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Turkey wants to buy 40 new F-16 block70 and 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

We will see now what about USA ?
Foe or Friend
But that's the thing,that's the...the Turkish,the Erdoganic mentality that you guys DON'T GET!
You've pissed them off,you've called them genocidal maniacs,you mocked them. You mocked Trump,you mocked Biden,you made all these statements about "we'll do what we want and buy whatever we want"....and you still expect them to treat you as if nothing happened! I mean...you have been destroying your relations with the Americans and now you tell them "now we'll see if they really are our friends or not".
Some wise man once said,'Never put all the eggs in one basket'.
A wise Sultan read that quote on internet.
What did he do, he took out all the eggs from the basket and starting throwing in different baskets as if he's playing basket ball.
Result? All the eggs are broken.
What he does? He plans to get egg by raising a chicken.
Problem? Chicken is not giving eggs.
What does he do? Well, there he goes to the market.
The end?
Mashallah that post made me smile
It's funny because once again,it shows Erdogan's character and mindset:

He stubbornly refused to throw away the S-400s and stop his approach to Russia.He mocked the Americans about it.

When he came back from NY,he was angry because Biden didn't even meet him and then he announced he would buy a second batch of S-400s and also jet fighters,submarines,aircraft engines,aircraft and other equipment from Russia. He met with Putin and came back disappointed.

And now,after boasting that they would upgrade the F-16s on their own...they try to appease the Americans and find a realistic solution to the THKs problems.

this is Erdogan's strategy.
A good chess player.
The Americans refuse Erdogan's request, he finds an excuse to buy from the Russians.
He did the same with the S-400,
In this context the Americans find themselves at the foot of the wall.
But that's the thing,that's the...the Turkish,the Erdoganic mentality that you guys DON'T GET!
You've pissed them off,you've called them genocidal maniacs,you mocked them. You mocked Trump,you mocked Biden,you made all these statements about "we'll do what we want and buy whatever we want"....and you still expect them to treat you as if nothing happened! I mean...you have been destroying your relations with the Americans and now you tell them "now we'll see if they really are our friends or not".

Mashallah that post made me smile
Because you had to do as your policies? Be hypocritical to have a few pieces of flying steel?.
You have a habit of giving in to blackmail for your interests, you can even put on the dress, the skirt for your interests, with us honor and pride are priceless. Let them keep their planes, we don't be beggars, we pay cash like the F-35s.

The Taliban didn't need planes to kick your masters out.
Erdogan asks for an update of the F-16, they refuse too bad,
Poutine wait for SU-57.
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But this is why Turkey was put on sanctions. Because of the S-400s and the approach to Russia. It's not just the S-400s. It's the whole attitude and stance of AKPs Turkey with Putin. If you think the Americans will stick to typical stuff because it's not F-35,you're wrong.
I'm sure the defence industry will pressure them for this,but the Government and the Congress still have the final word. And right now,Biden's administration is pretty darn pissed off at Erdogan.

Problem is not S400 or stance of AKPs Turkey with Putin

Problem is Turkish military operation in Syria to block USA-France backed PKK/YPG terror state

Our so-called NATO allies USA-France support terrorism to destroy Turkey's territorial integrity

also Our so-called NATO allies USA-France support Greece who want to steal oil-gas reserves and MAVI VATAN from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean

USA did not sell PATRIOT to Turkey even Turkey cancelled buying FD-2000 from China in 2015
still BIDEN blame ERDOGAN ?

Who will protect Turkey's security risk? If Turkey cannot provide its own security risk, I wonder if it will look at someone else's hand ?

if again USA says NO F-16V to Turkey ...then ERDOGAN will have to take very different steps ( He did it over S400 )

btw Turkish Nation is pretty darn pissed off at BIDEN and The US
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Strangely, this happens just after the visit with Putin, 99.9% Americans refuse and this will serve as a pretext to buy SU-57 or SU-35 for turkish army. Biden has no choice either it's yes or it's no, but I think Turks already know it's no, they are making the request on purpose.
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this is Erdogan's strategy.
A good chess player.
The Americans refuse Erdogan's request, he finds an excuse to buy from the Russians.
He did the same with the S-400,
In this context the Americans find themselves at the foot of the wall.
Ya Kaptan,this isn't good diplomacy. Because in the end,countries will know that he is not dependable. Putin will get tired of him soon,if he hasn't gotten tired of him already. Imagine having a friend like Erdogan: "Haha I go to Kemal's house to play today haha stay alone." next day "Hey friend,Kemal went on vacation,you wanna play?" ....the next day "Haha,I'm going with Onur to play football,you didn't give me your soda to drink yesterday,you're not a real friend". The next week "Hey Can,you're my friend,wanna come and play Nintendo?"
Problem is not S400 or stance of AKPs Turkey with Putin

Problem is Turkish military operation in Syria to block USA-France backed PKK/YPG terror state

Our so-called NATO allies USA-France support terrorism to destroy Turkey's territorial integrity

also Our so-called NATO allies USA-France support Greece who want to steal oil-gas reserves and MAVI VATAN from the Turks in the Eastern Mediterranean
Here we go again,the tape is on...the recorded message is playing. And I was wondering when you'd go back to your old posting style 🙄
I am not sure if this is an authentic source, as the origin is greek.

After the F-35, Turkey and indeed any other self respecting nation wont go for American stuff on those conditions.

The Turkish Ministry of Defense sent a Letter of Request (LoR) to the American government for the acquisition of 40 new F-16C/D Block 70 Viper Fighter Jets as well as the modernization of a total of 80 existing Turkish F-16s to the Viper standard

-- 40 new F-16 block70
-- 80 F-16 modernization to the Viper standard

F-16 Block70

-- APG-83 AESA radar ... ( The APG-83 provides F-16s with 5th Generation fighter radar capabilities )
-- New avionics architecture
-- New mission computer and electronic warfare suite
-- The new Center Pedestal Display (CPD) which provides critical tactical imagery to pilots on a high-resolution 6”x 8” screen
-- Automatic Ground Collision Avoidance System (Auto GCAS)
-- The Night Vision Imaging System
-- The Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System II
-- SNIPER Advanced Targeting Pod
-- IRST (Infrared Search and Track)
-- Conformal fuel tanks
-- Extended structural service life of 12,000 hours
-- General Electric F110-GE-132 Engine rated at 32,500 lbf (144 kN) of afterburning thrust

View attachment 782689

Because you had to do as your policies? Be hypocritical to have a few pieces of flying steel?.
You have a habit of giving in to blackmail for your interests, you can even put on the dress, the skirt for your interests, with us honor and pride are priceless. Let them keep their planes, we don't be beggars, we pay cash like the F-35s.

The Taliban didn't need planes to kick your masters out.
Erdogan asks for an update of the F-16, they refuse too bad,
Poutine wait for SU-57.
Honor and Pride are priceless to you,you said. Then why are you going back to the Americans? And if you are going to the Americans why are you also trying to get things from Putin too? Where's your pride? You were saying "oh good,we will make our own upgrades".Now you're back asking. Back in the early and mid-2000s you were calling Putin "katil" for Syria and now you want to buy weapons from him.
That's your pride and honor?
I am not sure if this is an authentic source, as the origin is greek.

After the F-35, Turkey and indeed any other self respecting nation wont go for American stuff on those conditions.
Protothema usually doesn't post fake news,but what worries me is the fact that Ptisi kai Diastima did not post anything about this. Normally they should have posted such news. MMM-E and other Turks can confirm if the Turkish Defence ministry has actually asked about this officially.
Honor and Pride are priceless to you,you said. Then why are you going back to the Americans? And if you are going to the Americans why are you also trying to get things from Putin too? Where's your pride? You were saying "oh good,we will make our own upgrades".Now you're back asking. Back in the early and mid-2000s you were calling Putin "katil" for Syria and now you want to buy weapons from him.
That's your pride and honor?

It is to put the US in contradiction, they say allies but put sanctions against their friends.

The F-16s are American manufacture, the Turks are not going to put them to the trash, Turkey offers the purchase of update, in case of refusal it will pay elsewhere.
The dishonor is when you ask for help, here it is a commercial offer, free to the US to refuse.
They do not want our money, others will want.
Some wise man once said,'Never put all the eggs in one basket'.
A wise Sultan read that quote on internet.
What did he do, he took out all the eggs from the basket and starting throwing in different baskets as if he's playing basket ball.
Result? All the eggs are broken.
What he does? He plans to get egg by raising a chicken.
Problem? Chicken is not giving eggs.
What does he do? Well, there he goes to the market.
The end?
this is epic :rofl:
Ya Kaptan,this isn't good diplomacy. Because in the end,countries will know that he is not dependable. Putin will get tired of him soon,if he hasn't gotten tired of him already. Imagine having a friend like Erdogan: "Haha I go to Kemal's house to play today haha stay alone." next day "Hey friend,Kemal went on vacation,you wanna play?" ....the next day "Haha,I'm going with Onur to play football,you didn't give me your soda to drink yesterday,you're not a real friend". The next week "Hey Can,you're my friend,wanna come and play Nintendo?"
because there are reliable countries in the world that keep their words or don't stab in the back? The USA are the first to do so.
Exemple !.
Confidence reigns within NATO between France and the USA.


It is clear that cooperation is already in progress, otherwise there would be no public ads.

Honor and Pride are priceless to you,you said. Then why are you going back to the Americans? And if you are going to the Americans why are you also trying to get things from Putin too? Where's your pride? You were saying "oh good,we will make our own upgrades".Now you're back asking. Back in the early and mid-2000s you were calling Putin "katil" for Syria and now you want to buy weapons from him.
That's your pride and honor?
What did you say ?In Europe, this is how the allies respect each other?...
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It's a schizophrenic foreign policy. They've managed to open so many fronts and make so many enemies it's ridiculous.
Then they play victim. Oh Yunanistan doesn't want peace,we want dialogue and peaceful solution,but look! Yunanistan provokes! *sends the navy to harass greek and french ships*...oh look,we are peaceful people,but we are losing our patience!
Shoots down Russian Su-24...."haha stupit Russian we fak u"....Putin gets angry "we apologize,we will buy S-400s".
Buys S-400s...Americans get angry "haha you can't tell us what to do".....gets kicked out of the F-35 program "oh yeah? we'll make our own 5th generation stealth fighter!"
The Americans put sanctions...."haha it's good,because without sanctions we wouldn't develop all these indigenous fighters"
Mocks Macron openly about his personal life....then asks for meeting. Gets nothing. Hur dur French support Yunanistan.
Goes to USA and expects to be welcomed by Biden. Doesn't get a meeting. Announces a second batch of S-400s.
At the same time sells ships and drones to Ukraine. Announces he will buy fighter jets and submarines from Russia.
Meets Putin. Doesn't get what he wants. Sends letter to Americans "hey...we would like to buy some F-16s...."

Meanwhile Germany's new government might stop selling submarines to Turkey.

Oh I believe he does have a say.
Has turkey and greece discussed owning economic benefits from the disputed seas in a 50-50 partnership? It seems both claims are very strong, only way to resolve would be some out-of-box solution. Conflict is a traditional solution.
Has turkey and greece discussed owning economic benefits from the disputed seas in a 50-50 partnership? It seems both claims are very strong, only way to resolve would be some out-of-box solution. Conflict is a traditional solution.
Basically the Turks started demanding half the Aegean the last few years when Erdogan adopted this whole "Blue Homeland" doctrine.
In the '90s there were disputes about some grey zones and islets like Imia but now the Turks demand this:

Who will protect Turkey's security risk? If Turkey cannot provide its own security risk, I wonder if it will look at someone else's hand ?
Turkey is a NATO ally. What possible security threats does Turkey see?
I thought you were part of NATO too? Ne oldu?
we stay there to put our veto, it is rather you what do you do in NATO if you are not happy with it.
your friend Macron said that.
what are you still doing in NATO

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