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Turkey VS Asad: Should Ankara take the leap?

Should Turkey participate in a military operation to free Syria off Asad?

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Wow, majority of people want Syrians to live and suffer under a vicious and brutal tyranny !!

All those who voted "No" are bunch of sickos.

I am a sicko. I dont want get involved in a sectarian war. I dont want same thing happens here.
No disrespect to you my Iranian friend, but Iran isn't capable of stopping any military action either by GCC+Turkey or NATO or both. The game changer in the Syrian conflict now is air power. The Air power is in favor of Turks, and in the GCC. As per my calculations Turkish air force alone is capable of destroying and establishing a no fly zone over Syria, without any help from outside. If you add GCC air forces ie Saudi, UAE,Qatari,Jordanian and Egyptian....well you are talking about the most powerful air force alliance in the region. If they establish a no fly zone, the Asadian armor will be obliterated by the FSA and by CAS provided by these air forces. They don't need to have boots on the ground, they just need to destroy every winged asad asset and only then the FSA can take the fight to Asad's bunker. Capability is there.....will or ethical responsibility simply isn't, that is replaced with rhetoric.

I like the way you are making these guys sound mighty yet together or alone they cant stand up to tiny state of Israel.I guess in that case their might doesn't count does it now.Syria is terrorist infested just like pakistan and its armed forces are stretched out so obviously any country in that region can attack it.

Question is why as a pakistani you have problem with TTP yet you support FSA?
Wow, majority of people want Syrians to live and suffer under a vicious and brutal tyranny !!

All those who voted "No" are bunch of sickos.

Name all the Arab Leaders involve in this conflict that are chosen by people of the land and are not brutal tyranny !!? Go ahead i give you as much time as you want to come up with the answer.

All those who support the slaughter and destruction of another country at the hand of terrorist specially Pakistanis laughable.I ask you the same question i ask other so called supporters of fsa do u also support TTP and if Not why NOT they both are the same?
Wow, majority of people want Syrians to live and suffer under a vicious and brutal tyranny !!

All those who voted "No" are bunch of sickos.

I'm a sicko to. Actual war is not a thing that you play on your PC. I don't want my people to die for a cause that has nothing to do with us.

And another reason how many more Syrians will die if Turkey's intervenes. If you are so eager why don't your country involve ?
Name all the Arab Leaders involve in this conflict that are chosen by people of the land and are not brutal tyranny !!? Go ahead i give you as much time as you want to come up with the answer.

Cheetah Bahi, I would like to see all the dictators in Arab countries (except Saudi Arabia) toppled if that's what their people want. I would also like to see Pakistani boots in Syria helping the Mujahideen liberate the nation from the monolithic evil that is destroying it.

In the First Gulf War of 1990, thousands of Pakistani soldiers were sent to help the Arab nations liberate Kuwait. In the Iraq War of 2003, Pakistani military was yet ready to send thousands of soldiers to Iraq again with the condition that India also joins in but India said they couldn't afford it.

All those who support the slaughter and destruction of another country at the hand of terrorist specially Pakistanis laughable.I ask you the same question i ask other so called supporters of fsa do u also support TTP and if Not why NOT they both are the same?

How on earth can you compare Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan with the Free Syrian Army? Name me just 1 (uno), one (aik) Muslim country in the world that refers to Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan as freedom fighters. Just one...

Brother, you should thank Allah that you are a free man today living in a free nation with a free conscious and that you're not worshipping animals and statues.

It is the duty of the Muslims to liberate fellow Muslims when they are gripped by abomination so pray for their liberation as our ancestors prayed for us
Just one small example, Turkey started paying the electricity bills of churches and synagogues last month. But not cemevis. The state does not build them or support them, we're talking about ca. 15 to 20 million Turkish citizens that don't get their rights. There is a problem here and just because Alevis are not burning cars or attacking soldiers no one is paying attention to it. This way you will only get an even bigger problem.

Don't get me started about non religious people's rights.

The problem with alevits are they dont classifield them self. Is Alevitism a mezhep? They say no, is alevtism marksizm they say no. Then what are you? If they don't know, then no one knows it.

a example....


Today i read about Huseyin aygun and his ideology about nationalism and alevtisim. What is it?
I don't care whether they classify themselves or not, stop thinking about groups and classes. There are two things that matter for me:

1. Is he being a pain in the ***?
2. Is he paying taxes?
I don't care whether they classify themselves or not, stop thinking about groups and classes. There are two things that matter for me:

1. Is he being a pain in the ***?
2. Is he paying taxes?

are they in tunceli paying taxes? alevites are ulus accordin to huseyin aygun:smart:. we are paying taxes and now you are gonna do what i want. no body is really paying taxes in Turkey thats for sure:laughcry:

you can ask forum member from turkey.
Poll only for Turks.

Question: Should Turkey participate in a military operation to free Syria off Asad's brutality?

Its seems your asking a loaded question......who does not want to get rid of brutality?
Shall we not ask the question......do you want the peace you had before the terrorist attacks on Syria by outside forces?
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