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Turkey Threatens to Close Bosphorus for Russian Ships -

No such thing will happen. I can't believe some of the posters here.

There is no credible source for this news.

Additionally who will give Turkey gas if the Russians get pissed and turn the tap off ? Western Europe has contingency plans, whats Turkeys plan ?

Turkey dependent on Russian gas via Ukraine
On the morning of March 3, fallout from the Crimea crisis hit the European energy market. Over fears of a gas supply disruption similar to the 2006 and 2009 Russia-Ukraine gas crises, the benchmark oil price rose by 2%, gas futures climbed by 10% and Russian gas giant Gazprom's shares fell by 13%. However, not all consumers of Russian gas share the same level of risk. While EU members have developed some measures to reduce their energy security vulnerability, Turkey’s vulnerabilities have not changed since the 2009 crisis.

Russia’s gas-export monopoly, OAO Gazprom, announced March 1 that it may end the December 2013 agreement between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s overthrown President Viktor Yanukovich to supply Ukraine gas at a cheaper rate. This sounded new alarms in the European energy market over the gas-disruption risk via pipelines crossing Ukraine, as happened in 2006 and 2009. Despite the panic, EU member countries are much less vulnerable to anything similar to what happened in 2009. The financial crisis has reduced energy consumption rates in Europe, while supply measures (such as an increase in storage capacity, the diversification of supply routes and the expansion of gasification terminals) have made EU-member countries less vulnerable. Conversely, Turkey, with an annual energy-demand growth rate of around 4.5% and no new energy security measures, remains calm even on the eve of a major Eurasian gas crisis.
One quarter of all energy consumed in the EU is gas, and 58% of this gas is imported. Of this, 42% comes from Russia, and around 80% of EU gas imports from Russia pass through Ukraine. Among the eight new Eastern European member states, dependence on Russian imports averages 77%. Turkey uses natural gas to produce 32% of its electricity, and the country imports some 46.6 billion cubic meters (bcm) of gas from four gas pipelines. Two of these pipelines — West Gas (with a 16 bcm capacity) and Blue Stream (14 bcm) — transfer the Russian gas that constitutes the largest share of Turkey's gas supply at 58%.

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2014/03/turkey-still-needs-russian-gas-via-ukraine.html##ixzz2wq7fp1xW
Russian hybrid car
Another fun thing are some Pakistani members in here.

They fully support Russia for annexing Crimea, so that they can troll USA, which in it's turn has done some injustice against Muslims.
However in this desire of them, they forgot that the Tatars, their Muslim "brothers", are the ones that are most opposing of this annexation. Russia committed horrible crimes against them. Those Pakistanis don't give a frk when it comes to those Muslim "brothers".

The human is truly a weird and illogical specie.

Its not they may not care. Its just that they may not know. Being in Pakistan, we never knew there were Muslims in USSR until after Soviet Union dismembered.

Also, there is a visceral hatred for US foreign policy in Pakistan as its anywhere else.

The more I read about the current situation in Ukraine, the more I suspect Russia has been walked into a trap. I dont know but may be the West wanted Russia to annex Crimea. The provocation in Ukraine was meant towards this end. US and West may want to cut Russia energy supplies to restrict its influence and that can only be done if a way is found to enforce sanctions.
No such thing will happen. I can't believe some of the posters here.

There is no credible source for this news.

Additionally who will give Turkey gas if the Russians get pissed and turn the tap off ? Western Europe has contingency plans, whats Turkeys plan ?
i agree no such thing will happen. but gas is no problem for Turkey. iran irak azerbijan qatar we can buy gas from them.
Can Turkey legally do this?
It is our straits. In war we can close it but I think in peace time Turkey has to keep it open. This was established in a treaty but soon that treaty will expire.
There is no such thing... don't believe in gossips.
I'm not expert on it but I heard it on the Turkish TV. Traits might be under our control but we had many restrictions. For exmaple we were not allowed to make canals etc.
I'm not expert on it but I heard it on the Turkish TV. Traits might be under our control but we had many restrictions. For exmaple we were not allowed to make canals etc.

The expiring thing is a myth, there is no truth behind it. I looked it up some time ago, read the full script of both Lozan and Montrö agreements. There is no such thing.

There are many restrictions such as maximum tonnage etc... but i don't know about making canals. Erdogan says that he's gonna construct one.
Turkey will close the Bosphorus for Russian ships, if there is violence against the Crimean Tatars, said Turkish prime minister Recep Erdogan.

In a phone conversation with Russian president Vladimir Putin, quoted by a diplomatic source, Erdogan also said that Turkey will not recognize the referendum in Crimea in which 97% of the voters cast their ballots in favour of joining the Russian Federation.

Turkey wants Ukraine to keep its territorial integrity, Erdogan said. If NATO takes a decision on the matter, we will certainly stick with it.

Earlier Erdogan had a phone conversation with the leader of the Crimean Tatars Mustafa Dzhemilev in which they discussed the threats against the Tatars in connection to the factual annexation of Crimea


Turkey should support Turkmenistan in its efforts to supply gas in EU regions along with other ex-Soviet countries.
Defend your tartar brothers. Time for your second Crimean war.
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