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Turkey wants to become an ASEAN member

Especially about after the OXI refendum it got really bad. They were only allowed to take 60 euros and now the capital controls got lifted but everybody is in panic mode. Their economy is in free fall as money is poring out of the country. All businesses are bankrupt or going bankrupt because of capital restrictions. The new austerity is only going to make it worse.

I don't understand why the Greeks are still staying in the Eurozone, i think it would be best for them to leave the Eurozone, sure it would mean having a deflated drachma, but at least they will have the ability to dictate their own terms. Being able to only withdraw 60 euros a day? I cannot understand how any nation can survive like that.
Greeks have the third highest caloric intake.

List of countries by food energy intake - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World Intellectual Property Indicators - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You're not even on the list. Britain or France still lead in several scientific fields.

Stop embarrassing yourself.

Don't get me wrong I don't have any intention to join your little dick measurement contest with @atatwolf . I'm still hoping that this irrelevent nonsense about Uyghur Turks will end eventually.

However I wanna make an input about your little list of World Intellectual Properties. According to your source Turkey is in top 10 in 4 patent lists that are :

Application design counts for the top 10 offices, 2012 - Turkey is 5th
Application design counts for the top 10 origins, 2012 - Turkey is 7th
Application design counts per million population for the top 10 origins, 2012 - Turkey is 3rd
Industrial design registrations in force for the top 10 offices, 2012 - Turkey is 6th

In 3 of 4 these metrics China is first, congrulations. I've seen with my own eyes that there are many talented Chinese engineers and designers. A developed China will definitely innovate a lot of new technologies.
Point of conjecture to my friends @atatwolf @Lure , please just ignore @TheTruth . Avoid his flamebait posts, let us focus on this thread and keep subject oriented.

Best to ignore troll-oriented posts by some folks.
I agree with @Nihojin1051 here. @Lure stop tagging me to that idiot. This is not the first time you are doing this.

I don't understand why the Greeks are still staying in the Eurozone, i think it would be best for them to leave the Eurozone, sure it would mean having a deflated drachma, but at least they will have the ability to dictate their own terms. Being able to only withdraw 60 euros a day? I cannot understand how any nation can survive like that.
Greece doesn't have an economy that could function on its own. Eurozone benefitted Greece in taking cheap loans and attracting investments. If Greece goes outside the Euro and back to Drachma they will have to go back to similar living standards of Romania. They don't want to loose that.
Now you are talking like a German and not like a Vietnamese. Why was the US, India etc. invited to East Asia Summit, Asean Defence Minister Meeting Plus, etc? It is to balance China. And thats what a lot of Asian country cares about. And this is the same reason why Viet Nam would welcome Turkey to Asean. So you are not really thinking as a Vietnamese here.

And do you know how hard it is for a non-Asia Pacific country to join EAS, APEC, ADMM+, etc? Its pretty hard unless you are a major power. By joining Asean, Turkey would get instant membership. Its like entering through a back door cheat. The more I think of it, the more I realize this is a damn clever move by Erdogan, assuming he was serious.
Erdogan's government is actually pretty serious about joining other unions than EU but I think it is too early about that. For now they are using it to put preasure on Europe to make concessions. EU is still the biggest economic union in the world. This could change though.
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I agree with @Nihojin1051 here. @Lure stop tagging me to that idiot.

Usually what some of them do is start flame bait posts, then, people react to it. Then they will call the mod(s) and the thread will be either deleted or locked. This thread is actually high quality and a lot of intellectual posts were made here.

Don't let one person's post ruin the entire thread.

Ignore irrelevant posts.
Usually what some of them do is start flame bait posts, then, people react to it. Then they will call the mod(s) and the thread will be either deleted or locked. This thread is actually high quality and a lot of intellectual posts were made here.

Don't let one person's post ruin the entire thread.

Ignore irrelevant posts.

And they do it as a team work. One or two will start a flame war, then 8 others will report it to get the thread locked.

I think they coordinate these kind of stuff in their private chat group lol. Jhungary was saying they have their own chinese chat group somewhere else.
''FNSS/Indonesian Government/Undersecretariat of Turkish defence industry signed an agreement to develop a light tank concept based on Kaplan-20''. I think that agreement is independently from ongoing Indonesian Medium Tank development.

From what i understand, this medium tank/IFV platform will be based technologically on Kaplan, but not the product itself. We will develop entirely new design based on Indonesia requirement.
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I think they coordinate these kind of stuff in their private chat group lol. Jhungary was saying they have their own chinese chat group somewhere else.

Yes, they do.

Just best to ignore and report irrelevant posts.


Relations between Turkey and Indonesia
Turkish-Indonesian relations can be traced back to the 12th century. Turkish Islamic scholars who visited Indonesia during that period played an important role in the spread of Islam. The Sultanate of Aceh’s call for help from the Ottoman Empire due to the pressure from the Portuguese marks the beginning of the official relations between the two countries. The assistance of the Ottoman Sultans helped Aceh resist the colonizing efforts of Portugal.

Despite the historical ties and friendly relations, for many years the two countries were rather focused on their respective regions. Nevertheless, bilateral relations have improved with a fast pace since 2004.

Besides bilateral cooperation, Turkey and Indonesia continue to work together within the framework of several international and regional organizations as members, such as the United Nations (UN) and its specialized institutions, Organization of the Islamic Cooperation (OIC), D-8 and G-20.

The recent respective high-level visits are the proof of the close relations between the two countries. H.E. Abdullah Gül, President of Turkey, paid a remarkable visit to Indonesia on 4-6 April 2011, just 10 months after the landmark visit of H.E. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of Indonesia, to Turkey in June 2010.

With the aim of further developing relations between the parliaments of the two countries, Turkey-Indonesia Parliamentary Friendship Group was formed in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 15 June 2000 and Indonesia-Turkey Bilateral Cooperation Group was formed in the People's Representative Council of Indonesia on 26 June 2000. The two countries continue their cooperation in the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA).

There is an important potential between Turkey and Indonesia in terms of economic and trade cooperation. The recent rise in bilateral economic relations temporarily stalled due to the 2009 global financial and economic crisis and both exports and imports saw a downfall in comparison to the previous year. However, relations in the field of trade have begun showing signs of revitalization in 2010. Bilateral trade volume reached 1.73 billion USD in 2010, up from 1.27 billion USD in 2009. A trade volume of 5 billion USD is targeted for 2015 in the field of trade relations. Turkey’s imports from Indonesia are much higher than its exports to Indonesia and while our import commodities mostly consist of raw and intermediate materials such as textile products, palm oil, rubber, chemical products and forest products, export commodities include wheat flour, machines, iron and steel products, tobacco and textile products.

As of 2010, 14 Turkish firms have 70 million USD worth investments in Indonesia.

Relations between Turkey and Indonesia / Rep. of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs
If that happen, China can enter EU. The Greece will love China admitted into Euro. :lol:

Of course China can join the EU, provided that China satisfies the requirements for admission:

The accession criteria, or Copenhagen criteria (after the European Council in Copenhagen in 1993 which defined them), are the essential conditions all candidate countries must satisfy to become a member state. These are:

  • political criteria: stability of institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities;
  • economic criteria: a functioning market economy and the capacity to cope with competition and market forces;
  • administrative and institutional capacity to effectively implement the acquis* and ability to take on the obligations of membership.
The Union's capacity to absorb new members, while maintaining the momentum of European integration, is also an important consideration.

The EU reserves the right to decide when a candidate country* has met these criteria and when the EU is ready to accept the new member.

Please read more if you would like,
EU - Enlargement - Accession criteria - European Commission

May China's aspirations live 10,000 years...!
Greece doesn't have an economy that could function on its own. Eurozone benefitted Greece in taking cheap loans and attracting investments. If Greece goes outside the Euro and back to Drachma they will have to go back to similar living standards of Romania. They don't want to loose that.

You could have used Turkey in your example seeing that standards of living in Romania are about as same as in Turkey with the minor difference being that Romania was ruled for 45 years by loonatics who starved their people and f-ed up the economy while Turkey was alligned with the Western block.

Anyway,this thread is a joke,Turkey benefits enormously from the trade agreements with the EU,agreements that will cease immediately if it decides to join another economic block.
Erdogan's government is actually pretty serious about joining other unions than EU but I think it is too early about that. For now they are using it to put preasure on Europe to make concessions. EU is still the biggest economic union in the world. This could change though.

That makes sense, to get concessions from the EU.

Although being a member of EAS, APEC, ADMM+ also has important political perks. Once Turkey become chairman of those groups (position gets rotated), Turkey will be in a position to put things on agenda the way Turkey wanted it to be. As I said, Turkey would basically gain instant political influence in Asia. In fact, Turkey would actually overtake countries like India in gaining political influence in the region.
Anyway,this is thread is a joke,Turkey benefits enormously from the trade agreements with the EU,agreements that will cease immediately if it decides to join another economic block.

Are you so sure about that?
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