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Turkey Threatens to Close Bosphorus for Russian Ships -


Lately there has been a big Russian balls licking by the southeast asians in here. I can't believe that they actually expect anything positive from Russia. You would expect history would have taught something to mankind.

It's simple cheerleading man.If they perceive that US suffers a defeat ,they jump up and down without even a simple analysis.

I remember an indian poster telling me something along the lines :" Who are you to attack Russia (verbally) and their policies "?

"I don't know my dear Mumbay resident living 3000 miles away from this region ? I might be the guy living 300km from Crimea,the guy whose country might be directly affected by the conflict and russian imperialism,the guy with the murdered grandfather and family in exile at the hands of the russians? "....Heck,what do i know,right ?
It's simple cheerleading man.If they perceive that US suffers a defeat ,they jump up and down without even a simple analysis.

I remember an indian poster telling me something along the lines :" Who are you to attack Russia (verbally) and their policies "?

"I don't know my dear Mumbay resident living 3000 miles away from this region ? I might be the guy living 300km from Crimea,the guy whose country might be directly affected by the conflict and russian imperialism,the guy with the murdered grandfather and family in exile at the hands of the russians? "....Heck,what do i know,right ?

Another fun thing are some Pakistani members in here.

They fully support Russia for annexing Crimea, so that they can troll USA, which in it's turn has done some injustice against Muslims.
However in this desire of them, they forgot that the Tatars, their Muslim "brothers", are the ones that are most opposing of this annexation. Russia committed horrible crimes against them. Those Pakistanis don't give a frk when it comes to those Muslim "brothers".

The human is truly a weird and illogical specie.
Huh ? Did i chear the crusades ?

You seem to be lashing out and be mad at me for your own stupidity.Not my fault dude.

You play a well known Jewish trick, unfortunately for you it does not work, and believe you me , I know your mentality, one of the worst in eastern Europe. don't provoke here, you have a lot to lose, believe it or not.
Just keep your comments and negativity to yourself.
You play a well known Jewish trick, unfortunately for you it does not work, and believe you me , I know your mentality, one of the worst in eastern Europe. don't provoke here, you have a lot to lose, believe it or not.
Just keep your comments and negativity to yourself.

Aaaaaa,enter the jew factor.Took you long enough.:lol:

@flamer84 ^^^^^

What did I tell you :)


Igor:"You called master?":lol:
I'm pretty much with @flamer84 on this, however, surprisingly @The SC made a good argument in his first post it's obvious EU isn't in such a good shape economically, and US had a couple of economical cirisises recently. "Western world" used to be the greatest creditor of the planet, now they are the greatest debtors. It's only logical that they can profit more from a large scale world war. We have no such need, we just need to nationalize private sector and fix our current account.

However, I won't even begin to explain how important Crimea is for Turkey. There's also Karabagh issue and in all these regions we're having a power-struggle with Russia. We used to provide aid to Georgia, we are still arming Azerbaijan, and Russia is arming Armenia against us. No matter how I look at it a clash of titans here seems inevitable. The reason why it's not happening is because we're stuck in internal matters. We have a democratically elected dictator to get rid of. He even cancelled MILGEM project, people on this forum with average intelligence should know how important it is that the MİLGEM project continues.

Now they are saying Russia has captured 3 bases in Crimea(including Sevastopol) and 54 Ukrainian warships along with their captains and crews took an oath to join Russian black force fleet. This is serious. Measures must be taken and Turkey got stuck in deep shit in Syria.

No matter if war happens or not we have to be ready. LHD project is moving too slowly, we need stop-gap measures, likely direct-procurement. We also need to get the MİLGEM project going as quickly as possible.
Very disappointed by Afghanistans decision and stance towards this case :hitwall:
Please, you have parts of your country under taliban control. Get your own shit together first :)
As I have stated here:
Turkey dispatches AWACS to monitor Crimea | Page 7

Procuring a USMC wasp class seems like the best option. If Americans have half a braincell they should donate us one for free. We're on the frontline here.
But life goes on, doesn't it?
Well, it doesn't go on so easily when you're at war both from inside and outside. Sadly, Turkey has some interinal shit to take care of aswell. That's why we couldn't put much pressure on Ruskies.
You need to pay random Gangster money so that they wont rob/kill you when you are just touring through Russia
You play a well known Jewish trick, unfortunately for you it does not work, and believe you me , I know your mentality, one of the worst in eastern Europe. don't provoke here, you have a lot to lose, believe it or not.
Just keep your comments and negativity to yourself.
So tell me im part jewish Karaim and i have jewish relatives.
What is your problem with jews? And why do some retards here believe in this New world order bullshit and that Russia is their "saviour"
Aaaaaa,enter the jew factor.Took you long enough.:lol:


Igor:"You called master?":lol:

No, I know enough about romanian jews that ican say what I said
You need to pay random Gangster money so that they wont rob/kill you when you are just touring through Russia

So tell me im part jewish Karaim and i have jewish relatives.
What is your problem with jews? And why do some retards here believe in this New world order bullshit and that Russia is their "saviour"

The whole world had and has problems with the zionist jews, it is because their behaviors have been appaling throughout history.
I told this romanian guy that he uses jewish tricks of provoking and says he didn't but you provoked (whomever the you is) . It is a well known sign of mentall illness.
So please ask the world what is the problem. You might get a partial answer if you make a tour of litterature or if you do a basic search on the internet, just youtube will give you satisfactory answers for your why.
I do not hate, but I do not agree with the twisted behavior.

No, I know enough about romanian jews that ican say what I said

The whole world had and has problems with the zionist jews, it is because their behaviors have been appaling throughout history.
I told this romanian guy that he uses jewish tricks of provoking and says he didn't but you provoked (whomever the you is) . It is a well known sign of mentall illness.
So please ask the world what is the problem. You might get a partial answer if you make a tour of litterature or if you do a basic search on the internet, just youtube will give you satisfactory answers for your why.
You can ask why turkey doesn't want your freinship too...
I do not hate, but I do not agree with the twisted behavior.
No, I know enough about romanian jews that ican say what I said

The whole world had and has problems with the zionist jews, it is because their behaviors have been appaling throughout history.
I told this romanian guy that he uses jewish tricks of provoking and says he didn't but you provoked (whomever the you is) . It is a well known sign of mentall illness.
So please ask the world what is the problem. You might get a partial answer if you make a tour of litterature or if you do a basic search on the internet, just youtube will give you satisfactory answers for your why.
I do not hate, but I do not agree with the twisted behavior.
What you write doesnt even make sense
Russia just can do nothing. They got the message when the last time they tried to monitor our airspace. Plus our AEW&C callsigned "Kuzey have been conducting ISR missions at the borders of Crimea on behalf of NATO. Case closed
turkey wouldn't know what hit them :lol:

Dumb guy whose knowledge of turkey, USA and the blockading of Bosphorus is based on his visits to Maccers in a small town in India. BTW the Indian Govt's stated position is that referendum cannot be used to decide territorial issues
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