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Turkey wants to become an ASEAN member

I know right, I'm with expanding to at least some eastern asian nations and pacific island nations, but turkey that's beyong my imagination.

I won't comment on whether Turkiye ought to become a part of ASEAN or not for that is their personal matter. I am just looking at it from the point of view of what I recall reading the ASEAN charter :

Article 6 - Admission of New Members (page 9) lays out a certain criteria for membership. Sub-section 2a of the same Article 6 states : location in the recognized geographical region of Southeast Asia as a pre-requisite for membership.

Then the whole central idea of the organization is pointless. The name ASEAN stands for Association of Southeast Asian Nations.
I don't understand why the Greeks are still staying in the Eurozone, i think it would be best for them to leave the Eurozone, sure it would mean having a deflated drachma, but at least they will have the ability to dictate their own terms. Being able to only withdraw 60 euros a day? I cannot understand how any nation can survive like that.

One of the possible issues of a Grexit is who will be the next country to get out of the Eurozone if Greece had or will leave, and this would also question whether the Eurozone was "worth it" or a failure.
One of the possible issues of a Grexit is who will be the next country to get out of the Eurozone if Greece had or will leave, and this would also question whether the Eurozone was "worth it" or a failure.

1. Cute term "Grexit" lol 8-)

2. You're right, that if Greece exits the Eurozone, it might stimulate other states to leave. But that's not Greece' problems is it? Their last referendum posits the popular will in the country. The more time progresses, the more it makes sense that Turkey remains outside of the EU membership. A blessing in disguise, if you may.
1. Cute term "Grexit" lol 8-)

2. You're right, that if Greece exits the Eurozone, it might stimulate other states to leave. But that's not Greece' problems is it? Their last referendum posits the popular will in the country. The more time progresses, the more it makes sense that Turkey remains outside of the EU membership. A blessing in disguise, if you may.

Actually I heard the term "Grexit" from CNN and BBC :agree:

If Greece leaves the Eurozone, then it is the EU's problem as this means other countries in Eurozone that has economic problems would likely leave. As for Turkey, I think it has more to do with cultural difference as to why they were not integrated to EU, but with the problems surrounding Greece and Eurozone, Turkey would have second thoughts if they were approach to join the EU.
Asean will see in medium term free movement of capitals and skilled labour. A middle east country whose culture is infamiliar to ASEAN, must be wary. Last time Turkey what did Turkey say and do on Rohingya issue? I can smell support of terrorists, islamization, etc. underlying Turkey intension. Rememner Thailand has some issue with southern separatists? So a big NO.
Asean will see in medium term free movement of capitals and skilled labour. A middle east country whose culture is infamiliar to ASEAN, must be wary. Last time Turkey what did Turkey say and do on Rohingya issue? I can smell support of terrorists, islamization, etc. underlying Turkey intension. Rememner Thailand has some issue with southern separatists? So a big NO.

ASEAN has no unifying cultures or even ideals. Its an economic grouping. Money are what bounds us together.
The way I see it, the future is on the enlargement of these so called political blocs. We've seen the growth of the African Union, European Union, BRICS, USAN (Union of South American Nations), and now ASEAN.
Membership shouldn't just be limited to or constrained to geographical location, but should be based on ideological pursuits. Most of the countries in ASEAN are democracies (republics: Indonesia, Philippines; constitutional monarchies: Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia; absolute monarchy: Brunei; military government: Myanmar). Overall, the majority of ASEAN nations are democracies with a lively citizen participatory representative government. This aspect makes Turkey, a democracy, an ideal partner and an ideal member. Besides, Turkey is a large nation (80+ million) , with a relatively healthy growth rate and a healthy gdp per capita. Secondarily, Turkey is an advanced military power with a healthy indigenous military industry.

Imagine the possibilities in including Turkey into ASEAN.

Nihonjin, I have had enough of this from you. Myanmar is not a military government. It's a democracy. The military is very influential but it is a democracy none the less. Thailand on the other hand is a military dictatorship as they have taken full control of the political process and have pushed back elections indefinitely. Get yourself clued up.

Erdoğan: Turkey wants to become an ASEAN member
Published 9 hours ago


President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan told media during a three-day trip to Indonesia on Friday that Turkey was ready to become a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) alongside his host nation. Speaking at a joint press conference in the capital, Jakarta, with Indonesian counterpart Joko Widodo, Erdoğan said as G20 members, both Indonesia and Turkey needed to mutually benefit from such memberships. "The Asia-Pacific region is increasingly important in the world economy, and we want to boost cooperation. We also would like to become a member of ASEAN," he added.

In a statement released after the meeting, Widodo said Indonesia was honored by Erdoğan's arrival and described their discussions as "open and productive." "We emphasized discussions in the area of economics. We agreed that trade barriers can be solved through a free trade agreement [FTA] that we do not have. We are targeting [the completion of an FTA] this year," Widodo said.

He stressed the two had also discussed cooperation in the military maintenance industry, in boat manufacturing and in the construction of natural gas power plants. "We aim to cement that cooperation immediately," he said. According to the statement published by detik.com, the two leaders also agreed to increase tourism and passenger transport from Turkey to Indonesia and vice versa, with a route planned to span Turkey-Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta-Denpasar. In addition, it said a joint commission would be established to explore the economic potential of further cooperation between the two countries.

Erdoğan, who touched down on Thursday night after a three-day trip to China, was accompanied by a delegation of Turkish business leaders and Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Economy Minister Nihat Zeybekci, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yildiz, Health Minister Mehmet Müezzinoğlu and Transport Minister Feridun Bilgin. On Saturday - when Erdoğan's official trip is set to conclude - Çavuşoğlu will head to Malaysia for the 48th ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting in Kuala Lumpur, which runs from Aug. 1-3.

Established in 1967 in Bangkok, ASEAN consists of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

According to the Foreign Ministry website, institutional relations between Turkey and the Southeast Asian group were initially established in 2010 when Turkey became a signatory of the ASEAN Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, "and thus the foundation of sectoral cooperation was laid down." Since then, Turkey's Embassy in Jakarta has been accredited to ASEAN as a result of efforts put forward for appointing an ambassador to the association.

Erdoğan: Turkey wants to become an ASEAN member - Daily Sabah

Erdogan is becoming more of a clown everyday. ASEAN is a regional trade entity with aims to promote and coordinate trade and economic policy. How much trade does Turkey conduct with SE Asia anyway? Does he just want lower tariffs on his Beko exports? What does the rest of ASEAN get in return? Absolutely nothing. It's just a nonsense comment to try to promote better sentiment in his Indo and Malaysian muslim friends.

Asean will see in medium term free movement of capitals and skilled labour. A middle east country whose culture is infamiliar to ASEAN, must be wary. Last time Turkey what did Turkey say and do on Rohingya issue? I can smell support of terrorists, islamization, etc. underlying Turkey intension. Rememner Thailand has some issue with southern separatists? So a big NO.

Erdogan taps into that sentiment. He's a loose cannon and I hope he doesn't become a dictator.

I haven't read this thread fully so I don't know if it's been mentioned but Turkey were denied entry into the EU for a number of reasons.
ASEAN has no unifying cultures or even ideals. Its an economic grouping. Money are what bounds us together.
and locations that bound us together. Never heard about 3 secrets of opening a successful biz?

1 location
2 location
3 location
i welcome our turkish friends to Join ASEAN. every time i'm on the phone with my family in Indonesia, they always talk about the famous Turkish Drama series that aired everyday.

and lots of them (i can't remember the names)

come and live in Bali, guys!!

^ This is why Turkey shouldn't be invited. It would benefit only the two islamic nations in ASEAN.
Whatever the result of this current discourse about Turkey wishes to join ASEAN, Turkey will always find friendship and support from Indonesia. With or without ASEAN, Indonesia and Turkey should and would strengthen our partnership and cooperation in economic, social politic, and technological field that can further support both countries interest and progress.

Asean will see in medium term free movement of capitals and skilled labour. A middle east country whose culture is infamiliar to ASEAN, must be wary. Last time Turkey what did Turkey say and do on Rohingya issue? I can smell support of terrorists, islamization, etc. underlying Turkey intension. Rememner Thailand has some issue with southern separatists? So a big NO.

Don't mix things up, terrorism and Islam doesn't go along well together. Terrorism are for lunatics!

^ This is why Turkey shouldn't be invited. It would benefit only the two islamic nations in ASEAN.

If there are reasons why Turkey should not join ASEAN, that won't because of that particular reason.

ASEAN has no unifying cultures or even ideals. Its an economic grouping. Money are what bounds us together.

We are neighbors, fate has bound us, ASEAN countries together. We know we are all different, but we want to live peacefully within our neighborhood, at least we don't want to be disturbed by unnecessary chaos and interference constantly by our neighbor.
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Whatever the result of this current discourse about Turkey wishes to join ASEAN, Turkey will always find friendship and support from Indonesia. With or without ASEAN, Indonesia and Turkey should and would strengthen our partnership and cooperation in economic, social politic, and technological field that can further support both countries interest and progress.

Don't mix things up, terrorism and Islam doesn't go along well together. Terrorism are for lunatics!

If there are reasons why Turkey should not join ASEAN, that won't because that particular reason.

The main reason it won't happen is because it's an insane notion cooked up by a man edging closer to being a despot.
Probably an observer status.

Turkey not going to gain anything becoming part of ASEAN
The main reason it won't happen is because it's an insane notion cooked up by a man edging closer to being a despot.

Turkey for ASEAN is indeed sounds a little bit odd and awkward, for today. But, we never know about tomorrow, ASEAN could grow into something completely new and different. ASEAN could someday grow into ASEANCO, ASEAN Cooperation Organization, that have more flexible room for expansion.

But that's off course a story for another time, for now Indonesia and Turkey should bolster our bilateral cooperation and maximize any partnership potential for both countries benefit.

Turkey not going to gain anything becoming part of ASEAN

That conclusion can't be decided today.
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