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Turkey VS Asad: Should Ankara take the leap?

Should Turkey participate in a military operation to free Syria off Asad?

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You are right Iranians are not the average Arabs, they are much much much worse. Well to be fair not Iranians just you in particular, because generalizing is at the very heart of "Tribal society" something you are practicing in a rampage.

I guess that makes you at the very bottom of human evolution then.
Last person who should talk about human evolution is you, you guys fly with planes into buildings killing 4000 civilians at spot
Last person who should talk about human evolution is you, you guys fly with planes into buildings killing 4000 civilians at spot

See, showing your less than mediocre civility again, here I was addressing you in particular yet you generalize again further establishing my point to be true, and thank you for that.

I guess we have to throw in less than average intellect into the mix as well.
Last person who should talk about human evolution is you, you guys fly with planes into buildings killing 4000 civilians at spot

At least they havent kill 30.000 political activists within one year back in 1988.
they will be sucked in chaos like USA in Afghanistan

don't try anything like this for HUMANITARIAN PURPOSE

they don't have any authority to do that
@Syrian Lion

Asad is lucky to have Turkey not Pakistan at its doorstep, because we would have intervened regardless of the cost to us. Asad is busy butchering Syrians through its Alweite and Christian miltiary as well as his Waffen SS -- the Shabiha'a. I find it disheartening for GCC and Turks to be bystanders and allow 70,000 Syrians to be butchered by a psychopathic tyrant.

@madmusti Its disheartening to see Turks and Arabs who don't know the value of freedom and ain't willing to help Syrians. Isn't Turkish history written in your own blood?
Sir g have some mercy

what will Pakistanis think when USA,West and our neighbors announce that Pakistanis are killed in Khyber pakhtoon khwa and Baluchistan while military rules has failed in Pakistan so as the corrupt political elite who can not control terrorism and stop killing of their people SO

We now support TTP,BLA and BRA so that Pakistan can be "liberated"(which they are from behind the scenes and it cannot be justified in Pakistan nor in Syria)

what happened in east Pakistan with us?

The only responsible is west,petrol pump countries and Syrian neighbors who support FSA and they are butchering civilians and blaming on Assad as BLA and BRA butcher people in Baluchistan and blame it on Pakistan army
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Aeronaut, one reason we dont want it: we have 15-20 millions Alavis in or outside Turkey.

Already having an ethnic conflict, there is No reason for involving in sectarian and regional conflicts.
"May Be"
First of all i am against land force operations..After seeing the destruction of Syrian cities, there is no point of involving in such conflict with land forces...But a no fly zone at north of Syria, i think, should be considered..Turkey declared her hostility against Assad regime clearly, there is no turning back from there..Whether we like it or not, thats the case now in our hands..Therefore its in our best interest to help the elements(FSA) to establish a friendly regime there in Syria...After Assad`s fall our path to GCC will be safe..Thats my opinion
I was just thinking of ethnic policies , Pakistan has baluch in iran , turkey has kurds in Syria , have you already forgotten how many time turkey invaded Iraq during saddam? this shall give you a clue as to how eager turkey might be to precipitate in syria

Yes we have Baloch in Pakistan and if any of them make problems for Iran, we hand them over to Iran or provide intelligence about their Whereabouts. Our intelligence helped you capture "JUNDALLAH" terrorist, in case you forgot. Some even claim he was handed over to Iran by Pakistan.

You on the other hand stab us in the back with cooperation with India against our interests.
Aeronaut, one reason we dont want it: we have 15-20 millions Alavis in or outside Turkey.

Already having an ethnic conflict, there is No reason for involving in sectarian and regional conflicts.

Thats the reason why I believe a Alawite state has to be founded within Syria, like the french did, because I'm sure because those rebells will surely not stop once Assad is gone.

And frankly we don't know who this so called Free Syrian Army is, like Jihadist or whatever and you can easily tell that they are bastards too, I mean those chemical weapons that apparently have been used were reportedly used by the rebells. Assad and the rebells are both no good.
Yes we have Baloch in Pakistan and if any of them make problems for Iran, we hand them over to Iran or provide intelligence about their Whereabouts. Our intelligence helped you capture "JUNDALLAH" terrorist, in case you forgot. Some even claim he was handed over to Iran by Pakistan.

You on the other hand stab us in the back with cooperation with India against our interests.

It could be said that Jundullah recieved support and training from Pakistani territory, so this in itself is not great. If Pakistan was more stable then we would never have had Jundullah problem in first place.

Also Iranians could just as easily complain that "Pakistan stabbed us in the back" by collaborating with our enemies such as Saudi and USA. However Iranians never even think about something like this, let alone mention it.
It could be said that Jundullah recieved support and training from Pakistani territory, so this in itself is not great. If Pakistan was more stable then we would never have had Jundullah problem in first place.

Also Iranians could just as easily complain that "Pakistan stabbed us in the back" by collaborating with our enemies such as Saudi and USA. However Iranians never even think about something like this, let alone mention it.

Shahin, our relation with KSA and USA never violate Iranian interests. Do you have any idea how much pressure and stress the US has put on Pakistan against Iranian Gas Pipeline. We have been told by the USA that they will put Embargo against us if we continue and our Govt. told them to mind their own business. The same pressure was put on India and they caved in to the USA pressure and pulled out of the Pipeline deal.

As for Saudi Arabia, they cannot tell Pakistan to do anything against Iran. We draw the line as to what we are willing to do to improve our relations with KSA. KSA and Turkey are two of our closest allies out of the Muslim World but this friendship is never at the expense of Iran.

As for Jundallah, they never received any support from Pakistan. The same Baloch separatist that are causing problem for Iran are also causing problem for Pakistan. Guess which country supports the Baloch separatist ( If you said India you would be right on target).
Shahin, our relation with KSA and USA never violate Iranian interests. Do you have any idea how much pressure and stress the US has put on Pakistan against Iranian Gas Pipeline. We have been told by the USA that they will put Embargo against us if we continue and our Govt. told them to mind their own business. Saudi Arabia cannot tell Pakistan to do anything against Iran. We draw the line as to what we are willing to do to improve our relations with KSA. KSA and Turkey are two of our closest allies out of the Muslim World but this friendship is never at the expense of Iran.

Well in the same way Iran is not working against Pakistan. Iran will not allow India or anybody else to use our territory to attack Pakistan. Our foreign relations with India is based on trade, not military.

Also the IP pipeline is a good deal for both countries. If the negatives outweighed the positives for Pakistan, then I am sure you wouldn't go through with it. I remember hearing that Iran financed all the pipeline from both the Iranian and Pakistani sides to sweeten the deal.
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