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‘Turkey will never rule Arab World’ – Egypt’s FM

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have fun mert bro forum was boring in those times:angel:


The brave Egyptians already told you GTFO:laughcry:
in finally muslim brotherhood will f.pharaohs :cheesy:

LOL, keep dreaming.....

MB is not coming back.

Your plans for a new empire is falling apart.

MB didn't work in Egypt, is not working in Syria.

Say Bye Bye to neo-ottoman dreams.:yay:
@ iranigirl2 get back your life iranian *****
LOL, keep dreaming.....

MB is not coming back.

Your plans for a new empire is falling apart.

MB didn't work in Egypt, is not working in Syria.

Say Bye Bye to neo-ottoman dreams.:yay:
neo ottoman never we want to great neo seljuk empire poor persians ha ha:omghaha:
BTW, here's something to read about Azerbaijani Turki in the Safavid times: An Error Occurred Setting Your User Cookie

"The Azeri Turks are Shiites and were founders of the Safavid dynasty."
Source: Richard N. Frye, Tamara Sonn. A Brief History of Islam, Blackwell Publishing, 2004, p. 83.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-...-create-free-trade-zone-11.html#ixzz2dGqp5dJA

Yes, however Other historians, such as Vladimir Minorsky and Roger Savory, refute this idea:
From the evidence available at the present time, it is certain that the Safavid family was of indigineous Iranian stock, and not of Turkish ancestry as it is sometimes claimed. It is probable that the family originated in Persian Kurdistan, and later moved to Azerbaijan, where they adopted the Azari form of Turkish spoken there, and eventually settled in the small town of Ardabil sometimes during the eleventh century.

All I know iranians for is getting anhiliated in history continously for.

Greeks ruled and anhiliated them (lol greeks)
Mongols slaughtered them
Arabs ruled them invaded them
Turks ruled them (Timur slaughtered them)
Iraq invaded them.

I feel sorry lol

And today's there seen as suicide bombers and terrorists and country is seen as a desert.

Our civilization is superior to turks, everyone knows that. Arabs, Persians, Europeans consider pre-ottoman turkish history as low, savage and warlike, not providing anything to humanity or civilization. Even ottomans saw turkics as low/stupid people (fact)

Please provide us a list of turkish scientists/scholars from before 14th century.
there is 400 millon arab in the world 250 million turk 200 million pakistani 200 milyon indonesian 200 million bangladeşh people

as for persians just 25 million :omghaha:
i look at persian empire map now i can not see our mongolia:smokin:
because first turkics states was estasblished in otuken otugen was capital both huns and gokturks in mongolia

Not much is known about gokturks whom turks have their legend from and consider one of the founders of their nation. There are theories that they even might have been Iranic (scythian type of rulers) lol :D

The Göktürk rulers originated from the Ashina clan, who first come to our attention in 439.

Findley assumes that the Ashina probably comes from one of the Saka languages of central Asia and means "blue", gök in Turkic, the color identified with the east, so that Göktürk, another name for the Turk empire, meant the "Turks of the East". This is seconded by the Hungarian researcher András Róna-Tas, who finds it plausible "that we are dealing with a royal family and clan of Saka origin".

Former Dr. Zhu Xueyuan derives the name from the related Manchu word Aisin and the early tribe Wusun (Asin or Osin) pronounced earlier in archaic Chinese, a group of people which he highly considered as a Tungusic people. Zhu asserted that the Xiongnu's tribe Juqu was evidently related to Juji (old pronouncing of Jurchen), and that the Yuezhi was belonged to another Tungusic tribe named Wuzhe, which could all ultimately traced back to the roots of Sushen.

Among scholars who proposed an Iranic origin for the Xiongnu are H.W. Bailey (1985, Altaic and Iranian, which has not been followed)[44][45] and János Harmatta (1999), who believes that the royal tribes and kings (shan-yü) of the Xiongnu bore Iranian names, which can be explained from an Iranian language of the Saka type.[46] Jankowski concurs. However J. Paul bears in mind that not all Xiongnu names of Saka type were Iranian, but instead of non-Iranian origin.
Not much is known about gokturks whom turks have their legend from and consider one of the founders of their nation. There are theories that they even might have been Iranic (scythian type of rulers) lol :D

Findley assumes that the Ashina probably comes from one of the Saka languages of central Asia and means "blue", gök in Turkic, the color identified with the east, so that Göktürk, another name for the Turk empire, meant the "Turks of the East". This is seconded by the Hungarian researcher András Róna-Tas, who finds it plausible "that we are dealing with a royal family and clan of Saka origin".

Former Dr. Zhu Xueyuan derives the name from the related Manchu word Aisin and the early tribe Wusun (Asin or Osin) pronounced earlier in archaic Chinese, a group of people which he highly considered as a Tungusic people. Zhu asserted that the Xiongnu's tribe Juqu was evidently related to Juji (old pronouncing of Jurchen), and that the Yuezhi was belonged to another Tungusic tribe named Wuzhe, which could all ultimately traced back to the roots of Sushen.

Among scholars who proposed an Iranic origin for the Xiongnu are H.W. Bailey (1985, Altaic and Iranian, which has not been followed)[44][45] and János Harmatta (1999), who believes that the royal tribes and kings (shan-yü) of the Xiongnu bore Iranian names, which can be explained from an Iranian language of the Saka type.[46] Jankowski concurs. However J. Paul bears in mind that not all Xiongnu names of Saka type were Iranian, but instead of non-Iranian origin.

bro do you know turkish as well ?
Shah ismail always said he was a turk and he did not said any time he was persian or iranian.

You have not any culture only you have copied old semites and dravidian cultures.:omghaha:

haha.. that's why you are using Indo-Iranian positional base-10 nummeral system with 0 as placeholder which is a standard in todays world and without it physics, computer technology, mathematics and all other sciences would alsmost be "zero".

As I said Turks better not talk about civilization, bashing Iranians will get you nowhere, leave this discussions to other nations.
@ iranigirl2 get back your life iranian *****

I think she is looking for Turkish husband like those Iranian women who come on Turkish TV dating programs and look for proper man. :D

Shah ismail always said he was a turk and he did not said any time he was persian or iranian.

You have not any culture only you have copied old semites and dravidian cultures.:omghaha:
If south-Azerbaijan cedes from Iran. There wouldn't be much left of Iran economically, culturally or demographically. Think about it.

Iran without Azerbaijan is just few Persians and remaining Kurds, Arabs Baluchis ... Ethnic Persian is below 50% of Iran.

Current famous buildings in Iran are all build by Azeri Turks, or more precisely occupied Azerbaijan. I think Persians should wash their mouth. They have no talent, broken off history, and they relly on Azeri for everything.
what is this we are carrying turk blood from mongolia :lol: we are talking turkish very close uyghursturkish in china this means that we are not greek or its
derivatives are you secret persian bro:angel:

I do not have to be a Persian to talk about Persian history, and I also do not have to become a secret Turk to talk about the history of Turks.

I only said that ethnic Turkic blood from central Asia in today's Turkey is less than 15%. The remaining 85% belong to the local Greeks and Jews who took Islam as their religion under the strong and energetic leadership of the Seljuk/Ottoman Turks who happened to have migrated from Persia. Now, of course, they are mixed completely.

Moreover, during the course of many centuries of war, Empire building and annexation of east European lands, many Turks also married women from these areas. So, the ethnicity kept on changing, but they remained Turks.

The Seljuks were in the military service of Persia. To avoid persecution they left Persia and won over east Anatolia in 1066. This is the starting point of Turkish history in the modern day Turkey. Before that they were in Persia, and before this they were in Central Asia.

Central Asian Turkic people and the Turks of Turkey have become separated ethnically, but they have the same/similar Turkey language which has bonded these groups.
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