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Turkey shoots down "Russian Jet" near border

Here is nothing personal. I can understand your mental condition currently but typing here anything will not going to change your destiny. Your destiny already written now .... Just wait for your turn and chant aluaakhbur as many times as you can
No offence Intended
@Slav Defence isn't this post off topic this guy is bringing religion here
And here we see whose comment is childish.

Good, you can celebrate over this super duper victory, shooting down a ground attack jet out of nowhere during peacetime, indeed the world is amazed at this spectacular and unparalleled victory in the history of air warfare.
Come one who are you trying to fool-
Turkey shooting down a ground attack jet may not be a big achievement - but the dynamics change completely if that ground attack jet was russian- like Iranians some how grew the balls to shoot an amrikan Cessna plane - now that would be an Iranian achievement - deserving a national holiday-
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According to Russian media,a few months ago ,one of these Fencers completely disabled the electronics on a US Arleigh Burke Aegis equipped cruiser.It makes you wonder why today the same super duper fencer was so easily turned into artificial rain.

But hey,i guess its tradition for Russian jets in the ME areea to be downed from the sky when encountering their Western counterparts.:lol:
Russian jets are no match with western & U.S.A . Balloon is burst many times.
People overestimate Russian power

To attack Turkey, it would require considerable amount of armed forces that Russia can not spare. They have a very poor economy, and while Putin has so far tried to show that he's very aggressive, he dares not attack Turkey and test NATO. A long war isn't something Russia can afford either

Turkey has played it well. They warned the jets, attacked it and downed it. Covered their backs and gave Russia something to think about.

In an aerial battle over Turkey or Syria, I'd back Turkey with their proximity to destroy Russia. Distance is a huge factor
Turkey of today reminds me of Pakistan of 80's:
-Conflicts in neighbouring countries-Check
-Directly or in directly supporting insurgents in that country-Check
-Russian intervention-Check
-Downing of Russian jets-Check
-Being frontline state in a US led coalition-Check
-Islamic radicalisation creeping into society-Check
-Millions of refugees flooding in-Check

Expecting a different fate then that of Pakistan will be like living in fools paradise.
Well said; these vassals of US need to set their priorities right; blindly following masters orders will be counter-productive.

Hindus have some genetic technical faults in their brain- they some how manage to bring out their hatred for Islam on any occasion -
Now say ram ram hari karishna whatever muslims gona eat you alive-
Lovely stuff bro, keep up the hate. ;)
And here we see whose comment is childish.

Good, you can celebrate over this super duper victory, shooting down a ground attack jet out of nowhere during peacetime, indeed the world is amazed at this spectacular and unparalleled victory in the history of air warfare.

Dude, Russian missiles are navigating all over your cities, While you are not even aware of what is going on but Coming here to judge the respectability of shotting down a Russian bomber something like a small thing to do. If I were you, I would have judged my own country in order to have ballz enough to do such an action/capability against USA instead of talking about 10 years old child stories...
Hey isn't your beloved jf-17 powered by Russian's engine imagine they stop delivering spare parts and engine to the coming planes.

Sometimes you have to bite the bullet and stand with your friends. We have been supporting Turkey since World War I even when Pakistan was under British colonial rule. There is lot of difference between Pakistanis and the sectarian minded Iranians and Iraqis.
Why are the persian but hurted, we downed a russian fighter? Look the comments, no fukin logic i mean. The message is clear to russia. Don't use are airspace for your interest, our airspace is not who you can jump in fuk like syrian airspace ore persian.
Why are the persian but hurted, we downed a russian fighter? Look the comments, no fukin logic i mean. The message is clear to russia. Don't use are airspace for your interest, our airspace is not who you can jump in fuk like syrian airspace ore persian.
Turkish power is hard to stomach for Iran.

Lowers morale of their forces to see Turkey dare to take on Russia
What is wrong with the people. Turkey is a strong nation and have adequate military power to defend itself. The situation is still not fully clear. Russia is a strong country and have a strong military but a jet down is not something to have war for.
Nevertheless, Pakistan and its people (most of them)are supporting you fully.
Everybody chill out.
Hindus have some genetic technical faults in their brain- they some how manage to bring out their hatred for Islam on any occasion -
Now say ram ram hari karishna whatever muslims gona eat you and your cow alive anyhow-

Are you nuts ? Avoid religious hatred !

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