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‘Turkey will never rule Arab World’ – Egypt’s FM

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@Yabgu ne die ugraşıyorsun bu amk kara çingeneleriyle

Read your own history books by yourself. Internet can also be a good source of history. So, please try invalidate my statement. But, have you ever wondered why your central Asian cousins look semi-Mongoloid, but the people of Turkey do not. Turkey people look more like europeans.

Language cannot be cited as a proof of origin for all the Turkey people. The central Asian Turkic people conquered eastern Anatolia and kept on conquering the entire land that extended to the other side of Bosphorus Strait ultimately. People in those conquered places accepted Turkic language, first as an Official language, then as a language for communication. This is why all the people of Turkey speak Turkic.
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Read your own history books by yourself. Internet can also be a good source of history. So, please try invalidate my statement. But, have you ever wondered why your central Asian cousins look semi-Mongoloid, but the people of Turkey do not. Turkey people look more like europeans.

Language cannot be cited as a proof of origin for all the Turkey people. The central Asian Turkic people conquered eastern Anatolia and kept on conquering the entire land that extended to the other side of Bosphorus Strait ultimately. People in those conquered places accepted Turkic language, first as an Official language, then as a language for communication. This is why all the people of Turkey speak Turkic.

You are totally MORON. Have you ever been in turkey ? What do you know about turkish people and culture ? You are thinking only turkish people are caucosid turks inthe turkic world? haha Moron central asian turkic people mixed with mongols they are not pure turk. Old turkic people were caucasoid if you dont believe me go search old chinese sources.

Hunnu (xiongnu) people black hair and dark eyes were considered '' evil '', bringing bad luck and calamity. According to chinese sources Hunnu , as well their Wusun and Tiu-kui descendants were blond or redhead , tall '' high - nosed''.
Even today , many mongoloidifeid turkic peoples keep their uniquse caucosid traits not typical for east asians
Today 2/3 of turkic peoples are caucasoid with little mongolid mix or without any sign of mongoloidization at all. Europans and mongolists/asians taught us '' asian origins'' thing our fathers never heard about


Who dont know their true past and dont have a future





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Read your own history books by yourself. Internet can also be a good source of history. So, please try invalidate my statement. But, have you ever wondered why your central Asian cousins look semi-Mongoloid, but the people of Turkey do not. Turkey people look more like europeans.

Language cannot be cited as a proof of origin for all the Turkey people. The central Asian Turkic people conquered eastern Anatolia and kept on conquering the entire land that extended to the other side of Bosphorus Strait ultimately. People in those conquered places accepted Turkic language, first as an Official language, then as a language for communication. This is why all the people of Turkey speak Turkic.

my friends turkic wariors always was fighting consistently against european pagan chiristians and budists since huns dont forget old turks believed 1 god(gök tengri) thats why they adopt easily islam for God's sake they fought with europe crusader armies in anotolia in 1095
Crusades - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

our anchestries were not european they were turkic wariors then can you tell me why we are muslim
Turkey, the aspiring super power. The only thing that Turkey is worth mentioning are belly dancers.
You are totally MORON. Have you ever been in turkey ? What do you know about turkish people and culture ? You are thinking only turkish people are caucosid turks inthe turkic world? haha Moron central asian turkic people mixed with mongols they are not pure turk. Old turkic people were caucasoid if you dont believe me go search old chinese sources.

Hunnu (xiongnu) people black hair and dark eyes were considered '' evil '', bringing bad luck and calamity. According to chinese sources Hunnu , as well their Wusun and Tiu-kui descendants were blond or redhead , tall '' high - nosed''.
Even today , many mongoloidifeid turkic peoples keep their uniquse caucosid traits not typical for east asians
Today 2/3 of turkic peoples are caucasoid with little mongolid mix or without any sign of mongoloidization at all. Europans and mongolists/asians taught us '' asian origins'' thing our fathers never heard about.

Who dont know their true past and dont have a future.

So, all the Turkic posters themselves do not know since when and how Anatolia started to be called Turkey or when the Turkic people came to this place. So, read below a part of Turkey people's history that Wiki historians wrote:

"In the 10 years following the Battle of Manzikert in 1071, the Seljuk Turks from Central Asia established themselves over large areas of Anatolia, with particular concentrations around the north western rim.

The Turkish language and the Islamic religion were gradually introduced as a result of the Seljuk conquest, and this period marks the start of Anatolia's slow transition from predominantly Christian and Greek-speaking, to predominantly Muslim and Turkish-speaking (although some ethnic groups such as Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians remained numerous and retained Christianity and their native languages)."

Seems most (85%) of today's Turks are the descendants of Greek Christians and Jews. Note that only 5,000 warrior Turks first invaded eastern Anatolia or Asia Minor or modern Turkey.
Read your own history books by yourself. Internet can also be a good source of history. So, please try invalidate my statement. But, have you ever wondered why your central Asian cousins look semi-Mongoloid, but the people of Turkey do not. Turkey people look more like europeans.

Language cannot be cited as a proof of origin for all the Turkey people. The central Asian Turkic people conquered eastern Anatolia and kept on conquering the entire land that extended to the other side of Bosphorus Strait ultimately. People in those conquered places accepted Turkic language, first as an Official language, then as a language for communication. This is why all the people of Turkey speak Turkic.

you are talking about something that has not as small as your knowledge; and try to seem you are the only one here WHO knows WHO the turk is.

is this sanity or insanity?

when you claim something; you have to present us some proofs; so that we can enter into a serious discussion; otherwise, you just seem nonsense-speaking person.

Turks in Turkey and in central asia look different due to some demographical and natural(climate etc) causes; if you do not understand what i mean, i will give you a crystal clear example; why do you think people in china, korea and japan are different from the ones in europa; or why african people are different from central asian people?


People in those conquered places accepted Turkic language, first as an Official language, then as a language for communication. This is why all the people of Turkey speak Turkic.

for example, acording to you non-turks in turkey accepted Turkish, if this is the logic, then please explain us, why Turkish was only spoken in Turkey; for example in ottoman era ''600 years'' why people in Greece , or people in syria and ıraq did not accept it as their first language ?

if you answer me, then please give me some good arguments and proofs so that i can continue this discussion.
So, all the Turkic posters themselves do not know since when and how Anatolia started to be called Turkey or when the Turkic people came to this place. So, read below a part of Turkey people's history:

In the 10 years following the Battle of Manzikert in 1071, the Seljuk Turks from Central Asia established themselves over large areas of Anatolia, with particular concentrations around the north western rim.

The Turkish language and the Islamic religion were gradually introduced as a result of the Seljuk conquest, and this period marks the start of Anatolia's slow transition from predominantly Christian and Greek-speaking, to predominantly Muslim and Turkish-speaking (although some ethnic groups such as Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians remained numerous and retained Christianity and their native languages).

Thanks! that you try to teach me who I am, it looks you know me better than myself ! what a pity people you are

Lol http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anatolian_beyliks
Taiwan? Who, when, where?

We ruled 27 nations in the Middle East at our peak. What the phuck are you talking about? Yurt nomad.

Nations ?

Well for Turks it's countries.

Modern-Day Countries of which some of their territory was controlled by the Ottoman Empire:

Saudi Arabia

Modern Day Countries of which all of their territory (except sparsely populated regions) was controlled by the Ottoman Empire at some point:

United Arab Emirates
FYRO Macedonia
Bosnia & Herzegovina

Do the nations calculation by yourself.
Seems most (85%) of today's Turks are the descendants of Greek Christians and Jews. Note that only 5,000 warrior Turks first invaded eastern Anatolia or Asia Minor or modern Turkey.


You lost me here.

(Değerli Arkadaşlar, lütfen cevap vererek adam yerine koymayın; eğer siz adam yerine koyup cevap yazarsanız, diğerleri de adam yerine koyup bu adamın yazdılarını ciddiye alır ve okur.)

...trans: no need to take seriuos and respond, so no troll feeding plese.


10 Soruda Türklerin Anadolu’ya Gelişi Yazı Dizisi [2]:

Seems most (85%) of today's Turks are the descendants of Greek Christians and Jews. Note that only 5,000 warrior Turks first invaded eastern Anatolia or Asia Minor or modern Turkey.

Modern Day Countries of which all of their territory (except sparsely populated regions) was controlled by the Ottoman Empire at some point:


I call BS on this one. :P
Recent genetic research has suggested the local Anatolian origins of the Turkic Asian peoples might have been slight. These findings are consistent with a model in which the Turkic languages, originating in the Altai-Sayan region of Central Asia and northwestern Mongolia, were imposed on the indigenous peoples with relatively little genetic admixture, possible example of elite cultural dominance-driven linguistic replacement.

A 2011 study concluded "that the profile of Anatolian populations today is the product not of mass westward migrations of Central Asians and Siberians, or of small-scale migrations into an emptied subcontinent, but instead of small-scale, irregular punctuated migration events that engendered large-scale shifts in language and culture among the diverse" indigenous inhabitants.

Results of a 2012 genetic study by Hodoğlugil and Mahley showed the admixture of Turkish people, which were primarily European and Middle Eastern, with a small Central Asian (9%-15%) component.
Recent genetic research has suggested the local Anatolian origins of the Turkic Asian peoples might have been slight. These findings are consistent with a model in which the Turkic languages, originating in the Altai-Sayan region of Central Asia and northwestern Mongolia, were imposed on the indigenous peoples with relatively little genetic admixture, possible example of elite cultural dominance-driven linguistic replacement.

A 2011 study concluded "that the profile of Anatolian populations today is the product not of mass westward migrations of Central Asians and Siberians, or of small-scale migrations into an emptied subcontinent, but instead of small-scale, irregular punctuated migration events that engendered large-scale shifts in language and culture among the diverse" indigenous inhabitants.

Results of a 2012 genetic study by Hodoğlugil and Mahley showed the admixture of Turkish people, which were primarily European and Middle Eastern, with a small Central Asian (9%-15%) component.

give us a chance to read the passages from the original site. so link please.
give us a chance to read the passages from the original site. so link please.
These are the main sources available. Other sources were also available, but some links did not work.

Hodoğlugil, U., & Mahley, R. W. (2012). Turkish Population Structure and Genetic Ancestry Reveal Relatedness among Eurasian Populations. Annals Of Human Genetics, 76, 128-141. doi:10.1111/j.1469-1809.2011.00701.x

Genetic affinities among Mongol ethnic groups and their relationship to Turks - Machulla - 2003 - Tissue Antigens - Wiley Online Library
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