will only loose sympathy.

@ResurgentIran @Serpentine @Kaan

Here we go with you again blaming Iran for everything in the region. Kurds have zero to do with Iran and fought Turkey long before present day. Hezbollah and Hamas absolutely had no ties with Iran when they first created and later did. Hamas is a legitimate government and Islamic resistance movement. Don't talk about things you don't know about, and WTF is a 'terror lifestyle'? Are you stupid and this childish? You literally have no argument or anything to prove a point and resort to childish political propaganda. Terrorism is Israeli terrorism and colonialism. Palestinians don't 'terrorize' anybody, they only defend their lands. Otherwise we'd say a major civil strife on mainstream news right now. Palestinians don't fight for anybody are an occupied entity. Our struggle has nothing to do with Iran, it has everything to do with Israel's violation of our rights on a daily basis. Israel needs to be held accountable by international law and their terrorist activities. They've killed Turks, Europeans, Americans, Arabs and anybody else who came to document their crimes against humanity. Shame on you, you coward you legitimize their occupation and past several decades of oppression!
@ResurgentIran @Serpentine @Kaan

Here we go with you again blaming Iran for everything in the region. Kurds have zero to do with Iran and fought Turkey long before present day. Hezbollah and Hamas absolutely had no ties with Iran when they first created and later did. Hamas is a legitimate government and Islamic resistance movement. Don't talk about things you don't know about, and WTF is a 'terror lifestyle'? Are you stupid and this childish? You literally have no argument or anything to prove a point and resort to childish political propaganda. Terrorism is Israeli terrorism and colonialism. Palestinians don't 'terrorize' anybody, they only defend their lands. Otherwise we'd say a major civil strife on mainstream news right now. Palestinians don't fight for anybody are an occupied entity. Our struggle has nothing to do with Iran, it has everything to do with Israel's violation of our rights on a daily basis. Israel needs to be held accountable by international law and their terrorist activities. They've killed Turks, Europeans, Americans, Arabs and anybody else who came to document their crimes against humanity. Shame on you, you coward you legitimize their occupation and past several decades of oppression!

I didn't say Palestinians are with Iran. I said they shouldn't. You should calm down and read more carefully.I said it would mean a mistake for Palestinians since they would loose support. Palestinians Now Palestinians have legitimate position. They should keep it that way.
I didn't say Palestinians are with Iran. I said they shouldn't. You should calm down and read more carefully.I said it would mean a mistake for Palestinians since they would loose support. Palestinians Now Palestinians have legitimate position. They should keep it that way.

You need to read what you write then, we don't seek a 'terror lifestyle', whatever that means anyways. We seek to restore our rights and dignity. While we're in this phase, if Israel attacks Gaza at any moment the Palestinians are entitled to defend theirselves. And yes, Israel does initiate an offensive on Gaza every two years and we can't do anything about it, it's about their military industry and national policy which is to keep Gaza always on the brink of collapse. For the West Bank it's to restrict their rights in every imaginable way.
For the millionth time, Iran is not after nukes.
What are you going to do with a nuke? If you use it, you'll be nuked out of existence the next hour.
I also dont buy the notion that Iran is seeking it so it can act more with impunity and pursue more agressive policies.

One nuclear weapon is not going to enhance your security. You need several dozens of them.
If anything, developing a few weapons will only create a large coalition against you and you will end up being in much more unsafe and insecure enviroment.
What Iran wants is to have a level of "latent capibility". Strategically this will be almost as beneficial in terms of security and deterrence than weaponized program. At the same time it also avoids all the negative repercussions of having assembled bombs.

Right now most of the world accept that at the end of the day Iran will have some level of latent nuclear weapons capability.
The negotiations that are taking place is mainly aimed at extending the time it would take for Iran to "break out" should they make the political decision and overtly make a dash for the bomb.

But Iran is a treshold state and this is now reality.
Meaning Iran has the technological know-how, scientific base and the resources to make a nuclear weapon, if they want.
Like Japan
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For the millionth time, Iran is not after nukes.
What are you going to do with a nuke? If you use it, you'll be nuked out of existence the next day.
I also dont buy the notion that Iran is seeking it so it can act more with impunity and pursue more agressive policies.

One nuclear weapon is not going to enhance your security. You need several douzins of them.
If anything, developing a few weapons will only create a large coalition against you and you will end up being in much more unsafe and insecure enviroment.
What Iran wants is to have a level of "latent capibility". Strategically this will be almost as beneficial in terms of security and deterrence than weaponized program. At the same time it also avoids all the negative repercussions of having assembled bombs.

Right now most of the world accept that at the end of the day Iran will have some level of latent nuclear weapons capability.
The negotiations that are taking place is mainly aimed at extending the time it would take for Iran to "break out" should they make the political decision and overtly make a dash for the bomb.

But Iran is a treshold state and this is now reality.
Meaning Iran has the technological know-how, scientific base and the resources to make a nuclear weapon, if they want.
Like Japan

No matter how many times you repeat this their minds are polluted with corporate owned media. :lol:

They will come back asserting Iran's 'quest' for nuclear weapons like programmed robots.
No matter how many times you repeat this their minds are polluted with corporate owned media. :lol:

They will come back asserting Iran's 'quest' for nuclear weapons like programmed robots.

Well bro, they can continue to do their propaganda about it and scream "Iran is after nukes, Iran is after nukes!"
That wont make it true though. :)
who cares about 2 failed states like saudia and kuwait if they have talks with israel ?

talk the hell out of your holes as you always did in the past 30 years and so .....

who gives a shyte :lol:
didnt Kuwaiti officials dress like women and run away to Saudi when Saddam attacked... didnt Saudi seek US help when Saddam attacked ... so isnt better to seek US help in the first place and cut the BS !:unsure:
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For the millionth time, Iran is not after nukes.
estimates show that nuclear program has had more than 100 billion dollars direct and indirect costs for mullahs before 2013. Yeah, sure, they have paid this amount of money for electricity purposes. :rofl::rofl::rofl:
estimates show that nuclear program has had more than 100 billion dollars direct and indirect costs for mullahs before 2013. Yeah, sure, they have paid this amount of money for electricity purposes. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Costs are not (at the core) related to nuclear program. The nuclear program is an umbrella for a wider strategic issue between US-Iran.
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