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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Come one who are you trying to fool-
Turkey shooting nd down an ground attack jet may not be a big achievement - but the dynamics change completely if that ground attack jet was russian- like Iranians some how grew the balls to shoot an amrikan Cessna plane - now that would be an Iranian achievement - deserving a national holiday-

We don't need to shoot down an American Cessna, we bring down their most advanced UAV and they ask it back, only receive a middle finger in response, yes something like that deserves a celebration.

There is a thin line between stupidity and courage, and certainly there is nothing to celebrate about shooting down a Su-24 which is on a ground attack mission, especially when you claim it has only violated your airspace for 17 seconds. Airspace violations happens so regularly in the world.

Turkey violated Iran's airspace in 90s dozens of times, I can already imagine what would some Pakistani members' reaction be if Iran shot down a Turkish jet for violating our airspace for 17 seconds. Hypocrisy at its best.
Putin calls plane's downing by Turkey 'stab in the back'
We don't need to shoot down an American Cessna, we bring down their most advanced UAV and they ask it back, only receive a middle finger in response, yes something like that deserves a celebration.

There is a thin line between stupidity and courage, and certainly there is nothing to celebrate about shooting down a Su-24 which is on a ground attack mission, especially when you claim it has only violated your airspace for 17 seconds. Airspace violations happens so regularly in the world.

Turkey violated Iran's airspace in 90s dozens of times, I can already imagine what would some Pakistani members' reaction be if Iran shot down a Turkish jet for violating our airspace for 17 seconds. Hypocrisy at its best.
It was warned twice. It didn't respond. Turkey have sent a message, and it's a powerful one. From the initial response, it seems Russia isn't going to do much, so it's well thought out as well
What ? :tsk::tsk: you are saying to give technology bartered from china/north korea to turkey to fight russia. Where do you think china initially got that the technology from ? Bigdaddy of missile/nuke technology is still Russia.

And so many ppl agreed with you ?:o:
1. RUSSIA attacked Georgia

2. RUSSIA occupied KRIMEA

3. RUSSIA occupied Ukraine DONBAS

4. Russi threatens the Baltic Republics

5. Russia wants occupy parts of Syria to become neighbour of Türkiye

And build BASES at warm sea.

PUTIN dreams he is STALIN
In my opinion Turkey scored own goal with this. This was clearly inappropriate reaction, because we all know that there was no threat for Turkish territory or citizens by this or any other Russian aircraft. The plane was flying through maybe 2-4 km of Turkish airspace and was shot down over Syria. For example Turkish jets violate Greek airspace on regular basis, and all reaction they get are Greek planes to escort them until they leave. And we had similar situations all over the Europe and world, so there was absolutely no need to shoot this plane down. As far as i see the whole world is more or less surprised with this, because there is nothing Turkey can gain from this situation.

I respect Turkey as a country, and i see some forum members from Turkey seeing this as some kind of victory for Turkey. Claiming how they showed teeth to Russia... But what are results of that muscle-flexing? Does anyone here think that Russia will now stop the bombing of the Turkmen villages? If anything they will do everything in their power to retaliate to people who killed their pilots. But this time they will make sure to prevent something like this from happening again. More of Turkmens in Syria will die, and does anyone here believe that Turkey will try to prevent Russian retaliation with force?

We can already see that NATO is washing hands, and will not support this, they will not openly condemn Turkey, but it's plain to all that this is a clear clusterfuck. Not to mention that this is coming after US and Russia signed agreement to prevent things like this from happening. When France and Russia are strengthening their cooperation and other countries are preparing to also join their forces in effort to destroy radical islamists in Syria. So some people are right to ask, on which side Turkey is in this conflict. It's not a secret that ISIS is selling oil through Turkey, that their supplies routes are leading across Syria-Turkey border.... So we have Turkey claiming that they are fighting ISIS, but in reality we have Turkey shooting down Russian plane, for reasons which are ridiculous in such situation.

And there are always economical consequences. Turkey has a strong economic ties with Russia. And this is one of the reasons why Ankara could often lead more independent policy than some other US allies. Value of Lira is already falling after this. Russia is already warning their citizens not to go to Turkey, which will cause damage to tourism. Russia could decide to suspend visa free travel, which will divert most of Russian tourists to other countries. And this can make damage to many other existing or planned business deals.
Hey isn't your beloved jf-17 powered by Russian's engine imagine they stop delivering spare parts and engine to the coming planes.

We want close relations with Russia,we also want to expand defence ties with Russia but we can scarify all this for a loyal friend like turkey..

But as i said earlier,Russia won't escalate it further
US operations in Syria and Iraq are continuing "as planned," Army Col. Steve Warren said Tuesday, hours after Turkey reportedly shot down a Russian warplane.

"This is an incident between the Russian and the Turkish governments. It is not an issue that involves the combined joint task force or Operation Inherent Resolve," Warren said at a Pentagon briefing from Baghdad, using the name for the US military operation against the Islamic State group, which is also known as ISIS or ISIL.

"Our combat operations against ISIL continue as planned, and we are striking in both Iraq and Syria," added Warren, a spokesman for the US-led military campaign against the group.

Warren later reaffirmed that the US was not involved in the downing of the plane.

"This is Turkey and Russia. This is their incident," he said. "Our focus is on ISIL. The US military's feeling is our mission is to fight ISIL in Syria and Iraq … That's what we're focusing on."

He clarified that forces the US had trained and partnered with in Syria were not in the area where the Russian plane was downed.

Warren also called out Russia for hitting moderate rebels in Syria under the guise of fighting ISIS in the country. Some experts have said Russia's main goal in Syria is to prop up the regime of President Bashar Assad, who has killed thousands of civilians as he struggles to maintain power amid a four-year-long civil war.

Warren said most of Russia's strikes had been of "a direct benefit to the Assad regime, and it's the Assad regime that's the problem here," adding that Assad had "brought suffering and misery to the Syrian people and has led to the growth of ISIL itself."

"We've seen the Russians already strike forces that are moderate Syrian opposition forces," he added. "We've seen them do this, and it flies directly in the face of what they said they would do."

Experts argue that Assad's atrocities help ISIS recruit. Showing the violence of the regime can help radicalize people while also convincing them that they need ISIS for protection from the regime.

In comments made after the Russian jet was destroyed, Russian President Vladimir Putin affirmed his claims that Russia is fighting ISIS in Syria and said Turkey downing the jet was "linked to a stab in the back delivered to us by accomplices of terrorists."

"We established a long time ago that large quantities of oil and oil products from territory captured by Islamic State have been arriving on Turkish territory," he continued, saying that was how ISIS had been funding itself.

"And now we get stabbed in our back and our planes, which are fighting terrorism, are struck. This despite the fact that we signed an agreement with our American partners to warn each other about air-to-air incidents and Turkey ... announced it was allegedly fighting against terrorism as part of the US coalition."

SEE ALSO: Putin: Turkey's downing of a Russian warplane 'a stab in the back' by 'accomplices of terrorists'

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