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‘Turkey will never rule Arab World’ – Egypt’s FM

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@islamic faith&Secularism

I'm juist quoting what the researchers have conluded.

For example, for this quote, there are 7 different sources.

Genetic history of the Turkish people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I've read this part: Anadolu Türklerinin Orta Asya Türkleri ile Genetik Benzerlikleri

However, after this we read the following:

Read from the link, many research have done. I think between 9 to 15% of turkic genes exist among turks, this is written by Turkish researchers themselves.

İ have answered you about how to approach those studies, and you agreed that. now you say there are 7 studies so my claim must be true. is this your new argument? Do we stop examining the facts in the studies and instead jump into conclusion by looking at the number of conducted studies?


Some members like you come here and start to talk about academic stuedies without trying to questioning those studies, and jump into conclusions by looking at the number of studies.

The link i posted is for Turkish members here so that they can find very specific and basic(reference) studies; If they are still interested in this discussion they can Show the proofs from those studies.

i believe this is an academic level topic, however, one member here decides the gen of Turks in Turkey by looking at their faces. or another decides WHO the turks are in Turkey by saying there are 7 studies so my claim is true.


if you still insist, then i ask for other Turkish members to translate the info in the link below to satisfy this member about Turks in Anatolia and Turks in cental asia have the same gene. in the link there are some sources(links) to support the results in the info, so please add the links to shut this nonsense claim up once and for all.

Türklerin kökeni - Vikipedi

Türklerin kökeni - Vikipedi
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thanks, if in a case, an arab country is in trouble, will turkey send troops to set a new government because you are all muslims.

Turkey has no shame. It is trying to use its cordial relationship with Israel to bully Egypt and other Muslim countries now under political distress.
Turkey has no shame. It is trying to use its cordial relationship with Israel to bully Egypt and other Muslim countries now under political distress.

i know some members here like trolling, still an answer for others:

Israel-Turkey relations sink to low

...."The mood is so negative in the upper echelons of Turkey and Israel toward each other, it doesn't look like cooperation is possible," said Alon Liel, a former foreign ministry director general who served as Israel's top diplomat to Turkey in the 1980s. ..... "Maybe the Americans can cooperate with Turkey separately and Israel separately," he said. For now, at least, "there's not enough to lead to direct cooperation."

.... The comments(Erdoğan made a few weeks ago) drew Egyptian and American condemnations, and prompted a senior Israeli politician, Avigdor Lieberman, to compare the Turkish leader to Nazi propagandist Josef Goebbels.

JERUSALEM: Israel-Turkey relations sink to low - Politics Wires - MiamiHerald.com


i think this is your post here, after all, WHO believes you anymore?
thanks, if in a case, an arab country is in trouble, will turkey send troops to set a new government because you are all muslims.
No,arabs should send troops.
We should mind our own business.
Turkey is certainly interfering in the internal matter of Egypt by supporting those blood thirsty Brotherhood group. By this way or by that way, Turkey wants to re-establish its hegemony on some of the Arab countries. But, the posters here are talking naive by claiming that Turkey is done with the Arabs.

Turkey has been kicked out from the Arab world once for all. Now, it should contribute to its own development so that its people do not have to work as guestarbiter in Germany, where they are lothed by the Europeans.
No..the first turks are from these regions
Centre-west part of modern China.

Later they moved to central asia

Thats where indo european Tocharians came from, not the origin of the Turkic peoples.

really ? Lol I have never said that I am aganist mongolids :rofl: I speak just truth . Old turks have eurasian looking sometimes more mongolid some times more caucasoid . This is very normal because they lived with mongolid people. But pure first turks had Caucasoid looking

(Shorians were turkic people from altai mountains )





Still believe altaic race nonsense ?
really ? Lol I have never said that I am aganist mongolids :rofl: I speak just truth . Old turks have eurasian looking sometimes more mongolid some times more caucasoid . This is very normal because they lived with mongolid people. But pure first turks had Caucasoid looking

(Shorians were turkic people from altai mountains )





Still believe altaic race nonsense ?

Since when does haplogroup have to do with physical looks?!?!

Caucasian peoples have tons of different haplogroups, mongoloids also have different haplogroups, haplogroups don't determine your phenotype. Your autosomal DNA does.
Since when does haplogroup have to do with physical looks?!?!

Caucasian peoples have tons of different haplogroups, mongoloids also have different haplogroups, haplogroups don't determine your phenotype. Your autosomal DNA does.

It is quite difficult to make people understand what you are trying to say here. I wonder what is the level of Turkish education system?
In this thread non-Turks are more worried about Turkish genes than Turks themselves. Too much free time I guess.
Since when does haplogroup have to do with physical looks?!?!

Caucasian peoples have tons of different haplogroups, mongoloids also have different haplogroups, haplogroups don't determine your phenotype. Your autosomal DNA does.

No. This is not good answer . Y dna explain how their ancestors look like . But ıf presentday these people dont look like their ancestors that's mean is they were mixed with mongolid females. Still i say same thing. But still you dont understand that is your mind problem .

The genetic graphs demonstrate the spuriousness of the“Altaic” category, and its continued use in genetic research not only was failing to model an analyzable concept, but also tends to produce misleading results and superficial conclusions. Fortunately, the macro-Altaic category, heavily advocated in the past century, by now is pretty much discredited.

Graphs show what would happened after waves after waves of migrations would keep replacing their maternal mtDNA with the local mtDNA over and over again. Depending on particular circumstances would change the appearance of the migrants and the locals, their language even if not completely replaced, their traditions, and their culture. The male-driven economy, military aptitude, class structure, and social organization would be propagated.

Statistically, the vast majority of the population hold its genome and its haplogroup, that is, they marry their neighbors; offspring repeat the distribution of haplogroups of their ancestors: the dominant Y-DNA haplogroup of the fathers remains a dominant Y-DNA haplogroup of the sons, and the dominant mtDNA haplogroup of the mothers remains a dominant mtDNA haplogroup of the sons and daughters, with only daughters passing their mtDNA on.

The picture changes dramatically with replacement of the previous male population (hostile invasion). The dominant mtDNA haplogroup of the mothers remains a dominant mtDNA haplogroup of the sons and daughters, while the dominant Y-DNA haplogroup of the population is changing radically. Analysis of mtDNA does not catch such migratory changes due to the limited statistics.

@eastwatch If you want to learn turkish education sytem level. you have to compare turkey and bangladesh. Answer is there ;)
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really ? Lol I have never said that I am aganist mongolids :rofl: I speak just truth . Old turks have eurasian looking sometimes more mongolid some times more caucasoid . This is very normal because they lived with mongolid people. But pure first turks had Caucasoid looking

(Shorians were turkic people from altai mountains )


Still believe altaic race nonsense ?

I found these Shorians that you are talking about:

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@Wholegrain, according to some Turkish members here the Magyars and the Alans are turkic peoples. What's your opinion? Also are the Xiongnu people the ancestors of turkic people beyond a doubt? And what about Huns?
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@Wholegrain, according to some Turkish members here the Magyars and the Alans are turkic peoples. What's your opinion? Also are the Xiongnu people the ancestors of turkic people beyond a doubt? And what about Huns?

Alans being Turkic? Are you kidding me? They are Scythian people and are native to the land of Alania. However there might be some Alans still living in Turkey. Those would be the so called Circassians. Circassians and Alans are both ethnic groups who live close to the Black Sea and there a lot of original Black Sea people living in North-east Turkey.

If you look at modern day Ossetian and ancient Scythian/Alanic language you will find a lot of similarities. This might indicate that Alans were the ancient ancestors of modern day Ossetians.
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@<u><a href="http://www.defence.pk/forums/member.php?u=146620" target="_blank">Wholegrain</a></u>, according to some Turkish members here the Magyars and the Alans are turkic peoples. What's your opinion? Also are the Xiongnu people the ancestors of turkic people beyond a doubt? And what about Huns?

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